Showing posts with label reputed animal hospital North Dallas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reputed animal hospital North Dallas. Show all posts

Thursday 19 December 2019

Your Pet Mouse’s Diet

Your mouse has a high metabolism so he will need to eat frequently. However, he is a tiny animal so the size of his portions must be equally tiny. Give your mouse only about a tablespoon of high-quality mouse pellets or seeds daily. Give him small quantities of fresh greens and hard vegetables for added nutrition and to keep his teeth trim. Your mouse will get diarrhea if he eats too many fresh vegetables. Control portion sizes so your mouse doesn’t get fat. Ensure that your mouse gets plenty of daily exercise running around outside the cage. Protect your mouse and always supervise him when he is outside the cage. He is somewhat nocturnal but he will have awake times during the day. Feed your mouse his big meal during an evening awake period to help him sleep more at night and let you sleep then too. Contact your professional veterinary clinic North Dallas, TX to learn more.