Showing posts with label TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TX. Show all posts

Saturday 14 December 2019

Keeping shed fur from taking over your home

Having a furry friend in your life can be a wonderful thing, but it can also mean that there is evidence of your companion left around your living space. How can you keep shed fur from taking over your home?

Your pet is going to shed, as this is a natural part of life with fur. However, this doesn’t mean that it can’t be in a more controlled fashion. In fact, your efforts will be rewarded if you take the time to brush your pet regularly. This will put shed fur onto her brush instead of waiting for it to come off on your furniture and flooring. It’s also important to feed your pet a diet that will help foster a healthy coat, as this will help prevent unnecessary shedding. For more information, please contact your local pet clinic Frisco, TX. Click on this website for more information.

Monday 4 November 2019

Tips To Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Symptoms In Pets

Many pets suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during winter when days are shorter and they are exposed to less amounts of natural sunlight. Less exposure to natural sunlight will mean an increase in the production of melatonin by the body and less of serotonin. Melatonin leads to decreased activity and increased sleepiness. Thus, during this time, pet cats and dogs tend to spend more time sleeping and just lazing around. The good news is t here are simple things you can do to lift your pet’s spirits and erase the blues away.

  • Increase your pet’s exposure to natural sunlight by making sure that drapes, blinds, and shades are open during daytime.

  • Move your pet’s toys, bed, or furniture near a window so he will be exposed to natural light for as long as possible.

  •  If the weather permits, take your dog on outdoor excursions during the day.

  • Adjust your daily routine to maximize daylight use and enjoyment for you and your pet.

  • Change your light bulbs to full spectrum bulbs because they are designed to mimic sunlight.

  • Provide lots of opportunities for physical and mental enrichment as well as increased interaction with your pet.

You should consult with your vet White Rock, TX if you notice sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior. Visit this website for more information.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Benefits Of Feline Massage

Did you know that a regular feline massage can do wonders for your pet’s health and well-being? Massage has also been used as alternative natural therapy for certain health issues, as well as keeping your cat relaxed and stress-free. If you skeptical about the benefits of cat massage, read on.

  •  Massage offers both physical and mental relaxation. Physical touch can help alleviate anxiety, aggressive tendencies, and stress in cats.

  • Massage helps improve the blood circulation by stimulating the muscles and tissues. When there is improved circulation, there is faster healing. It also allows more oxygen into the tissues.

  • Massage can help improve range of motion as well as lower the heart rate. It also provides relief to muscle spasm and help eliminate metabolic wastes, such as lactic acid.

If you have questions and/or concerns about your pet’s well-being, don’t hesitate to talk to your reputed San Antonio, TX veterinarian.

Monday 16 September 2019


Are you familiar with the poodle breed? When the poodle canine comes to mind do you think of small dog, tea cup size dogs, large dogs or somewhere in between? None of these are wrong. The poodle actually comes in a variety of sizes. The original poodle came from Europe and was first bred as a hunting dog. The name comes from the German phrase for puddles of water because breeders bred poodles and water retrievers to get their hunting dogs. The poodle was raised to be a working dog unlike today’s poodles which are often seen as fancy dogs that may not like to get their paws dirty. Today the poodle comes in different sizes as well including the toy poodle, miniature poodle, and standard size poodle. They love to run, play and may have a little ‘hunting’ gene in them. For more information on this breed, call your veterinary clinic Sugar Land, Tx or click here.