Showing posts with label animal hospital jacksonville fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital jacksonville fl. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Probiotics For Dogs And Cats


Probiotics are made up of microorganisms that provide beneficial effects to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of pets and even humans. A good percentage of these microorganisms are lactic acid bacteria. They help maintain a healthy balance of the microbial environment in the GIT while supporting digestion function. Probiotics are now commonly used as dietary supplements for pets. With a healthy beneficial microbial population in the gut, harmful microorganisms are out-numbered and are prevented from initiating a problem. Supplementation should be done regularly because microbial components can quickly diminish when it’s stopped. There is a need to constantly maintain the status quo within the GIT to help promote optimum health and function of the animal. There are instances, however, when there is an imbalance in the microbial population in the GUT which can pave the way for medical issues to set in. Antibiotic treatment, stress, dietary changes, etc. are just some of the factors that can upset the balance. Giving your pet probiotic supplements can help re-establish the beneficial bacterial population and restore the balance in the gut. 

If you have questions or concerns about the use of probiotics on pets, consult your veterinarian Jacksonville, FL. Visit website to learn more.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Vaccines for Cats

Did you know that cats need to have vaccines throughout the course of their lifetime whether they are indoor cats or outdoor cats? Some of the vaccines may vary based on age or the region where the cat lives, however, there are basic vaccines that need to be given to cats. Those vaccines are referred to as core vaccines. Your vet can tell you what those are and how those vaccines can help protect your cat. The common core vaccines are vaccines protect against feline distemper, feline calici virus, feline herpes virus type I, and rabies. Cats that may go to the groomers or cats that are boarded may need to have a Bordetella vaccination. Cats living in areas where ticks and Lyme disease are prevalent may also need a Lyme vaccine. Learn more here or call your vet Jacksonville, FL to get a list of vaccines for your cat.

Monday 20 July 2020

What to Do If Your Cat is Digging Up the Yard

Does your cat like to dig up your yard? Is she especially zoning in on your garden? Cats often like to digas a way to play, release energy, and relieve boredom. Cats also dig to go to the bathroom and then cover the area with dirt. If your cat is choosing your garden or somewhere in the middle of the yard to dig for fun or for the bathroom then you may need to talk to your vet about ways to stop this. You’ll want to make your yard as unappealing as possible for your cat. For instance, try adding motion detector sprinkles that will go off when your cat comes around. Try using a cat repellent spray to discourage her digging. Some owners have sprayed the yard with a citrus scent or even spread orange and lemon peels around to discourage their cat from digging. Consult with your skilled animal hospital Jacksonville FL to learn more.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Dogs and Sunglasses

Dogs may need sunglasses from time to time because of the bright light of the sun and surrounding environment. Your vet may even recommend sunglasses for your dog or protective goggles in order to protect your dog’s eyes from the sun. Some dogs need sunglasses or goggles when riding in cars. When they stick their head out of the car window, the goggles can protect their eyes from debris flying at them at high speed. Dogs that spend the majority of their time outdoors may need sunglasses because their eyes have trouble adjusting to the sunlight when going outdoors. Dogs that go on long walks or hikes around snow in the winter or water in the warmer months may also need sunglasses to reduce the glare of the sun that bounces off the snow or water surface. For more information, call your vet Jacksonville FL.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Protecting Your Pet Cat Or Dog From Skin Cancer

animal hospital jacksonville, fl

The risk factors for skin cancer in cats or dogs include exposure to the UV rays of the sun and breed predisposition. Thin-haired pets and light-colored breeds are also more prone to developing skin cancer because their skin is more exposed to the sun. Basset hounds, bloodhounds, and certain other breeds are genetically predisposed to developing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

Preventing excessive exposure to the suns UV rays is one way to protect your pet from skin cancer. You can also let your pet wear shirts or any type of protective clothing if they have very thin hair coats, just make sure that they are comfortable wearing it. You can also apply sunscreen to certain areas of the animals body such as the nose and including the bridge of the nose. Make sure that you are using sunscreen that is safe for use in pets. You should consult your veterinarian for any recommendations. Sunscreen that contains zinc oxide and/or para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) should NOT be used in pets because these chemicals are toxic to them.

If your pet cat or dog belongs to the breeds that are more prone to developing skin cancer, you must be vigilant in detecting early signs of cancer. Early detection, diagnosis, and treatment can help improve the prognosis. Any bump or lump on your pets body that wasnt there before should be brought to the attention of an animal hospital Jacksonville, FL.

Monday 16 July 2018

How Long Should A Puppy Stays In His Crate During Housetraining?

Crate-training feeds a dog’s denning instinct. A dog should view his crate as a place of comfort, security, and privacy. And how can this be achieved? Of course, with proper training and lots of positive reinforcement. Crate training should be a positive experience for dogs.
During housetraining, the time spent by a puppy inside his crate will teach him to hold it in until he is brought to the potty spot outside in the yard. Puppies that are younger than 3 months old can stay inside the crate for 2 hours, gradually increasing the time when the expected behavior is displayed. if he starts whining, you can give your puppy some chew toys to distract him. When you take him outdoors to the potty spot, be quick to offer positive reinforcement when he does his thing in the potty spot. Letting your puppy spend some time outside his crate to play is also an opportunity for physical and mental stimulation. But if the trip to the potty spot was not successful, return the puppy inside the crate and try again in 10 minutes until he does his thing.  
Know more about your pet’s needs by visiting your vet clinic Jacksonville, FL.

Tips To Keep Your Cat Off Furniture and Counter Tops

Cats instinctively seek elevated places to rest and be able to keep an eye on what’s going on in their surroundings. Thus, one way to provide opportunities for your furball to engage in natural behaviors is to provide vertical spaces where he can climb, rest, survey, and be safe. This is also a good way to keep cats off furniture, kitchen counters, and other places where they are not allowed.
If your kitty loves to venture into places that are prohibited around the home, here are simple ways to discourage him:
l  Don’t make these places attractive to your kitty by removing any food.
l  Provide various places where your cat can climb and spend time in. A cat tree, a window perch, a kitty condo, a space on the bookshelf, or desk are better alternatives.  At first, you may have to leave some of your pet’s favorite treats in these spots to entice your pet and make these positive places to stay in.
Know more about your cat's needs by visiting your veterinarian Jacksonville, FL.