Showing posts with label vet clinic jacksonville fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic jacksonville fl. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Senior Cats Need More Care And Attention

Your senior cat will inevitably reach his twilight years and with this comes potential challenges throughout its life. During this important period, you must be ready and willing to provide the right attention and care to your beloved furry feline friend. Also, constant visits to your preferred vet for regular or annual checkups must be met during this period in time. Knowing and observing your beloved cat's behavior will also allow you to act and make a robust decision to go bring him to the vet or the nearest animal clinic whenever there is a need to do so. At this stage, whatever grooming you do to your senior cat should be a lot more than just the simple brushing of the hair. You should also look for injuries, bumps, scrapes, or lumps regularly. Do not ever forget to check his gums as well as teeth.

Your senior pet will benefit from more visits to your local animal hospital Jacksonville FL.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Some Reasons Why Dogs Lick Carpets

Does your canine buddy have the odd habit of licking the carpet? Dogs don’t just engage in behaviors out of the blue. An underlying cause is almost always at play. Carpet licking in dogs can be traced back to a variety of causes, but pinpointing the underlying causes is easier said than done. First, you have to rule out the possibility that your pet’s behavior is caused by an underlying health issue. A visit to your vet can help establish whether it’s an illness-related issue or not. If the vet gives your pet a clean bill of health, the next possibility to consider is a behavioral issue. It’s a good idea to record the dog’s behavior so your vet can see more details. Some causes that experts have identified to explain the behavior include nausea and/or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD),  a mouth or throat problem, an abnormal increase in food consumption (polyphagia), neurological problem, anxiety, compulsive disorder, canine cognitive dysfunction, pica, or attention-seeking behavior. 

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, call your vet Jacksonville FL.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Reasons Dogs Stink


Bad breath is also a problem in dogs just as much as it is for humans which are a red flag for impending dental problems. If a home dental care is not established, without daily tooth brushing, plaque and tartar can form and harden on the dog’s teeth. The build-up of plaque and tartar promotes the growth of bacteria that produce unpleasant odors, therefore causing bad breath. Dogs would benefit from getting used to a dental routine very early on. The buildup of unwanted substances such as toxins because of a kidney dysfunction could also be the reason behind your dog’s foul-smelling breath. Dogs harboring fungal or bacterial infections in their ears can also produce an offensive odor. Typical symptoms of ear infection that accompany the foul odor include redness and ear discharge.  Fur or hair around the dog’s eyes can sweep bacteria directly into the eye causing an infection that could make the dog experience eye discharge or make it tear up excessively.  

If you’re worried about what’s causing your dog’s foul odor, have a trip to the animal hospital Jacksonville FL to get them checked.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Feline playtime needs


You have a cat in your life and she needs you to be there for her when you have lots of fun things to do as well as when you need to take care of some of her other care requirements. This makes you wonder – how can you make the most of your time with her during playtime?

Your pet needs you to be there with her when it comes time to play so she can enjoy your company. This will help her socialize, learn new skills, and broaden her interests a bit. She will also need you to encourage her to form healthy habits, like getting some exercise as this time. Be sure to give her some toys to utilize as well as plenty of space to move about within. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local vet clinic Jacksonville FL.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Abnormal Poop in Cats

A cat’s poop can tell you a lot about your cat’s health. For instance, normal cat poop is generally a brown or dark brown color and well formed. Your cat may be having trouble or facing an illness is the poop is hard, abnormal in color or if your cat has diarrhea. You should call your vet to schedule a checkup. Diarrhea is not uncommon and may last 24 to 48 hours. If the diarrhea is black, bloody or accompanied by lethargy, fever, vomiting, or loss of appetite call your vet right away. Diarrhea is not always uncommon, but it could indicate an underlying illness from things like food allergies, inflamed bowels, colitis or something else. Just the same, constipation is not uncommon, but it could in some cases be a sign of illness and long term constipation (i.e. longer than a day or two) should be reported. Consult with your veterinarian Jacksonville FL to learn more.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Creating Safe Zones for your Dog

Did you know that creating a safe zone for your dog can help your dog have a sense of ownership in the house while also giving him a safe place to play? Safe zones are great when you need to be in another part of your home, but you don’t want to leave the dog unsupervised or in a crate. You may also need to run quick errands outside of the house and need a safe place for your dog to stay.  To make a safe zone in your home, simply block off a room such as a bathroom, kitchen or laundry area. Do a check of the area and make sure there are no power cords on the floor. Place safety plugs into the electric sockets. Give your dog toys, food, water and a bed. Your trusted veterinarians Jacksonville, FL may recommend securing the doorway with a baby gate instead of shutting the door completely.

Monday 16 July 2018

How Long Should A Puppy Stays In His Crate During Housetraining?

Crate-training feeds a dog’s denning instinct. A dog should view his crate as a place of comfort, security, and privacy. And how can this be achieved? Of course, with proper training and lots of positive reinforcement. Crate training should be a positive experience for dogs.
During housetraining, the time spent by a puppy inside his crate will teach him to hold it in until he is brought to the potty spot outside in the yard. Puppies that are younger than 3 months old can stay inside the crate for 2 hours, gradually increasing the time when the expected behavior is displayed. if he starts whining, you can give your puppy some chew toys to distract him. When you take him outdoors to the potty spot, be quick to offer positive reinforcement when he does his thing in the potty spot. Letting your puppy spend some time outside his crate to play is also an opportunity for physical and mental stimulation. But if the trip to the potty spot was not successful, return the puppy inside the crate and try again in 10 minutes until he does his thing.  
Know more about your pet’s needs by visiting your vet clinic Jacksonville, FL.