Showing posts with label veterinarian Jacksonville FL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Jacksonville FL. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Sensitive Stomachs In Dogs

Dogs can have a digestive system that is sensitive just like humans do. A dog with a sensitive digestive system can have an irritated or upset stomach from time to time. You need to be careful and mindful when you have a dog like this because they can suffer heavily (from let's say, a digestive upset or something much worse) even with a minor change in their diet. The question is: how would you know if your beloved pet is one of those with a sensitive digestive system? You need to pay serious attention so you can detect digestive problems quite easily. For instance, there are several common symptoms of a mild digestive upset such as recurring but intermittent diarrhea, redundant flatulence or gassiness, as well as infrequent vomiting. Your dog will show these symptoms as soon as a suspected treat or food is given to him. So you need to watch carefully.

Any sign of illness should be brought to the attention of your professional vet Jacksonville, FL

Thursday 15 October 2020

Reasons Dogs Stink


Bad breath is also a problem in dogs just as much as it is for humans which are a red flag for impending dental problems. If a home dental care is not established, without daily tooth brushing, plaque and tartar can form and harden on the dog’s teeth. The build-up of plaque and tartar promotes the growth of bacteria that produce unpleasant odors, therefore causing bad breath. Dogs would benefit from getting used to a dental routine very early on. The buildup of unwanted substances such as toxins because of a kidney dysfunction could also be the reason behind your dog’s foul-smelling breath. Dogs harboring fungal or bacterial infections in their ears can also produce an offensive odor. Typical symptoms of ear infection that accompany the foul odor include redness and ear discharge.  Fur or hair around the dog’s eyes can sweep bacteria directly into the eye causing an infection that could make the dog experience eye discharge or make it tear up excessively.  

If you’re worried about what’s causing your dog’s foul odor, have a trip to the animal hospital Jacksonville FL to get them checked.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

When Is A Child Old Enough for A Pet?

Wondering if your child is old enough for a dog or cat? You can always talk to your local vet and find out what it recommended when it comes to a child’s age and a pet. One of the things to consider is how responsible your child is. A six year old may be extremely responsible and ready for a dog or cat while a seven year old may not be. It depends on your child’s personality more than your child’s age. If your child is already helping with chores around the house and is a good helper then he may be old enough to handle a pet. You should also ask yourself how much responsibility your child will need to have when it comes to the dog or cat. If it’s not a lot then the young may be young in age. If a lot is required then you may need to wait until a child is older. Your veterinarian Jacksonville, FL can help you decide or ask your Lakewood Animal Clinic  for further information.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Abnormal Poop in Cats

A cat’s poop can tell you a lot about your cat’s health. For instance, normal cat poop is generally a brown or dark brown color and well formed. Your cat may be having trouble or facing an illness is the poop is hard, abnormal in color or if your cat has diarrhea. You should call your vet to schedule a checkup. Diarrhea is not uncommon and may last 24 to 48 hours. If the diarrhea is black, bloody or accompanied by lethargy, fever, vomiting, or loss of appetite call your vet right away. Diarrhea is not always uncommon, but it could indicate an underlying illness from things like food allergies, inflamed bowels, colitis or something else. Just the same, constipation is not uncommon, but it could in some cases be a sign of illness and long term constipation (i.e. longer than a day or two) should be reported. Consult with your veterinarian Jacksonville FL to learn more.