Showing posts with label pet clinic Louisville KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Louisville KY. Show all posts

Friday 10 September 2021

Keeping Your Dog's Paws Well-Moisturized


One of the accessories you can get for your dog is the dog paw balm. This is a moisturizer that keeps the paw hydrated. The good news is that the balm is safe for dogs.

Using a moisturizer on your dog is useful especially when it is snowing or when the sun is at its hottest. You want to protect the dog’s paw from these extreme temperatures.

Experts do not advise using a lotion to moisturize the dog’s paws. After all, the lotion is not formulated for dogs. Lotions also contain toxic materials not suited for dogs.

You can put some moisturizer on the dog’s paws as soon as you see any signs of cracks or when the skin is beginning to get dry. It would also help to discuss with the vet before you use the balm on your pet.

Another way to protect your dog’s paw from extreme temperature is by giving your dog some booties or shoes.

If you have concerns about your pet health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, KY.

Monday 26 April 2021

Tomato Leaves – Toxic for Hamsters Like the Chinese Hamster

Did you know that Chinese hamsters are particularly small creatures with small stomachs and digestive systems? There are certain foods that are recommended for hamsters and certain foods that hamsters should avoid. Talk with your vet about an appropriate diet for your hamster. In general, follow your vet’s guidelines and don’t add anything outside of the list. If you have a question about a food not recommended by your vet, give him a call and ask. For instance, hamsters can eat some fruits and vegetables, but not all. Some vegetables are harmless; however, some vegetables have parts that are harmless and parts that are toxic. For instance, your Chinese hamster may love tomatoes, but you must be careful not to allow him to get hold of the stems or leafy green parts of the plant. A fruit may be OK to feed your hamster, but you should always ask your animal hospital Louisville KY first.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Reasons Why You Should Have Several Vertical Perches For Your Kitty

 Cats Need More Than One Type of Scratching Surface |

By nature, cats like to stay in higher places. When you create an environment for your cat, make sure to include her own vertical space. These reasons will help you create your cat’s space:

       A dedicated vertical space for the cat prevents accidents in the home. Since she knows where to go, she doesn’t have to knock down your stuff to get to the top of the shelf

       You will maintain your cat’s natural prey instinct. When she sits on her vertical perch, she gets a good view of her environment to look for a prey

       Even if your cat seems happy and contented, she is still a predator and will look for prey from time to time

       A vertical perch will encourage your cat to stay indoors

       You will encourage the cat's natural feline behavior of scratching and jumping


Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Check out their website to know more about their services.

Paw Pads Of Dogs Are Prone To Injury

  Paw Pad Issues and Injuries in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis,  Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost

An injury to a dog’s paw pads could be inflicted by puncture wounds, blisters, burns, and lacerations.  Having awareness of the surface type your pet walks on when you have your outdoor trips is essential to the prevention of injuries to your pet’s paw pads.  Surfaces made of concrete are rough and store heat during hot weather.  Rougher surfaces like gravel, sand, and rock could also cause paw pad injury.  Dogs that injure their paw pads will limp and could often lick at that injured foot.  If the abrasion is mild, rinse the affected food under cool running water to make sure any dirt and debris are removed.  Then apply an antibacterial solution or ointment on the abrasion. You have the option of wrapping your pet’s paw with a vet wrap or ace bandage but keep that bandage or wrap dry and clean.  Changing the bandage daily may also be needed until such time that your pet’s food pad heals.  If the injury is worse than a wound that is superficial, then there may be a need to proceed to the nearest vet clinic Louisville KY.

Friday 18 December 2020

Anal Skin Rash Increases in Obese Cats and Dogs


Is your pet getting a lot more overweight? This is worrisome because they will be at risk of a lot more skin problems as their weight issue worsens. Your pet will have a lot of trouble reaching formerly-reachable areas of its body because the excess weight is preventing them from reaching these areas, such as its back and tail. If this problem goes on for long, they will be prone to skin rash on their backside because it has been neglected and kept untidy for a long time. If left untreated, this skin rash can, later on, become a lot worse and turn into open sores. These open sores will invite a lot of bacteria to have a yummy feast. At this stage, it would be a lot harder to treat, aside from the fact that the location (the backside) is another reason for the difficulty of the treatment. Long-haired pets will also have their problems.

Skin and hair coat problems should require a visit to your veterinary clinic Louisville KY.