Showing posts with label pet clinic frisco tx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic frisco tx. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Can Cats Suffer From Separation Anxiety?


Cats can suffer from separation anxiety, which is a type of anxiety that occurs when a cat is left alone or separated from their caregiver. Separation anxiety can cause various behavioral and physical symptoms, including excessive meowing or vocalization, inappropriate elimination, destruction of property, and changes in appetite or sleeping patterns.

Separation anxiety in cats can be caused by various factors, including a lack of socialization as a kitten, a history of abandonment or neglect, and changes in the cat's environment or routine.

If you suspect that your cat is suffering from separation anxiety, it is essential to consult with your veterinarian. They can diagnose the cause of the anxiety and recommend appropriate treatment, including behavior modification techniques, medications, or a combination of both.

By addressing separation anxiety early on, you can help your cat live a happy and healthy life.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal hospital Plano, TX. Click here to know more.

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Keeping Your Feline Friend As Healthy As She Can Be


As a pet parent, giving the best of everything your cat needs is an achievement. You always want to ensure that she gets proper nutrition and lives a healthy life. Her safety and well-being are always on top of your priorities.

One of the easiest ways to keep your cat happy and healthy is to spend time with her. Giving her a proper meal plan, medical support, diet, and exercise can help boost her immunity. In addition to that, proper hygiene and grooming, exercise, and regular outdoor walks are beneficial for her too.

Most importantly, regular visits to the vet will also help you to keep track of her well-being, proper grooming, and overall health. Your vet can also prescribe you vitamins and treats that can support your cat’s daily needs. You must reach out to your vet Frisco, TX for anything that concerns your cat’s health and safety.

Coton de Tulear


Cotons are small, long-haired dogs with cottony coats. They were supposed to be companion dogs from the start. As adorable as they are, Cotons cock their head and answer back when you speak to them. Cotons got their name from their cottony coat and heritage in Tulear, Madagascar (now called Toliara). Despite their relationship with Maltese and Bichon Frise, Cotons are distinguished with their unique traits.

Coton enthusiasts love this breed for its sociability, intelligence, and coat that's easy to take care of. With their observant nature, Cotons can learn any routine quickly and adapt to their owner's needs. These dogs are likely to simply sleep when you're busy, leaving an eye open to follow you when you go. These dogs are also famous travel buddies—they used to be seafarers, accompanying traveling ladies on a long journey on the sea.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Frisco, TX for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Healthy Coat for Dogs: Provide Consistent Parasite Prevention


Parasites like fleas and ticks can invade your dog's skin causing irritation and discomfort. In response to this, your dog can start scratching, licking, or chewing the affected skin. Parasitic invasion followed by scratching (by the dog itself) will break the protective skin barrier leading to secondary infections. 

External parasites can cause serious illness therefore it is the best approach to keep your pet safe and protected even when you can't find any ectoparasite on their skin.

Internal parasites are equally dangerous for the health of your pet dog. For example, hookworms and roundworms get their nutrients by leaching into the gut of the dog (host). Therefore a dog with worm infestations will get weaker by losing essential nutrients. It is important to deworm your pet regularly and also test your dog's stool for worms annually. 

Work with your veterinarian Frisco TX in creating a health preventive program that includes your pet's year-round protection against internal and external parasites. 

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Permethrin Is Toxic To Cats


Permethrin is a chemical found in various solutions designed to kill pests. It can be a spray to drive away bugs from your home or a product for ferreting out the unwanted inhabitants of your garden. It can also be one of the ingredients of a shampoo used for lice removal.

Once an insect is exposed to this neurotoxin, the chemical attacks the bug's nervous system, which leads to death. Some manufacturers also use it for their tick removal products which are popular among dog owners.

There's a common misconception among pet owners, especially those who have cats and dogs, regarding shampoos that contain permethrin. It's the idea that they can use on their cats the same chemicals that they use on their dogs. But the truth is, you'd have to be crazy to even consider it.

Permethrin is harmful to cats, especially in large quantities. There are things -- food that your cat and dog can share, but not this one. We all want to economize and get the best possible value for our money. But there should be a limit to the compromises we make. 

Any signs of toxicity exhibited by your pet must warrant a visit to your animal hospital Frisco TX immediately.

Sunday 27 March 2022

Training And Exercise Needs Of Pomeranians


Training And Exercise

Pomeranian dogs are intelligent. They love learning and performing tricks. However, you may find it hard to housebreak them, so you should be patient and consistent. Here are other tips:

●Jumping on and off sofas isn't good for Poms since they get injured easily.

●They enjoy activities such as rally, agility, and obedience.

●They're great therapy dogs.

●Although Poms are usually lap or family dogs, they still need to run, play, and exercise.

Pomeranians need small servings of food, which vary depending on the food brand. It's best to use meal-feeding, where you feed your dog a certain amount after every specific time. Usually, owners use a twice-a-day interval. Consider factors like age, lifestyle, weight, and health condition when choosing dog foods.

Some Pomeranians are picky eaters, and their activity makes weight management easier. Monitor your dog's calorie intake because a one-pound weight gain causes a significant difference.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal hospital Frisco TX.

Monday 7 February 2022

Boating With Your Dog: Safety Is A Priority

It does not matter what kind of boat you have, just find an area where your pet dog can feel comfortable and let him know that the spot is his.  If that spot is on the boat’s deck, place a towel-covered non-slip mat.  Offering your pet treats will help in making him understand that the spot is his.  The practice of “station behavior,” that is, your pet having a go-to spot on land can also work on your boat.

Safety must be your primary concern when out boating together with your pet dog.  If you have a small dog, he might be vulnerable to being thrown overboard when in choppy waters and you are moving fast.

Your pet dog might like swimming, but make your pet wear his life jacket right after boarding.  If you can slip two fingers under the strap, the life jacket fits fine.  Should your pet fall overboard, jump suddenly out into the water, or have an accident happen, you do not want your pet to be without his life jacket.

You will also want to bring along floating leashes, particularly if your pet’s recall or stay commands are not too good.  These types of leashes are not likely to tangle or get caught onto something beneath the water or in boat propellers.  These are also easier for you to grab a hold of if needed.

In addition, remember to keep hydrating your pet with fresh drinking water.  If your dog’s ear tips are naked or his nose is pink, remember to put on dog-friendly sunscreen on him. Ask your veterinarian Frisco TX for a suitable sunscreen product for your pet.

Saturday 8 January 2022

How To Minimize Cat Dander In Your Home

Contrary to common belief, a specific protein found in feline dander causes allergies in cats rather than cat fur. Dander forms from the saliva left behind every time cats lick themselves. Because cat dander is so light, it can readily become airborne and set down on surfaces where cats rub. 

Some people are also allergic to cat dander. Below are a few suggestions for removing cat dander from your home.

It is best to groom your pet regularly. Bath your pet once every week and use hypoallergenic deodorizing pet wipes between washes. You may wash your pet at home or take it to a professional groomer. 

Some cats are willing to have their hair vacuumed. Doing this can eliminate loose hair and dander, preventing them from getting into the air. 
Bring your cat to the veterinarian for a regular checkup to ensure your pet is always in excellent health condition.

Excessive hair loss or other skin and hair coat issues should be brought to the attention of your pet clinic Frisco TX.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Sharing Your Home With Your Pet Burmese Cat


If you will be welcoming a Burmese breed cat into your life and home, it will be useful to know what you are going to expect.  Personality-wise, note that Burmese cats are talented climbers.  They also like jumping from one area to another.  If you are going to keep one, it will be advantageous to install cat trees, perches, and playhouses for their use.

As was mentioned, the Burmese breed is a stocky cat breed, so monitor your pet’s diet well.  If you offer your pet the food that is recommended by your veterinarian, you should be able to maintain your cat’s healthy weight levels.  Even with that, still make it a point to have your pet exercise regularly.  Try to walk your pet so she can remain active and pit.  So long as a play environment is provided for your cat and also have playtime with her, she will enjoy it.

The Burmese cat will like being rubbed, petted, and cuddled.  Make an effort to spend time with your pet if you plan on getting a Burmese breed.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your vet Frisco TX.

Saturday 2 May 2020

Learn About Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Your beloved cat may feel miserable or restless if it has a health problem like hyperthyroidism, which affects humans too. Hyperthyroidism (also called thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroid disease) is a common health problem that usually affects middle-aged or older cats. This disease is due to an abnormal boost in the production of thyroid hormones and causes an enlarged thyroid gland (which is, about 90 to 95% of the time, not cancerous). If left untreated, hyperthyroidism can worsen and put your cat's life in danger or cut it down by a large percentage.
Observe your cat and be sure to look out for symptoms such as a significant rise in or frequency of urination, excessive thirst, an unusual rise in body temperature, unusually untidy appearance, and hyperactivity. Do note that such symptoms are also present in other cat diseases, so you need to consult your veterinary clinic Frisco TX immediately for a more accurate diagnosis or possible operation (if necessary).

Friday 1 May 2020

Train your Dog to Sit

Dog training can be one of the most satisfying bonding sessions between you and your pet. While it may seem challenging at first, training your dog to sit on command is quite straightforward. First, get down to your dog’s level and hold up a treat in front of his nose. Don’t allow him to eat the treat, instead, from his nose, hover it over his head. As he follows the treat wait until his rear end touches the ground to assume a sitting position. Give the SIT command and say your pet’s name. Then you may give him the treat. Don’t forget to praise him so it reinforces the habit. As you progress try to delay the giving the food to him longer and longer until such time that he no longer requires the treat to follow your command. To further understand your dog’s behavior, you may consult with your local veterinarians Frisco TX.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Australian Shepherds

Considering an Australian Shepherd as your next canine companion? Here’s some information about this cute and perky pup. The Australian Shepherd is a highly energetic dog. They were originally bred to herd livestock including sheep and cattle. Your vet as well as family and friends who know you inside and out can help you determine if a puppy is right for you at this time in your life. The Australian Shepherd is a great companion dog and tends to do well with families whether they have children or not. The Australian Shepherd did not originate in Australia but instead the Western U.S. in the 1840s. The breed has tons of energy and needs a job during the day to keep him from getting into trouble. Aussie’s love to play games including fetch. They also like to go on long walks or hikes. Agility and ultimate Frisbee are other favorites. Call your vets clinic Frisco, TX and schedule an appointment today.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Feline grooming habits

You have noticed that your cat spends a lot of time grooming herself. Why does she do this?

Your cat’s grooming habits are designed to help her stay comfortable and healthy. This often means taking the time to figure out what needs to be done, and then making sure to tend to any areas that require some attention. Your little fur ball tends to lick herself in order to remove any foreign particles she has picked up and to straighten out her fur. This will help prevent matting, untangle knots, and help to keep her clean. It will also allow your little fur ball the opportunity to get a close look at her body to determine if there are places that will need a bit of additional care from time to time. Visit this site to learn more about your local vets Frisco, TX clinic and caring for a pet. Or for more information visit the website