Showing posts with label vet frisco tx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet frisco tx. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Can Cats Suffer From Separation Anxiety?


Cats can suffer from separation anxiety, which is a type of anxiety that occurs when a cat is left alone or separated from their caregiver. Separation anxiety can cause various behavioral and physical symptoms, including excessive meowing or vocalization, inappropriate elimination, destruction of property, and changes in appetite or sleeping patterns.

Separation anxiety in cats can be caused by various factors, including a lack of socialization as a kitten, a history of abandonment or neglect, and changes in the cat's environment or routine.

If you suspect that your cat is suffering from separation anxiety, it is essential to consult with your veterinarian. They can diagnose the cause of the anxiety and recommend appropriate treatment, including behavior modification techniques, medications, or a combination of both.

By addressing separation anxiety early on, you can help your cat live a happy and healthy life.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal hospital Plano, TX. Click here to know more.

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Using High-Value Dog Treats For Training


Using "normal" goods for simple commands and tricks for training would probably be the safest and cheapest way possible. Although for those who can, you can use the good-grade treats for the much heavier tasks as bait or reward as soon as they get the job done.

There are also multiple ways to use high-valued dog treats for certain types of training:

  • Dogs being picky with treats, is completely normal when it comes to dogs who aren't used to these types of moist and greasy treats.

  • Making our dogs focus and pay more attention to us. A lot of dogs are not likely to focus and pay attention unless there is something eye-catching for them to see.

  • Basically as a reward once a job gets done on time and perfectly.

  • Trying to encourage a 'timid' dog, and getting their confidence up.

Your pet clinic Frisco, TX is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Keeping Your Feline Friend As Healthy As She Can Be


As a pet parent, giving the best of everything your cat needs is an achievement. You always want to ensure that she gets proper nutrition and lives a healthy life. Her safety and well-being are always on top of your priorities.

One of the easiest ways to keep your cat happy and healthy is to spend time with her. Giving her a proper meal plan, medical support, diet, and exercise can help boost her immunity. In addition to that, proper hygiene and grooming, exercise, and regular outdoor walks are beneficial for her too.

Most importantly, regular visits to the vet will also help you to keep track of her well-being, proper grooming, and overall health. Your vet can also prescribe you vitamins and treats that can support your cat’s daily needs. You must reach out to your vet Frisco, TX for anything that concerns your cat’s health and safety.

Coton de Tulear


Cotons are small, long-haired dogs with cottony coats. They were supposed to be companion dogs from the start. As adorable as they are, Cotons cock their head and answer back when you speak to them. Cotons got their name from their cottony coat and heritage in Tulear, Madagascar (now called Toliara). Despite their relationship with Maltese and Bichon Frise, Cotons are distinguished with their unique traits.

Coton enthusiasts love this breed for its sociability, intelligence, and coat that's easy to take care of. With their observant nature, Cotons can learn any routine quickly and adapt to their owner's needs. These dogs are likely to simply sleep when you're busy, leaving an eye open to follow you when you go. These dogs are also famous travel buddies—they used to be seafarers, accompanying traveling ladies on a long journey on the sea.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Frisco, TX for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Feline Diabetes in Cats Like the Ragdoll

If you own a cat like the Ragdoll or even another breed then you may already be familiar with feline diabetes or sugar diabetes. Your vet can tell you that although diabetes is seen more in breeds such as the Ragdoll cat, it never hurts to study up on the disease and be on the lookout for symptoms in your own cat. Feline diabetes generally occurs when a cat’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in a cat’s pancreas and is in charge of regulating the flow of glucose from the bloodstream into the body’s cells. When there isn’t enough insulin the cat’s body starts breaking down fat and protein reserves as an alternative. Ideally, the energy source should come from glucose and not stored fat and proteins. As a result the cat may start to lose weight and develop high blood sugar. Learn more here from your veterinarian Frisco, TX.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Teaching your dog some tricks

Your dog is a fun friend to spend time with and you want to make sure you are able to enjoy your time with her to the fullest. This makes you wonder – how can you teach her some tricks?

Training your dog to do some tricks can be a great way to bond with her as it will allow you to spend days with her while you take the time to work toward a shared goal. You can show your pet new things and take the time to enhance your understanding of one another. Training methods may vary, so try to find a way to keep your pet motivated throughout the process by thinking back to training her to perform essential skills and evaluating her success. This may be a good time to try something new if your efforts were not well-received. For more information, please contact your local licensed vet Frisco TX.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Feline grooming habits

You have noticed that your cat spends a lot of time grooming herself. Why does she do this?

Your cat’s grooming habits are designed to help her stay comfortable and healthy. This often means taking the time to figure out what needs to be done, and then making sure to tend to any areas that require some attention. Your little fur ball tends to lick herself in order to remove any foreign particles she has picked up and to straighten out her fur. This will help prevent matting, untangle knots, and help to keep her clean. It will also allow your little fur ball the opportunity to get a close look at her body to determine if there are places that will need a bit of additional care from time to time. Visit this site to learn more about your local vets Frisco, TX clinic and caring for a pet. Or for more information visit the website

Bringing home a new pet

You have decided to bring an animal into your life and you are very excited to meet your new pet. How can you get ready for her arrival?

Once you know what type of pet you are bringing home, you can begin the process of readying your living space for her. This will mean taking the time to figure out where your pet will be spending her time and determining what changes need to happen so she can be safe. It will also mean purchasing pet supply items and learning more about how you can properly address your pet’s needs. Think about what you can do for your new addition to help her feel safe, secure, and like a part of the family. Make sure you are able to offer her lots of attention, particularly when she first comes into your home and will need additional guidance. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Frisco, TX.