Showing posts with label vet Fayetteville NC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Fayetteville NC. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Is Your Degus Exhibiting Peculiar Behaviors?


Many pet owners tend to panic when they see one of their degus "nibbling" on other degus' nails, on top of chasing them. But these are normal behaviors among degus that live together and are cared for by the same pet owner. Play-fights are ordinary among groups of domesticated degus.

That said, understand that it is still a degu's way of asserting its dominance over the group. And that there are occasions when the one doing the nipping and the chasing can go overboard. Maintain a close watch on your pets and prepare a second enclosure should you need to separate them.

If your dominant degu ends up injuring one of the others following an intense fight, break it up and take the submissive degu for a quick inspection. Get your first aid kit and try to stop the bleeding, if any. But don't wait too long to drive to your vet's office. The sooner you get there, the sooner a professional can attend to your pet.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal hospital Fayetteville, NC.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

How To Deal With A Rabbit’s Ear Discharge

veterinarian Fayetteville NC

Even if your rabbit produces more ear wax than usual, there are times when too much ear wax is an indication of an infection.

Another way to tell if your pet rabbit has an ear infection is when it persists in scratching its ears. Your rabbit will also appear uncomfortable and will tend to scratch and shake their heads to lessen the discomfort. If you check the ears, you might see that the ears are red and swollen. Finally, the ear discharge and strong odor also show infection.

When you bring your pet for an inspection, the vet might order laboratory tests to properly identify the cause of infection. Treatment would probably involve medication and antifungal treatment. The medication has antibiotic content, while the antifungal treatment has corticosteroids. There is also an anti-inflammatory component to help lessen the pain and swelling of the ears.

Your veterinarian Fayetteville, NC might also ask you to clean your pet’s ears regularly to remove any blockage. A debris-free ear will help the medicine to work well.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

What Is the Appropriate Cage For Your Pet Hedgehog?


pet hospital Fayetteville NC

The African Pygmy is the most popular hedgehog kept as pets. Before you get one as a pet, you must consider several factors and learn how to take care of them. One of the important factors to consider is the enclosure.

What is the appropriate cage for your pet hedgehog? Here are the basic guidelines to follow:

· Solid flooring. Hedgehog has sensitive feet and can get easily get injured thus wired flooring is not advisable.

· Spacious cage. They need space where they can run and play with each other contentedly.

· Suitable toys and furniture. You must provide toys and furniture for them to use to improve their mental and physical motivation.

· Place heating pads underneath their cage to keep them from getting cold and be comfortable during winter time or cold days.

· Put an adequate amount of soil inside their cage. Hedgehog loves to burrow, having soil inside the cage will encourage them to engage in this activity.

· Hide some food or treats inside their cage. Looking for treats can motivate them physically and mentally.

Bring your hedgehog to the pet hospital Fayetteville, NC regularly for checkups.

Saturday 2 January 2021

Guinea Pig Diseases: Pneumonia


vet Fayetteville, NC

Do you own a guinea pig? Make sure you talk to your vet about health concerns that could affect your guinea pig. Like with other pets, your vet can help you understand the health risks that can affect guinea pigs. According to experts, pneumonia is one of the main diseases to look out for in your guinea pig. Streptococci pneumonia are pathogenic bacteria that can cause agents for pneumonia. Guinea pigs that suffer from these bacteria may or may not show any signs of illness. The infection; however, is deadly and is highly infectious to other guinea pigs. If you notice your guinea pig suddenly stops eating, appears stressed, appears to have arthritis or pain in his joints, is sneezing, appears depressed, or even has an elevated body temperature then call your vet right away. Only your vet can diagnose the illness. Consult with your vet Fayetteville, NC for all medical decisions.

Friday 13 March 2020

How to Help Your Dog Overcome Anxiety

Dogs can experience fear and anxiety in a similar way to people. For instance, some dogs are afraid of crashing thunder and some are afraid of the random flashes of light we are known as lightning. If your dog is showing signs of anxiety or fear, please talk with your vet about ways to help keep your dog calm and to ease the dog’s fears. One way you may want to try is to distract your dog from what is causing the anxiety. If it’s thunder, then take him to a quiet room in the house where the thunder is the least heard and play with your dog or teach him a trick or anything that takes his mind off of the thunder. You could play an indoor game of fetch with a soft or plush ball. You can help your dog to become more relaxed and maybe by the next storm he won’t be so worked up. Talk to your animal hospital Fayetteville, NC for more tips.

Friday 1 June 2018

Keeping your cat’s litter box clean

Your cat needs a litter box in your home, and you want to make sure you provide this to her. How can you keep it clean so she will continually use it?

Your cat’s litter box needs to be in an area where it is easily accessible, as he will need you to check things over every day. This will mean cleaning out anything your pet has deposited into her litter box and cleaning up any messes that have been made. At times, it may require your attention more than once a day. This is especially true if your cat is very particular about where she eliminates. You will also need to take the time to clean it out completely from time to time. This will involve throwing away the used litter, cleaning the entire box, and adding back in new litter for your pet to use. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Fayetteville, NC.