Wednesday 14 April 2021

How To Deal With A Rabbit’s Ear Discharge

veterinarian Fayetteville NC

Even if your rabbit produces more ear wax than usual, there are times when too much ear wax is an indication of an infection.

Another way to tell if your pet rabbit has an ear infection is when it persists in scratching its ears. Your rabbit will also appear uncomfortable and will tend to scratch and shake their heads to lessen the discomfort. If you check the ears, you might see that the ears are red and swollen. Finally, the ear discharge and strong odor also show infection.

When you bring your pet for an inspection, the vet might order laboratory tests to properly identify the cause of infection. Treatment would probably involve medication and antifungal treatment. The medication has antibiotic content, while the antifungal treatment has corticosteroids. There is also an anti-inflammatory component to help lessen the pain and swelling of the ears.

Your veterinarian Fayetteville, NC might also ask you to clean your pet’s ears regularly to remove any blockage. A debris-free ear will help the medicine to work well.

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