Thursday 29 April 2021

Only Feed Your Dogs Plain Carrots


Yes, carrots are a healthy treat that you can feed your pet dogs, but they must still be offered in moderation.  Do not add any spices, sugar or salt, since they can be hazardous to your dog.  Cutting up carrots in small bite-sized slices can be good for digestion and also prevent choking.  Keep in mind that a dog’s gastrointestinal tract is not quite as efficient with carrot digestion, and so you might see undigested carrot pieces in your pet’s stool.

Carrots are an ideal food for puppies too, but in moderation.  You can offer teething puppies frozen carrots as well.  Having your puppy munch on a frozen carrot can alleviate discomfort and pain experienced with new teeth growth.  Carrots also promote dental health.  Having your dog munch on carrot slices provides him with some mechanical scraping action at the same time prevents the accumulation of tartar and plaque.

You can also cook carrots before feeding them to your dog.  They will like this vegetable cooked as well, so long as spices, sugar, or salt are not added while cooking. 

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your pet clinic Ashburn VA during your pet’s wellness checks.

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