Tuesday 20 April 2021

How to Diagnose Bloat in Dogs Like Labradoodles


Did you know that canine bloat can affect a variety of dog breeds including the Labradoodle? This serious disease occurs when abnormal amounts of gas, food or fluid builds-up in the stomach causing it to expand. Expansion of the stomach can apply pressure to surrounding organs and prevent blood flow to the heart and other areas. Your vet will most likely make a diagnosis of bloat by reviewing symptoms and conducting a physical exam. Symptoms may include unsuccessful attempts to vomit, anxiety, restlessness, hunched up appearance, no normal digestive sounds in the stomach, bloated or tight abdomen, whining, pacing, drooling, unsuccessful attempts to poop, heavy breathing, etc. In some cases the pressure causes the stomach to twist requiring surgery to untwist it. Surgery; however, is not usually an option as survival rates are incredibly low. Consult with your animal hospital Columbia MD to learn more about this disease in order to recognize it sooner if it should happen to your canine companion.

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