Thursday 15 April 2021

Addressing Negative Litter Box Association In Cats


If your pet cat has had some sort of experience with getting upset or scared while using the litter box, that experience may get associated with her litter box and refuse to use it. Some things that may upset your pet while she is doing her business inside her litter box might be loud noises, a commotion, the sight of something scary, or getting trapped or cornered by another cat, a person, or a dog. Experiences like these, or perhaps any other upsetting incidents, may make your pet cat apprehensive regarding the use of the box. Should your pet cat be frightened of the litter box, you may see her run inside the box but then quickly exit, most of the time before even completing her business. Sometimes, you may see her just doing her business close to the box, but not in it. This shows that your pet has anxiety regarding the use of the litter box, especially since there was no issue with using it before.

Make an appointment with your pet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL if you notice a sudden change in your pet’s litter box habits.

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