Thursday 29 April 2021

Orange Is Good For Dogs?


You might be wondering if you should give your furry friend a slice of orange. After all, oranges are sweet and nutritious. What are a few pieces now and then, right?

Experts say that you can give some orange slices to your doggie. But you should regulate the amount that you serve. Since oranges are acidic, your dog should not eat a lot of them. Otherwise, your dog could have diarrhea due to over-acidity.

Oranges are a good source of potassium, folate, thiamine, and vitamin C. If you serve this fruit to your doggie, then you are providing him with a nutritious treat.

Oranges have low sodium and do not harm the dog. But on the other hand, oranges have high sugar content. Too much sugar is bad for your dog. This means that if your dog is diabetic, you should not give him oranges.

You can also serve other orange varieties like Mandarin orange, tangerine, and clementines. Mandarins do not contain any toxic materials that might harm your dog. However, Mandarin orange contains sugar that might give tummy ache to your dog later on.

Your pet’s diet and nutritional needs are among the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet Tampa, FL during your pet’s regular wellness checks.

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