Thursday 15 April 2021

Find Out If Your Cat Is Prone to URI

Do you worry if your cat will get Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (or URI)? Take note of your cat's lifestyle. If she lives indoors, there is a low chance of contracting URI. In contrast, cats that live outdoors have a greater chance of getting URI because they are exposed to more cats.

On the other hand, multiple cats in the household also increase the probability of getting infected with URI. If there is one infected cat in the group and they share the same litter box, food, water bowl, or toys, then the rest could get infected as well. This is also true when cats stay in common facilities or temporary shelters. Even unvaccinated cats will also get URI.

A virus is the main cause of URI. This type of virus can easily be eliminated by using disinfectants. Some viruses can live outside the body for about a day, but some viruses can live longer even when outside the body.

Make an appointment with your animal hospital Sarasota, FL if you see any changes in your pet's behavior.


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