Friday 9 April 2021

Why Dogs Consume Grass


veterinarian Anderson IN

You might have noticed that your dog eats the grass on your lawn from time to time. You'll know that he ate grass because he vomits it afterward or his fecal matter is mixed with undigested grass. Several experts tried to study why this behavior occurs. Here are some theories that the experts presented:

       Eating grass helps the dog to get rid of any irritation that he feels

       Consuming grass is the dog’s way to get additional nutrients. But you can help your dog with this concern by giving him a premium quality diet that is appropriate for his age

       Eating grass could be an inherited trait from their ancestors. Wild dogs used to eat plants

       Adding grasses to their diet provides additional fiber to the body. the fiber helps in successfully eliminating wastes in the body, including intestinal parasites

       Eating grass stimulates dopamine, a hormone responsible for feeling good. When dogs feed on grass, they are like the giant pandas that derive enjoyment from the plant.

However, you should bring your doggie to the vet if you notice that he vomits more frequently. Whether it is from eating too much grass, bringing your doggie to your vet veterinarian Anderson, IN is a must.

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