Thursday 29 April 2021

Some Teacup Piglet Facts They Are Not Telling You


One of the more popular household pets nowadays is teacup piglets. What is not to love about these adorable, intelligent, and sensitive little creatures? Seeing them doing all sorts of cute little things on social media, you might probably want to have one for your own. But behind the craze of owning a teacup piglet, what people do not see in those cute

online videos they have probably watched on repeat for the nth time already, are some facts that would make you think twice about getting your darling teacup piglet.

Teacup piglets will not stay in their cute and tiny size forever. They are just like other normal pigs but were deliberately malnourished to remain smaller than the average pigs, making them more vulnerable to specific health issues requiring the careful attention of veterinarians. They could weigh around 100 to 200 lbs. As adorable as they are, they are certainly heavier and massive than a teacup.

Contact your veterinarian Tampa, FL if you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

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