Tuesday 27 April 2021

Why Do Cats Become Overweight?


Cats have different metabolism rates, especially if they are active or if they stay indoors. An average cat needs about 20 calories per pound to be considered healthy. On the other hand, an outdoor cat needs 35 calories per pound. If you do a rough estimate, this means that your kitty needs 200 calories every day.

But if your cat is already carrying excess pounds, you should limit the number of calories she consumes in a day. This translates to about 40 calories or less per day. Veterinarians are already concerned about the growing number of obese cats in the household. It can even be considered an epidemic.

An obese cat can develop complications like heart ailment, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, or liver diseases. Your cat might become lazy and lethargic due to the excess weight. And worse, the cat might die early due to complications. You can do something about this condition. Control your pet’s diet, and give her a well-balanced meal.

Do consult your vet Shreveport LA before starting your pet on a weight loss regimen.

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