Friday 9 April 2021

Introducing A New Cat To Your Elderly Dog


Dogs are known to be friendlier and more sociable than cats, and it does not matter whether the cat or the dog is the newer pet to be introduced to your home. The safety of your cat is a vital consideration with every introduction session since cats are easily overwhelmed by a dog’s enthusiasm and eagerness.

Before taking home your new cat, be sure that you have prepared a room that will be your new pet’s sanctuary where she will be alone as she acclimates to her new surroundings. This room must have her water and food dishes, her litter box, some toys for cats, her bedding, and other items that may make her feel comfy and safe. You may want to set up a baby gate sturdy enough for limited access to that room, at the same time not making your new cat feel isolated.

Take your new cat home in a pet carrier and then immediately take her to that room. Put the carrier close to a litter box and open the lock slowly. Spend several minutes playing and interacting with the new pet, use your soft voice when speaking to her. Let her explore and venture outside the pet carrier at her own pace. Likewise, let her acquaint herself with your dog on her own time and terms.

Your new pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Rochester, NY.

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