Showing posts with label vet clinic cy-fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic cy-fair. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 May 2021

How Often Should You Bathe Your Ferret?


Bathing pet ferrets is a hotly debated topic.  Some people seem to be very sensitive to a ferret’s natural musky odor, thus advised or tempted to often give their pet ferrets a bath, frequently backfiring.  A ferret’s odor is due partially to the animal’s natural oils coming from its skin.  Giving your ferret a bath could reduce this musky odor, but only temporarily.  Since the bath will strip the ferret’s fur and skin of these body oils, that bath you gave your pet may actually just stimulate skin oil production even more.  Because of this production increase, that musky odor might end up being stronger for several days after giving your pet a bath.  Keep your ferret’s litter and cage clean to aid in maintaining your pet’s fresh smell.

Bathing your pet ferret tends to the animal’s coat and skin to dry out, so at the most, baths are recommended to be given once every month. Unless the animal gets into something which needs washing off, one bath every two or three months should be enough.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your professional vet clinic Cy-Fair.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Is Vaping Dangerous To Pets


pet clinic Cy-Fair

Most people now use vaping devices as a replacement for smoking cigars or cigarettes.  But can vaping be really harmful to animal companions?  A vaping device cartridge could have substances like THC oil, nicotine, or possibly a combination of these two.  Cartridge contents come in different flavorings and might have chemicals and additives that together might combine to make substances that are hazardous to pets.  One other vital concern with vape devices is the probability that a pet might swallow a cartridge.  The THC and nicotine in the cartridges are hazardous to animals.  Be aware that even if only a small amount of nicotine is ingested by your pet, it can have catastrophic results.  The smaller the pet, the more vulnerable it will be to the toxicity because the magnitude of the illness is usually dependent on the dose.  And because nicotine is liquid, the body will rapidly absorb this in concentrations higher than that in cigarettes. 

Should your pet ingest or have access to a vape device or perhaps show symptoms of toxicity, take your pet over to the closest pet clinic Cy-Fair as soon as possible.

Thursday 4 March 2021

How Pocket Pets Display Submissive Behaviors


Social hierarchy structures are present in animals, too.  Dogs, cats, and even pocket pets instinctively observe a social ladder. Less dominant members will display specific signs of being submissive to dominant individuals in the group. Below are a few of the usual submissive behaviors that can be observed in certain species:

Much like dogs, a pet degu will expose his belly while lying on its back to signify that it is submissive.  If the pet degu you own tends to bite or nip, show your dominance by laying it on its back and hold the degu down until the struggling stops.

Dominant ferrets will force a submissive member down with its back to the ground.  If your ferret is trying to display aggression or any dominant behavior, show your pet you are the boss by holding it by the back of its neck and pinning it on its back.

Bearded Dragons
A bearded dragon that assumes the submissive role will puff up or perform a circular wave motion using an arm if a dominant dragon is encountered.

If you encounter any issues with the behaviors exhibited by your pet, see your vet clinic Cy-Fair.

Friday 15 January 2021

Do Not Feed Your Dog Dough


Please do not feed your dog or any other pet any kind of foods that could hurt them including dough. It’s important to brush up on the list of foods that you should not feed our pet. For instance, potentially harmful foods are added to the “do not feed” list on a regular basis. Your vet can help you access this list or give you his own list of foods that are not safe for your Golden to eat. One of the most important foods to keep away from your Golden is raw bread dough or other dough. Raw dough typically contains yeast, which can be hazardous to dogs. A dog’s stomach provides an ideal environment for swallowed yeast or dough to expand and rise. This will cause your dog’s stomach to expand which can decrease blood flow to your dog’s stomach and affect his breathing. Learn more from your vet Cy-Fair.

Friday 18 December 2020

What to Feed Weaning Kittens

When it comes to the weaning process of kittens you may find yourself with a lot of questions. Don’t worry, your vet is her to help. Ask your vet about a milk substitute for your kittens and what kind of food to give your kittens and the mother cat. During the initial phases of weaning, you should serve the kittens a milk replacer in a shallow bowl. Make sure you do not use cow’s milk as this might cause stomach upset or diarrhea. You will have to teach your kittens how to drink from the bowl by first dipping your fingertip in the milk and allowing the kitten to lick it. Show him where the bowl is and guide him to it. During the next phase of weaning you will want to add some moist cat food to the bowl until it takes on an oatmeal like consistency. Ask your best vets Cy-Fair about gradually moving on to wet food. 

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Factors That Can Increase Your Pet’s Risk To Urinary Tract Infection


What could cause urinary tract infections in pets? What are the factors? Bacteria in the urinary tract, feces, or other sources can multiply to astronomical levels and this can bring about an infection in your beloved pet. A cat or dog's risk of getting a urinary tract infection can be due to certain factors such as the following:

A pet dog or cat that has a compromised or weak immune system is at a higher risk. This would include kittens or puppies, senior pets, as well as pets that have pre-existing health problems such as periodontal disease, cancer, or cats that have feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or feline leukemia virus (FLV).

Any gender is at risk of developing urinary tract infection, but females are generally more at risk than males.

Cats and dogs that have diabetes mellitus are more likely to get bladder infections or urinary tract infections.

Pets with masses in the bladder or have bladder stones are at higher risk.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Cy-Fair

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Dementia and Your Dog

vet clinic Cy-Fair

Your dog may display what appears to be signs of dementia as he ages. He may experience cognitive dysfunction, become disoriented, or his senses may show some decline. This is especially evident in his hearing and vision. Dementia may contribute to incontinence, sleep problems, trouble eating and disinterest while exercising or playing. These issues can be attributed to other conditions and diseases. Thus, you shouldn’t assume your dog has dementia before your medical professional checks for underlying health problems. Cognitive changes come gradually for the most part. Mental stimulation and changes in your dog’s diet can sometimes slow down his cognitive decline. Consider using food puzzles so your dog must figure out how to get the food inside. You can keep your dog healthier, both physically and mentally, through exercise and socialization. Be patient with your aging dog and treat him with kindness. Learn more from your vet clinic Cy-Fair.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Keeping your feline friend company

Your cat is a great companion and it’s important to you that she is able to get the love and attention that she needs. This makes you wonder – how can you make sure you are keeping her company?

Your cat needs to socialize in order to be happy in your care, so spending time with her is important. This means that you will need to take the time to figure out what you can do to keep your cat by your side whenever you can interact with her. Try offering her attention so she knows she is welcome to be with you and make an effort to offer her lots of fun ways to spend her time. Play with her often and talk to her when she is nearby, while also making an effort to pet her when you pass her. Your animal hospital Cy-Fair can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.

Friday 16 August 2019

Housing Needs Of Gerbils

Did you know that the tank enclosure of gerbils is referred to as a “gerbilarium”? Gerbils thrive in spacious enclosures so they have plenty of room to play around and dig. A large tank or aquarium fitted with a cage on top is just right for the purpose. Just be sure that the wire lid is secure because gerbils are accomplished escape artists and they are great jumpers, too! To comfortably accommodate a pair of gerbils, the minimum standard dimension of the gerbilarium is 40-75 centimeters by 30 centimeters (height). The walls of the tank keeps bedding from being kicked out when gerbils dig. However, there is a lack of ventilation as the walls prevent proper air circulation. A wire lid can help though when it comes to improving ventilation inside the tank. The tank should be kept out of direct sunlight because the temperature inside can easily soar which can be extremely dangerous to the gerbils.

Pet gerbils can also suffer from health issues thus they will benefit from regular visits to a vet clinic Cy-Fair.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Sleep and your gerbil

You share your home with a gerbil, but you haven’t quite gotten the chance to understand her sleeping habits just yet. What should you know about them?

Unlike their hamster cousins, gerbils don’t tend to sleep through the day. They instead opt for several naps throughout both the daytime and evening hours. This means that you are just as likely to find your gerbil awake as you are asleep when you seek her out. You may also find that your pet’s nap schedule works around the busy times in your home. This adjustment can help your pet be present for any action that takes place while also taking advantage of times of relative peace to relax. However, your pet isn’t likely to have any issues getting some rest of your home has a lot going on. For additional information, please contact your local Cy-Fair veterinarian.