Showing posts with label vet clinic scottsdale az. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic scottsdale az. Show all posts

Thursday 16 September 2021

Feeding Pet Parakeets

Your pet parakeet will thrive if you offer it much attention and affection.  Parakeets are social animals and will not like being alone.  After a parakeet finds its mate, it will keep that partner for life, unless one of the pair dies, after which the surviving partner will find another mate.  These birds have gentle temperaments, making them great as starter pets and children’s pets.
If you work almost daily and you have a pet parakeet, it may be better to get one more parakeet so that they have each other for company.

 A parakeet will require fresh water and food daily.  Many experts will advise bird pellets to be the ideal way to provide your pet nutritionally balanced meals since offering a diet composed of pure birdseed will not have the important nutrients your pet needs daily.  But mixed seeds, vegetables, and fruits can also be offered to add some variety to your pet’s daily diet.  Offer cuttlebones to your parakeet as a calcium source and keep its bill trimmed.  Do not offer your pet any cherry pits, avocado, apple seeds, or rhubarb because these food items are toxic.  Any food left uneaten has to be removed after several hours so that spoilage can be avoided.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vets Scottsdale AZ during your pet’s wellness checks.

Temperament Of Yellow Labrador Retrievers

Labradors are consistently being selected as family pet dogs. They have this kind of temperament that is ideal when around kids.  Labradors are naturally protective and would stave off threats they perceive to be endangering their family.  These dogs are often seen to be always near their human companions.

The breed’s willingness to please and loyalty make them easily trainable.  This makes the Lab quite appealing when selecting a pet.  The Labrador is recommended for a family that can offer the puppy lots of playtimes and is very active.

Exercise is essential to Labradors.  If these dogs do not have a way to bleed off their excess energy, they might get themselves into trouble.  Ensure that you have lots of activities that your puppy can do to tire himself out.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet hospital Scottsdale, AZ. You can find more information by visiting their homepage.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Probiotics For Cats

As with humans, cats might experience vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal discomfort.  In addition to digestive system disruptions due to stress, there are cats whose habits can exacerbate gastrointestinal problems.  For instance, a cat might have excessive grooming habits.  This then results in the animal swallowing too much of her fur, causing stomach upsets and vomiting.  In addition, your cat might have had stomach problems throughout her life.  Humans and cats have a lot of similarities when talking about gut health.  And so, as with how probiotics become helpful to humans, they could also improve your cat’s health.

But even though animals and humans share some similarities, it does not follow that the same kinds of probiotics can be taken by both.  Do not offer your pet any supplements that are meant for humans.  They are formulated differently and can pose a danger to animals.

Studies have shown that this happens due to the imbalance of bad and good gut bacteria.  A healthy digestive system is a regular digestive system.  Probiotics are not pet vitamins.  They are supplements that offer good bacteria in order to balance out bad gut bacteria.

Your animal hospital Scottsdale AZ is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Claws on a Bird Like the Fischer’s Lovebird

Did you know that the claws of the Fischer’s lovebird are unique to the parrot family? Most other bird species have two clawed feet with three toes on each foot. The Fischer; however, has two flawed feet with for toes on each foot. Two of the toes point forward and two of the toes point backward. The grip of the toes in the front along with the grip of the toes in the back gives the lovebird balance and support. When holding your bird, make sure you use an outstretched finger or hand that is held close to your body. Your Fischer will latch onto you like he does his perch. lovebird also share another trait with fellow birds and that is their curved beak or bill. The uniquely curved bill enables the Fischer to climb trees and large shrubs. Click here to learn more or call your vets Scottsdale, AZ.

Does Your Fischer’s Lovebird Need a Vet?

Yes! Routine vet care is as important for your Fischer’s lovebird as it is for your dog or cat. If you’ve just received your bird, give your local vet a call to find out if he offers services for birds. If so, schedule a first time appointment for routine care and possible vaccinations. You will probably find that Fischer birds are a generally healthy species; however, it’s a good idea to take them in for a first time visit in order to establish a base line of health. This way if your bird is sick in the future you will have a history of sorts to go by when treating. Vaccines will depend on your region and your particular bird so be sure to talk to your vet. Schedule your Fischer’s routine health appointments ahead of time. If you have additional questions, talk with your vet Scottsdale AZ. 

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Why Diabetic Cats Urinate Frequently

Diabetes is a severe condition in pet cats. Diabetic cats have blood glucose levels that are more than usual. As blood glucose levels rise, the cat's body urges the kidneys to excrete the extra glucose via urine. The cat with diabetes will have increased thirst, hence will consume lots of water, causing it to pee frequently to remove the excess glucose in the body. Urinating more implies being thirstier and drinking more as the kidneys strive to release extra glucose. Polydipsia refers to excessive drinking, whereas polyuria refers to excessive urination.

Your veterinarian may have told you that "your pet is leaking glucose." The doctor means that glucose has been discovered in your cat's urine, indicating that its body is attempting to eliminate excess glucose in the blood.

Diabetic cats need close health monitoring. Do not hesitate to contact your experienced vet clinic Scottsdale AZ if you have any questions or concerns regarding your diabetic cat's treatment plan.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Does Your Dog Need A Sweater? -- Impact Of Age And Upbringing


Yes, Siberian Huskies are supposed to take well to colder climates, because that is what the breed is supposed to do.  But a Husky born in tropical Hawaii and for his entire life has lived there, he might just not acclimate to colder weather all that well.  If you changed residences from one where the climate is cooler over to a more tropical environment, then you may have to acquire a sweater for your pet dog.

Your Pet’s Ability To Regulate Heat Will Decline As He Ages

Younger dogs have a better likelihood of acclimating to colder weather as opposed to elderly dogs.  Because as a dog ages, his ability to warm himself and stay toasty declines. Elderly dogs are susceptible to some health problems like arthritis, Cushing’s disease, and hypothyroidism that need additional warmth and the soothing comfort of doggie sweaters and coats.

Also out there are several possible health hazards for pet dogs that do not require sweaters.  Note that when you take your dog out for his walk, he is exercising and in doing so, he works up a lot of heat.  You will have to monitor your pet to ensure that he is not overheating:

       Your pet panting heavier than usual is not a good sign.

       Check your pet’s mouth, if his gums appear dry and/or pale, then he might not be doing so well.

       If your dog seems like he is drooling a lot more than the usual amount, then this can spell trouble.

       Check that your dog is not breathing too rapidly or deeply.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary cetner Scottsdale, AZ for proper medical attention. Schedule an appointment today!

Thursday 17 December 2020

Seizures in Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters


Did you know that seizures can occur in animals as well as people? Generally, seizures are a brain or nervous system disorder. It’s possible for some hamsters like the Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters are apt to have seizures, but their symptoms may not look the same as a person’s. For example, seizures occurring in Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters may not be as dramatic as seizures in say a dog or even a bird. If your Campbell’s Dwarf hamster is walking around with his head tilted then he may be having a seizure. He may not necessarily go into convulsions or sporadic fits that’s why it’s important to monitor your hamster’s behavior so you know what’s normal and what’s not. If you suspect your Campbell’s Dwarf hamster is having a seizure, call your vet immediately. Seizures occur in all hamster types, but are more prevalent in Russian Dwarfs and Campbell’s Dwarfs. Click to learn more or call your vets Scottsdale, AZ.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Combs and Brushes For Cat Grooming


Even though cats are fastidious groomers, they will still need a helping hand every now and then. But with all the different grooming tools for pets that are available, choosing the right combs and brushes for your pet can be outright confusing. The primary factor that you should consider when choosing is your cat’s hair coat, specifically the texture and length. If your cat has shedding issues, a de-shedding tool will come in handy. Most cats look forward to grooming sessions with their cat parents. Brushing your cat’s hair coat is also one of the best ways to prevent hairballs because you remove loose hair thus preventing your cat from ingesting hair. The following grooming tools are suitable for cats:

Slicker brush - Removes knots and tangles, spreads the skin’s natural oils throughout the cat’s hair coat, and smooths fur. 

Molting comb - Extremely useful for long-haired cats to detangle mats and prevent them from forming.

Bristle brush - Great for short-haired cats. 

Rubber brush - Recommended for long-haired cats and heavy shedders.

Flea comb - Removes fleas, flea dirt, and eggs from a cat’s hair coat. 

Pin brush - Help removes knots and tangles and prevents matting.

Signs of hair coat and skin problems should be brought to the attention of your vet Scottsdale AZ.

Saturday 3 October 2020

Finding supplies fort an exotic pet

You have an exotic pet in your life and you want to make sure you are able to better understand how you can care for her. How can you better grasp the ways to find appropriate supplies for her to use?

Your pet needs you to understand that she lies outside of the realm of traditional pets. This means that it may be a bit more difficult to find supplies for her. Take a look at your local pet stores and talk with her veterinarian for some insight into your options. Determine what you really need for her and then take the time to seek it out ahead of time so you can have it for when it is needed instead of scrambling to come up with an option at the last minute. For additional information, please contact your local vet clinic Scottsdale, AZ.

Friday 11 September 2020

Why your hamster chews on everything


Your hamster spends a lot of her time chewing on things and you’ve noticed that this leads to her gnawing on a lot of her belongings. Why does she do this?

Your hamster needs to be able to chew in order to maintain her oral health. This is because her incisors never stop growing and this means that she will need to file them down to keep them from getting too long. Chewing allows her to do this while also helping to keep them in a manageable shape so she won’t hurt herself. She will need to be able to use something effective in order to tend to her teeth, so make sure she has plenty of safe options to chew on within her enclosure so she can come across them when she needs them. Your local experienced vet Scottsdale AZ can offer additional guidance.

Monday 10 September 2018

Spending time with your feathery friend

Your bird is a wonderful part of your life and you want to make sure she knows that spending time with her is a priority in your life. How can you do this?

Your pet needs to be able to understand that there may be a lot of things you need to take care of throughout the day, but dedicating time to simply enjoy her company is still possible. Be with your pet as often as you can and make sure you are bonding with her. Schedule this time into your day so it can become a habit you can enjoy regularly. Play with her, offer guidance, and give her some supervised time outside of her cage to help break up her day a bit and help her get some socialization in. Your local vet Scottsdale, AZ can offer additional guidance.