Showing posts with label veterinarian Scottsdale AZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Scottsdale AZ. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Why Having A Pet Emergency Preparedness Kit Is Very Important


Some people think that as disasters strike, the best course of action is to let their pets loose outside so they can fend for themselves.  That is wrong.  A majority of pets cannot survive by themselves under disaster conditions, and if they do survive, it could be next to impossible to reunite with them again.

Crafting a preparedness kit for pets during emergencies is among the basic emergency preparedness measures you can do if you own pets.  This kit should have medication, food and water dishes, pet food, and water.  Also include additional necessary supplies like litter and leashes, as well as the medical records of your pet.  If you foresee yourself being away from your home for quite a while and boarding your pet becomes necessary, having the medical records handy will help in finding a place that is willing to board them.

Ensure that there is secure transportation for your pets.  If pet carriers are not practical, then having a good harness and leash would suffice.  In emergency situations, it might become more challenging to maintain control over your pet.  A frightened pet could become aggressive and might endanger you or themselves by running away or panicking.

Make sure that you have the emergency phone numbers of your local animal hospital Scottsdale, AZ included in your kit.Visit the website.

Different Types of Food You Can Give to Your Baby Turtles


Due to the unique characteristics of the different species of turtles, their sources of nutrition also vary. Most of the land turtle species rely on plants as their only food source as they are herbivores. On the other hand, most aquatic turtles are omnivores, so they feed on plants and meat.

Aquatic and land turtles feed on different types of food because they’re designed based on the environment they thrive in. The aquatic turtles enjoy a variety of plants and small fish or jellyfish, which are abundant in the sea. Land turtles feed on plants because these are easier for them to get without being harmed by competitors.

Pellets or gels that contain a high amount of nutrients are the best for baby turtles. They are available at many pet stores that sell supplies for the turtles. Typically, these pellets or gels contain essential nutrients and vitamins like carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and fat. Make sure that both aquatic and land baby turtles get the proper amount of nutrition they need.

Your Animal clinic Scottsdale AZ is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Probiotics For Cats

As with humans, cats might experience vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal discomfort.  In addition to digestive system disruptions due to stress, there are cats whose habits can exacerbate gastrointestinal problems.  For instance, a cat might have excessive grooming habits.  This then results in the animal swallowing too much of her fur, causing stomach upsets and vomiting.  In addition, your cat might have had stomach problems throughout her life.  Humans and cats have a lot of similarities when talking about gut health.  And so, as with how probiotics become helpful to humans, they could also improve your cat’s health.

But even though animals and humans share some similarities, it does not follow that the same kinds of probiotics can be taken by both.  Do not offer your pet any supplements that are meant for humans.  They are formulated differently and can pose a danger to animals.

Studies have shown that this happens due to the imbalance of bad and good gut bacteria.  A healthy digestive system is a regular digestive system.  Probiotics are not pet vitamins.  They are supplements that offer good bacteria in order to balance out bad gut bacteria.

Your animal hospital Scottsdale AZ is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Claws on a Bird Like the Fischer’s Lovebird

Did you know that the claws of the Fischer’s lovebird are unique to the parrot family? Most other bird species have two clawed feet with three toes on each foot. The Fischer; however, has two flawed feet with for toes on each foot. Two of the toes point forward and two of the toes point backward. The grip of the toes in the front along with the grip of the toes in the back gives the lovebird balance and support. When holding your bird, make sure you use an outstretched finger or hand that is held close to your body. Your Fischer will latch onto you like he does his perch. lovebird also share another trait with fellow birds and that is their curved beak or bill. The uniquely curved bill enables the Fischer to climb trees and large shrubs. Click here to learn more or call your vets Scottsdale, AZ.

Monday 21 June 2021

African Pygmy Hedgehogs as Pets

An African Pygmy hedgehog is an ideal companion for someone who works a 9-to-5 job because these creatures are usually active at night. They are solitary and are uninterested in human engagement. These hedgehogs require some time to adjust to humans, but they also tame after constant and careful interaction. When you try to pick up this discerning pet, it may coil into a spiky ball. Just allow it to uncoil itself and begin exploring on its own time. Once a hedgehog learns you are harmless, it will flatten its spines. They are not known to bite and rely on their spines for protection. However, hedgehogs have an odd "self-anointing" habit that can be off-putting to those who have never seen it before. Hedgehogs foam at the mouth, spreading their saliva on their back when exposed to a new aroma or food. Nobody knows why hedgehogs do this, and some hedgehogs do it more than others. It could be a form of stress release or a type of protection, according to experts.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your veterinary hospital Scottsdale, AZ.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Health Issues Of Pet Lizards


You’ll know that your pet lizard is ill when it hardly moves inside its vivarium. Like other animals, the lizard will also have a poor appetite and weight loss. If you suspect that your pet is sick, you should bring it to a reptile veterinarian for treatment.

What are the common illnesses of lizards?

●       Internal parasites

●       Mouth rot

●       Molting

●       Metabolic bone disease

●       Pneumonia

These illnesses greatly affect the lizard’s daily functions. The internal parasites are brought about by pests from other animals. Mouth rot affects the lizard’s ability to eat. It can be treated, but the animal will undergo anesthesia first.

Lizards that have trouble molting will find it difficult to shed their skin. As a remedy, you can raise the humidity level in the vivarium. A high humidity level enhances molting in animals. Lizards can get metabolic bone disease when they don't get enough calcium and vitamin D. Prevent this disease by making sure that the pet gets enough nutrients. Lizard pneumonia occurs when the vivarium is unsanitary.  Always keep the lizard’s habitat clean and sanitized to prevent further illnesses.

 Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your veterinary hospital Scottsdale, AZ.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

How To Take Care Of Your Hedgehog In A Multi-Pet Household

Hedgehog has an extraordinary defense mechanism. It can withstand its ground in a multi-pet household. Nevertheless, its safety is relatively dependent on the temperament of the other pets inside the household. Be sure to supervise the interaction between your other pets and your hedgehog.

Hedgehogs can tolerate other pets' presence quite well. Its defensive ways can keep it safe. A cat can quickly learn to keep her distance from the prickly quills of a hedgehog. And even a dog learns to stay away from the prickly armor of a hedgehog. However, large dogs can injure a hedgehog with their rough play even with their prickly quills. Even ferrets maintain their distances from the quills of hedgehogs. Unfriendly encounters with other pets can be stressful for hedgehogs. Be sure to watch out for indications of stress like defecating or urinating in fear. If your hedgehog displays this behavior, avoid its interactions with other pets.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your vet clinic Scottsdale, AZ. For more detail visit website.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Seizures in Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters


Did you know that seizures can occur in animals as well as people? Generally, seizures are a brain or nervous system disorder. It’s possible for some hamsters like the Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters are apt to have seizures, but their symptoms may not look the same as a person’s. For example, seizures occurring in Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters may not be as dramatic as seizures in say a dog or even a bird. If your Campbell’s Dwarf hamster is walking around with his head tilted then he may be having a seizure. He may not necessarily go into convulsions or sporadic fits that’s why it’s important to monitor your hamster’s behavior so you know what’s normal and what’s not. If you suspect your Campbell’s Dwarf hamster is having a seizure, call your vet immediately. Seizures occur in all hamster types, but are more prevalent in Russian Dwarfs and Campbell’s Dwarfs. Click to learn more or call your vets Scottsdale, AZ.