Showing posts with label vet newmarket on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet newmarket on. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Cleaning A Kitty Litter Box


animal hospital Newmarket, ON

Daily scooping of your cat’s litter box is important.  But aside from that, regular thorough cleaning of your cat’s litter box in its entirety is also a must.

The ideal way to wash your kitty’s litter box would be to submerge the box then let it soak for several minutes under some hot water.  Do this once every week at least.  Cleaning chemicals or detergents are not necessary because the hot water should accomplish the task.  If there is any remaining “dirt” along the box’s bottom and interior sides, a small quantity of liquid dishwashing soap mixed in with the water might help loosen that, aside from refreshing your pet’s litter box without having to leave behind any toxic residue.

Try not to use cleaning products that contain bleach, ammonia, or other kinds of caustic components.  Should you wish to take the extra step, you may use a small quantity of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide mixed in with the water to get rid of smells or bacteria.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Newmarket, ON to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue.

Friday 23 April 2021

Ways To Trim Cat’s Nails Properly

vet Newmarket ON

As a pet owner, you might have encountered some difficulties in trimming the cat’s nails. To help you overcome this challenge, you can try getting some information about the proper ways to trim. Here are some recommendations that you can try:

       Watch a video tutorial to see how to hold a cat properly. When you see how trimming is properly done, you will be more comfortable trying it out for yourself.

       You can also visit your vet hospital to ask how to trim the cat’s nails properly. The hospital staff can also show you different techniques to get your cat’s cooperation.

       You can also use rewards to get your cat to agree to the procedure. Give your kitty a treat at the end of each nail trimming schedule. A favorite toy or food is a good reward to give. You can also add more play sessions and petting sessions as a reward.

       Your pet must associate the trimming session with a positive experience.

If you have any questions about your pet’s grooming needs, don’t hesitate to consult your vet Newmarket, ON.

Saturday 27 March 2021

Poop-Eating In Dogs

 How To Stop Puppy From Eating Poop - YouTube

Dogs eating excrement tends to be more typical than it is thought of by most people.  Should your dog be exhibiting this behavior, you will want to identify what makes him engage in this gross habit so that you can stop it.  The technical jargon for this behavior is coprophagia, and it will not matter if it is their own or another animal's poop.  For the most part, puppies that exhibit coprophagia generally outgrow it as they age.  There exist quite a few theories offered by experts attempting to explain why a dog develops this habit.  Perhaps the dog enjoys the taste or also be because of the canine scavenging instincts.  It might be the animal’s method of recycling the nutrients that could be in the excrement like undigested protein and fat.  It might also have been a learned behavior from seeing their mother behave that way at the time when they were still young puppies and still with her.  Have a conversation with your vet Newmarket, ON if you are concerned about this behavior or any other behavior of your pet. Check out more information here.

Monday 8 February 2021

How To Tell If Your Pets Do Not Get Along

Some cats and dogs can get along well with one another. But some animals do not immediately take a liking to the other species. If they don’t like each other, chaos might ensue.

Here are some signs that your dog and cat are feeling aggressive with one another:

       Your pet dog would attack the cat when they see each other. Or, the dog could lunge at the cat when the other one enters the room; and

       Your cat still hisses at the dog even if they have been together for a long time

To ensure that there will be no bad blood between your pets, you need to give them time to get used to one another. The transition period should be long enough for the resident pet to adjust to the presence of the newest pet. Always supervise them during the transition period so you can check if they are hostile with one another.

You can also ask your recommended vet Newmarket ON  for some advice regarding your pet's behavior.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Your Cat and Milk

Most people think that a cat drinking a saucer of milk is an idyllic image. Your cat will nurse her mother’s milk but once she is weaned, she should get enough vitamins and minerals from her food. Thus there isn’t a need to supplement her diet with milk or other dairy products. Cow’s milk can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea or stomach cramping since many cats are lactose intolerant. Your cat may be able to handle milk without any issues. You may find it nearly impossible to keep your cat away from milk because she just loves it. If you feed your cat a balanced diet, any extras, including milk, will throw off this balance. Thus it is best to avoid giving your cat milk and other dairy products. If you must give your cat milk as a treat, give her very small quantities. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Newmarket, ON.