Showing posts with label veterinarian Clarkesville GA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Clarkesville GA. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Interesting Information About Lagotto Romagnolo Dogs

Lagotto Romagnolo dogs have curly, water-resistant coats that keep their bodies warm and well-protected when hunting waterfowl. These dogs have human-hair-like coats that may come in various colors— some are solid, while others have patches of different-colored marks.

These dogs don't shed a lot, making them excellent pets for people with allergies. However, Lagotto Romagnolo dogs are prone to matting, which may even cover their ears and eyes. With that, maintenance is essential. Keeping up with their grooming demands, however, rewards owners with loving companions that are perfect for scent work, agility, obedience, and many other activities.

These dogs don't have a lot of demands. In fact, getting sufficient companionship and exercise is enough for them. They can even do well in apartments, provided that you meet their needs. Despite that, keep in mind that they tend to bark, dig, and display undesirable behaviors when not given mental and physical stimulation for too long. Last but not least, these dogs do well with kids, as well as other pets, when provided with proper socialization.

Your  nearest veterinarian Clarkesville, GA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Caring For A Sick Cat: Should I Feed My Cat Her Regular Diet?


Sick cats require enough nutrition to help them recover as they tend to stop drinking and eating. When this happens, you must monitor your pet cat's intake to know if intervention is required. Keeping your ill cat isolated from other cats in the house is crucial so you can tell which of them is consuming the food.

Under any circumstances, your cat should always have access to fresh water. Because canned food includes a high amount of water, healthy cats that eat it often drink relatively little. Cats that eat less will require more fluids. Using a syringe, you can give your cat fluids through its mouth. Your vet will tell you the amount and frequency of the need to give fluids to your cat. Suppose your cat cannot take in fluids by mouth. In that case, your vet will admit your cat to the hospital to offer the required supportive care.

Encourage the cat to consume small, regular meals of tasty, high-energy, quickly digested food. Heating the food before serving it typically improves its allure. Hand feeding some ill cats can help them eat more. If certain foods are not allowed to your cat, your veterinarian will instruct you. In the instance that your cat cannot be persuaded to eat willingly, your veterinarian may recommend administering liquid food by syringe. Another option is to bring your cat to a pet hospital Clarkesville, GA, and feed her using a feeding tube. Read more here.

Thursday 7 July 2022

Busting Cat Myths

How well do you know your cat? Have you read dozens of information about furry felines? You may have heard about how cats are so mysterious because of their unique traits and behaviors. But do not get carried away. Some of these details are myths. So be careful and be wary so you can be a better fur parent.

Listed below are the common myths about the mysterious felines.

Female felines should be spayed after they had their first litter or heat. 

Remember that the procedures cats need to undertake and when they should do them depend on a case-to-case basis. Better talk with your vet about the best time to neuter or spay your cat. This myth does not have any proven behavioral or health benefits.

Felines are independent, time-consuming, and aloof. 

Again, it depends on the personalities or characteristics of the cats. But generally, cats are social animals. Cats exposed to human interaction at a young age have good social skills as they grow up. But those cats who were not given the chance to socialize when they were still kittens are the ones who are insecure and destructive.

Your veterinarian Clarkesville, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Fast Facts About Cat Whiskers


Cat whiskers are not just an interesting facial feature. These specialized hairs are important in your cat’s performance of its daily tasks.

Cat whiskers serve as a navigation guide for your cats. Your cat can tell whether it’ll fit through openings through its whiskers. The whisker tips are so sensitive, much like the antennae of insects, that they can detect even the slightest change in the direction of a breeze.

More than ordinary hair or fur on your cat’s body, its whiskers are rooted deeply that they are jampacked with blood and nerves. So, pulling, plucking, or playing with your cat’s whiskers is a no-no. It could spell pain for your cat. You might also want to consider providing your cat with a flat feeding dish rather than a deep bowl to avoid unnecessary pressing on your cat’s whiskers.

Your  nearest veterinarian Clarkesville, GA can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Why Cats Need Water


All living beings, small or big, furry or not, need to remain hydrated. Even your beloved feline that generally does not love water needs a daily supply of water to support her overall health.

Why? Understand that 60% of your cat’s body is water. The water helps in the bodily functions of your cat and supports her survival. Imagine if your cat does not have water in her body

  • How can your cat swallow and digest food? 
  • How can oxygen and nutrients be delivered throughout her body?
  • How can your cat produce urine to get rid of her body waste?

Now, you may wonder how much water your cat needs. If your cat is an adult and is medium-built, she needs roughly 8 ounces of water daily. But this measurement may vary depending on the diet your cat is on. Consider the following guidelines m:

  • If your cat is on a dry-food diet (kibble only that is only 10% water), she needs more water.
  • If your cat enjoys canned or wet food which is 75% water, she may drink less.

If your cat experiences health problems, her water needs may vary. When cats cannot produce urine due to kidney disease, they need more water. So, it is best to consult with your veterinarian Clarkesville, GA about the amount of water your cat needs to drink daily based on the factors mentioned above.