Thursday 12 May 2022

Why Cats Need Water


All living beings, small or big, furry or not, need to remain hydrated. Even your beloved feline that generally does not love water needs a daily supply of water to support her overall health.

Why? Understand that 60% of your cat’s body is water. The water helps in the bodily functions of your cat and supports her survival. Imagine if your cat does not have water in her body

  • How can your cat swallow and digest food? 
  • How can oxygen and nutrients be delivered throughout her body?
  • How can your cat produce urine to get rid of her body waste?

Now, you may wonder how much water your cat needs. If your cat is an adult and is medium-built, she needs roughly 8 ounces of water daily. But this measurement may vary depending on the diet your cat is on. Consider the following guidelines m:

  • If your cat is on a dry-food diet (kibble only that is only 10% water), she needs more water.
  • If your cat enjoys canned or wet food which is 75% water, she may drink less.

If your cat experiences health problems, her water needs may vary. When cats cannot produce urine due to kidney disease, they need more water. So, it is best to consult with your veterinarian Clarkesville, GA about the amount of water your cat needs to drink daily based on the factors mentioned above.

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