Tuesday 17 May 2022

Do You Have Blurred Vision?


Blurred vision could be caused by various reasons.  Below are several:

Eye floaters

Blurred vision could happen because of floaters or temporary spots that drift onto your vision field.  Floaters usually appear whenever the gel-like vitreous of the eye starts to liquefy due to aging.  This causes microscopic tissue bits within the eye’s vitreous to freely float inside the eyes.  These cast shadows on your retina.  Should you suddenly  see lots of floaters, it could indicate a detached or torn retina.  Immediately consult your eye doctor if this happens.

Blurred vision post-LASIK

Your eyesight might become hazy or blurry immediately post-LASIK or any kind of refraction surgery.  Vision clarity should improve within several days, but could take additional time for vision to completely stabilize.

Medication and eye drops

Some eye drops, particularly the ones that have preservatives, could cause blurred vision and irritation.  Also, there are medications like allergy pills that have blurry vision and dry eyes as side effects.  When undergoing comprehensive eye checkups, ask your ophthalmologist or optometrist if your medications could cause blurred vision.

Wearing contact lenses too much

Using disposable contacts (or any kind of contacts for that matter) for longer than intended or prescribed would cause buildup of proteins and debris in the tear film on the lens.  This could then cause blurred eyesight and increases the risk of infections to the eye.

Eye doctors Camarillo, CA are valuable resources when it comes to issues affecting your eyes.

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