Tuesday 3 May 2022

Petting Can Induce Aggression In Cats


Cats are notorious attention seekers, although the way they show affection to their humans differs significantly from dogs. You can pet them, carry them, and cuddle with them. But remember to do it on the feline's terms, not yours. The moment your cat starts giving you the stink-eye, that's your queue to back off.

Cats are generally tolerant creatures, and some would even demand belly rubs. But each has its own personality, just like we do. If you have two cats and one of them allows you to pet the most vulnerable parts of its body, it doesn't mean the other cat will be as welcoming. It's why we need to get to know our pets well. It allows us to anticipate their behavior based on body language and the sounds they make.

The moment your cat starts shifting in your arms during a cuddle session, give it space. If you've been petting your feline for several minutes and you see it starting to move its tail swiftly, you need to stop. Purring can also turn into growling when the cat feels over-stimulated. If you think there's another reason for your cat's aggression, pass the information on to your vet.

Make an appointment with your cat care center Rochester, NY  if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

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