Showing posts with label veterinarian london on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian london on. Show all posts

Thursday 16 February 2023

Should I Be Concerned If My Cat Is Vomiting?


Vomiting can be a normal and occasional occurrence in cats, but it can also be a sign of a more serious underlying problem. Here are a few things to consider if your cat is vomiting: 

      Frequency: If your cat is vomiting occasionally, it may not be a cause for concern. However, if your cat is vomiting frequently or persistently, it is important to consult with your veterinarian. 

      Timing: If your cat is vomiting shortly after eating or drinking, it may be a sign of a digestive issue, such as an intolerance to a certain food or an underlying medical condition. 

      Appearance: The appearance of the vomit can provide clues about the cause of the vomiting. For example, vomit that contains undigested food may indicate a digestive issue, while vomit that contains bile or blood may be a sign of a more serious problem. 

      Other symptoms: If your cat is vomiting along with other symptoms, such as diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, or abdominal pain, it is important to consult with your veterinarian. 

If you are concerned about your cat's vomiting, it is important to consult with your vet London, ON. They will be able to determine the cause of the vomiting and recommend the appropriate treatment.

How Do Vaccines Work In Pets?

Vaccines work by exposing the animal's immune system to a small, harmless version of a disease-causing agent, such as a virus or bacteria. This triggers the immune system to produce antibodies, which are proteins that help to fight off the disease. 

When the animal is subsequently exposed to the actual disease-causing agent, their immune system is able to recognize it and quickly produce the necessary antibodies to fight it off, protecting the animal from becoming sick. 

There are different types of vaccines available for pets, including killed vaccines, modified live vaccines, and subunit vaccines. Each type works in a slightly different way, but all are designed to stimulate the animal's immune system to produce antibodies and provide immunity against the disease. 

Vaccines are an important tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases in pets. By protecting your pet with vaccines, you are not only helping to keep them healthy, but also helping to protect other pets and even people in your community. 

If you have questions and/or concerns about vaccines and vaccination don’t hesitate to ask your vets London, ON

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Can You Get Worms From Cats?

Did you know that you can also get worm infections from your cat? If you or anyone in the house comes into contact with infected feces or soil, worm infestation can pass on from pet to human. Here are some things to take note of to prevent worm infections at home:

      Your cat would benefit from a regular and thorough cleaning of the litter box to avoid exposure to infected feces.

      Feces excreted outdoors should be cleaned up regularly to lessen the chances of parasite infestations developing.

      If you or your kid goes outdoors, be careful of getting worms from usual modes of transmission like sandboxes where cats may have defecated. Do not walk barefoot in soil that may be contaminated and make sure to use gloves when gardening.

      Practice good hygiene to prevent accidentally ingesting or transmission of infection between pets and owners 

Work with your veterinarian London, ON in creating a parasite preventive program that will give year-round protection for your pet. 

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Chocolate has theobromine and caffeine — both ingredients that are toxic to cats. Dark chocolate usually contains more of the two toxins, but the amount of caffeine and theobromine in chocolate can vary depending on the kind that you have. Theobromine levels are mostly what veterinarians look at to gauge how dangerous the chocolate could be for pets.

If your cat accidentally got herself a small bite of chocolate, then there might not be any significant negative consequences, but this is not a sign that your cat should be allowed to eat it regularly. Your cat will get sick or, in the worst-case scenario, die from consuming too much chocolate.

Don’t feed your cat chocolate. Cats aren’t a fan of the sweet flavor anyway, and chocolate gives no nutritional value that your pet can't get from their regular meals. You can keep the chocolate for yourself and away from your cat’s reach.

Your local veterinarian London, ON is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Flea Infestations In Kittens: Products To Avoid

A flea infestation may be a common thing in households with pets. Is it the same scenario in your home? The bad news is that such an invasion of pests may endanger your pets’ health and life, yours, and your family's. No matter how common fleas are, do not let them invade your home and silently hurt your beloved pets.

In addressing these blood-sucking parasites, you must follow the recommended preventative methods. You must know which products to be used and which should be avoided. For your guidance, here are the materials you must not use against fleas:

Essential oils. Understand that not all cats can process some compounds due to their poor ability. What does this mean? This case implies that your kittens may be toxic to some essential oils, regardless of their concentrations and doses. So, avoid using natural flea medications made with essential oils.

Treatments with Permethrin. Cats have a poor ability in processing not only essential oils but also some chemicals and drugs. Thus, experts advise not to use products that contain permethrin because it may harm your kittens. Most flea treatments have this chemical, so be careful in buying.

Consult your veterinarian London, ON about the best way to eliminate fleas from your pet and for protection from future infestations.

Monday 12 September 2022

The Effect Of Essential Oils On Your Pet’s Health

As an adult, you might be bothered whenever you smell something distinct in your home. It usually happens when you have pets. Pets have their unique scent that may transfer to your home furniture. Some owners opt to buy essential oils to make their home smell better. But unfortunately, essential oils have a severe negative effect on your pet’s health.

Essential oils are the oils that come directly from the plant by pressing or streaming. They are used in aromatherapy. They also serve as deodorizers and as holistic remedies. These days, it is already easy to access essential oils because they are readily available in the market.

Yarrow, Juniper, Thyme, Clove, Anise, Ylang-Ylang, Sweet Birch, Pine, Peppermint, Pennyroyal, Citrus, Cinnamon, Wintergreen, and Tea Tree are just some of the essential oils that can cause a dog to display toxicity symptoms. 

Your veterinarian London, ON is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Reasons You May Want To Free Feed Your Pet

 Free-feeding may have its disadvantages, but you may still prefer this method because of the following reasons:


If you’re working full-time, free-feeding offers convenience for both you and your dog. No matter how busy you get and what time you manage to get back home, you won’t run the risk that your dog will miss his meal because it’s all in his container. 

●Increased Nutritional Demands

If you have puppies, pregnant, or nursing dogs, free-feeding is a good option. Since these dogs need to eat more frequently than usual, having their food ready anytime they are hungry will be beneficial.

If you worry that your dog will eat an unhealthy amount, you may opt for controlled free-feeding for the first few weeks. Once they get used to the amount you’ve set, it will be less likely that he eats more than what he needs.

Do consult your veterinarian London, ON before making any changes to your pet's diet. 

Sunday 30 May 2021

Golden Retrievers and Pool Water


With the warmer months finally here you may be planning to spend some time around the pool with your family and friends. If your Golden Retriever or other breed canine enjoys being near or in the water then he might be spending more time at the pool as well. Make sure your Golden has his own bowl of water when outside or around the pool. This will help keep him from drinking pool water. Pool water is not recommended for dogs or pets of any kind. Although the amount of chlorine in a well maintained pool is fairly low, it’s a good rule of thumb to keep your Golden from drinking it. If he does swallow pool water, just give your vet a call and find out if there’s anything you need to do. In most scenarios, an occasional drink will not hurt your pup, but it’s best to keep him away. Learn more from your vet London, ON.

Monday 5 April 2021

Find Out If Homemade Cat Food Is Good


Cats need more meat in their diet because they are carnivores. There should be meat in their diet. Otherwise, health issues and nutritional deficiencies will emerge later on if they don’t get their required diet. Some pet owners are concerned because of cases of pet food recalls. So they start preparing homemade cat food. Although this is a good idea, homemade food might not have the right amount of nutrients. If the owner did not consult a pet nutritionist or veterinarian, the homemade food might not have enough nutrients. 
A cat’s nutritional needs change as they get older. A kitten has different nutritional and calorie needs than an adult and senior cat.  Here are some of the mistakes done when preparing food:

  • Not enough meat is included in the formulation, which can lead to taurine deficiency
  • Too much tuna is added to the food, which can lead to vitamin A toxicosis and bone and joint problems
  • Too much raw fish is used that might destroy vitamin B1 in the body

If you want to prepare homemade cat food, it is best to consult your veterinarian London ON first.

Monday 8 March 2021

Can Your Pet Overconsume Water?

 Why Your Dog is Drinking A Lot of Water - Primary Causes

If your pets ingest water just a little too much, it could also cause critical health issues. Medical, behavioral, and psychological issues can cause an excessive intake of water. But whatever the root cause is, your pet is at risk.

When your pets increase their water intake, called polydipsia, unnecessary stress is placed on the animal’s urinary system. This leads to more frequent urination and larger urine volume called polyuria. Quite a number of reasons for conditions like these include liver and kidney diseases, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus.

Be more attentive to your pet’s urination habits as well as how much water is taken so that any noticeable increases can be brought to the attention of your veterinarian. Waiting longer can result in complications and higher health risks for your pet. Inform your vet London ON and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Friday 12 February 2021

Nutritional Needs of Your Pet

Your pet dog has specific nutritional needs. You cannot just feed him any food to suffice his needs. Hence, premium quality, life stage-appropriate pet foods are created to meet these needs. Dog food is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of a dog, and cat food is intended to meet the nutritional needs of a cat. Just like humans, your pet's nutritional needs may vary. A puppy requires different food from an adult dog. Further, a dog’s health problems should be taken into consideration and may need special dietary needs.
Here are some tips to consider to meet the nutritional needs of your pet:

●      Feed your dog with just the right amount of food.

Do not overfeed your pet dog. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and might cause him health problems like renal problems, heart disease, and more.

●      Choose your pet food wisely to avoid illnesses.

If you are apprehensive about his dietary needs, consult a veterinarian for what is best dietary for him.
If you have any concerns about your pet’s diet or appetite, talk to your animal hospital London ON.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Diarrhea In Kittens

Kittens are such sensitive creatures, thus sudden changes in their immediate environment or diet can increase their risks of developing diarrhea. If you notice your kitten eliminating loose stools, you should keep a close eye on your pet to make sure that there are no other symptoms present and that the condition is not getting worse.

Diarrhea in kittens could be as minor as a reaction to a new food or a food allergy, but it could also be a red flag of a more serious health issue. Most cases of kitten diarrhea are treatable. But early detection is important so you can seek veterinary attention immediately. Common dietary causes of diarrhea in kittens include cow’s milk, a new diet, or food allergies. Other important causes of kitten diarrhea include internal parasites, infections, and environmental stress.

You should call your vet clinic London ON if your kitten’s diarrhea tend to be more frequent and it’s accompanied by other symptoms.

Friday 3 July 2020

Choosing toys for your cat

You have a cat in your life who needs your help to choose options for her that will work at playtime. How can you choose appropriate toys for her to use?

Your feline friend will need you to consider what she can safely handle. This will mean taking a good look at her age, needs, and capabilities. It’s also important to take her personal preferences into account as well. Your pet will be on the lookout for new things to do and offering her toys that will cater to this can be helpful in expanding her horizons. You can also make a point to have options that will allow her to use her natural instincts, as these will be very intuitive for her to play with. Your local veterinary clinic London, ON can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

How to Hold Your Bengal Kitten

Whether you’re raising kittens or own a kitten like the Bengal, it’s important to understand the right way to pick up a kitten to ensure he’s comfortable and secure. First, make sure small children do not pick up the kitten on their own. If they want to hold a kitten then they should be sitting down so that the kitten won’t be accidentally dropped. When picking up the kitten, use your writing hand to gently grip the kitten behind its front legs. Use the opposite hand to scoop up the kitten by his rump. Make sure his tail is tucked between his legs so he doesn’t get hurt. When setting your kitten back down, support his body and make sure all four feet touch the ground. Remember, kittens generally do not like being held for long periods.  Contact your animal hospital London ON for more information.

Monday 8 June 2020

Should you be offering your dog treats?

Your dog is an excellent companion and you know that she loves having a treat every now and then. However, you want her to be as healthy as she can be. This makes you wonder – should you be offering her these treats?

Your efforts to keep your pet healthy are definitely worthwhile, as she depends on you to help her lead the best life she possibly can. This means that you will need to evaluate the treats you are bringing home for her to make sure they are offering her some nutrients and not just adding to her overall food intake. Keep her preferences in mind while seeking out a natural option she can look forward to munching on. These can help enhance her overall diet and give her opportunities to enjoy something a little different than her typical food. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic London ON.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Is your cat ready to learn some new skills?

Your cat needs your help in order to lead a harmonious life within your household, as she needs you to offer guidance to show her what activities she can appropriately take part in. This makes you wonder – is she ready to learn new skills?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to understand what you are trying to teach her, so make a point to patiently show her this. Some breeds will be more receptive to training than others and each cat will have their own individual personality which may impact this. You will need to help your pet stay motivated to learn and interested in what you are teaching her in order for her to be ready to tackle new skills and learn from your time spent by her side. Your professional veterinary clinic London ON can offer additional suggestions.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

When should you hire a pet sitter?

You have a furry friend in your life who needs your help to determine the ideal ways to meet her needs. This may sometimes involve bringing a pet sitter into her life. When should you hire some help to keep your pet happy and healthy?

Your family needs to be able to meet the needs of your pet regardless of what’s going on around you and this means that you will likely be in need of some help if you are heading out of town or going to be otherwise occupied for a long period of time. This is when a pet sitter can be helpful, as this individual can help meet your pet’s needs in your absence. This means that you can go about your day without worrying about your pet and she can get the attention she both needs and deserves.  Your local veterinarians London, ON can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Why so many people love leopard geckos

You have been looking at all the wonderful reptiles that are out there and you’ve noticed that a lot of people share their homes with leopard geckos. Why is this?

Leopard geckos are pets that garner a lot of attention because they are interesting to spend time with and rather receptive to interaction in comparison to some other reptiles. They are also relatively easy to care for, allowing a wider group of people to bring them home. Their habitats are manageable and they don’t need a huge amount of space to feel at ease in a home setting. These lizards are impressive to look at, and are often found in pet stores. They are also rather cost-effective when it comes to both the initial purchase as well as on-going care expenses. For additional information, please contact your local animal hospital London, ON.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Is Your Pet In Pain?

When your pet cat and dog is in pain, what is the first thing that you should do? Consult a veterinarian! Unfortunately many pet owners choose to self-medicate first by digging into their stash of pain meds such as aspirin and ibuprofen and giving them to their pets. But this practice has resulted in a lot of veterinary bills that should have been avoided if the pet owner chose to consult the vet before giving any pain medication to their dog. There is also a need for your veterinarian London, ON to take steps to identify what is causing your pet’s pain so the underlying cause can be treated to eliminate the symptoms. Schedule an appointment at this website

Many pets have been rushed to vet clinics because they had ingested human medications that they have found around the home. Thus, it is very important to keep all your medications secure and safe from your overly curious pet. Schedule an appointment at this website veterinarian London, ON veterinarian.