Showing posts with label vet clinic London ON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic London ON. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Possible Signs of Bloat in Dogs Like the Labradoodle

Canine bloat is a common and often fatal condition that affects dogs of all breeds and sizes including the Labradoodle. If you’re not familiar with bloat, your vet can help you learn about the signs and symptoms to watch out for. Bloat occurs when an irregular amount of gas, food or fluid builds up in the stomach causing it to expand. Stress can often be a contributing factor. General symptoms of bloat may include unsuccessful attempts to vomit, abnormal behavior, anxiety, restlessness, hunched up appearance (as if in stomach pain), no normal digestive sounds in the stomach, bloated or tight abdomen, whining, pacing, foaming at the mouth, drooling, unsuccessful attempts to defecate or poop, heavy breathing, excessive drinking, weakness, and even collapse. Bloat can lead to low blood pressure, shock, and damage to internal organs. For more information contact your veterinarians London, ON. Visit website for additional advice.

Four Phases of Epileptic Seizures in Dogs Like the Labrador Retriever

If your Labrador Retriever or other canine has been diagnosed with epilepsy, ask your vet to explain some of the signs and symptoms. Canine seizures are most often described as a disorder of the brain that cause seizures or involuntary body movements, convulsions or even fits. In general, a canine epileptic seizure can be split into four different phases. The first phase is the Prodrome phase in which your dog’s behavior will change. The second is the Aura phase in which the owner may notice their dog’s excessive pacing, vomiting, and whining. The third phase is the Ictus and involves the full seizure in which the dog may lose control, lose consciousness, and begin thrashing about. The fourth stage is called the Post-Ictal Stage. This stage marks the end of the seizure and lasts around 10 to 30 minutes. Schedule an appointment today with your vet London, ON for more information.

Monday 5 April 2021

Find Out If Homemade Cat Food Is Good


Cats need more meat in their diet because they are carnivores. There should be meat in their diet. Otherwise, health issues and nutritional deficiencies will emerge later on if they don’t get their required diet. Some pet owners are concerned because of cases of pet food recalls. So they start preparing homemade cat food. Although this is a good idea, homemade food might not have the right amount of nutrients. If the owner did not consult a pet nutritionist or veterinarian, the homemade food might not have enough nutrients. 
A cat’s nutritional needs change as they get older. A kitten has different nutritional and calorie needs than an adult and senior cat.  Here are some of the mistakes done when preparing food:

  • Not enough meat is included in the formulation, which can lead to taurine deficiency
  • Too much tuna is added to the food, which can lead to vitamin A toxicosis and bone and joint problems
  • Too much raw fish is used that might destroy vitamin B1 in the body

If you want to prepare homemade cat food, it is best to consult your veterinarian London ON first.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

 Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes? Our Vet Weighs In | Vet Corner | Alpha Paw

If you have a tomato plant in your garden, you may want to keep your pet from the plant as there are risks involved. A tomato plant belongs to the nightshade vegetable family.  Some common nightshade plants, such as eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes, contain a toxic substance called solanine. Solanine is present in the green parts, such as stems and leaves, of a tomato plant that, if ingested, can poison your pet. In general, red tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat. But, be wary of green tomatoes as they have more amount of solanine than red tomatoes. Always supervise your pet when outdoors. As dogs are curious pets, there is a chance that they chew on stems and leaves while playing in the garden. If your pet accidentally ingested parts of a tomato plant, monitor the symptoms and if they progress, bring your pet to your animal clinic London, ON immediately. Learn more here.

Monday 18 January 2021

Winter Walkways and Cats

Winter can bring all kinds of crazy weather to your neck of the woods. From snow fall and blizzards to ice storms and sleet, sometimes you never know what winter will bring. One thing’s for sure, if you have icy walkways then someone will most likely be pouring sand and salt on them to keep people from falling. That’s a great concept, but the chemicals in those products may harm your cat. During the winter months you should try and keep your Ragdoll clear of treated surfaces and walkways unless you know for sure they have been treated with a non toxic melting product such as Safe Paw. If you walk your cat, consider buying cat shoes or some other protective covering for your cat’s feet. You can also simply clean your Ragdoll’s feet after she walks on treated walkways. Call your vet clinic London ON for additional details., information and tips.

King of Dogs – The Afghan Hound

The Afghan hound is one of the world’s oldest dog breeds. In fact, according to legend it was the Afghan hound that was on the ark with Noah in Biblical days. Today, the Afghan hound can be traced back to ancient Afghanistan. Several of the northern caves in Afghanistan actually feature drawings of the hound. The Afghan is known for his elegant physique, which includes a long flowing, silky coat. The coat helps sustain the hound against the harsh weather of high altitudes such as those found in Afghanistan. It’s important to know that this long, shiny coat requires daily brushing and maintenance. In addition to his coat, the Afghan is known for the conformation of his hips, which are high and wide apart enabling him to run at fast speeds and maneuver easily over rough terrain. Click to learn more about this canine from your vet London, ON.

Monday 9 November 2020

What are Hot Spots In Dogs?

Hot spots are skin lesions that commonly occur in dogs. Dogs may get hot spots from parasite infection, food allergy, or skin infection. Dogs usually chew, bite, or lick the wound as a reaction to the itch or pain they feel. However, doing so aggravates the condition which makes the lesion grow in size and multiply to other parts of the body. Dogs that have long hair or thick fur are more prone to having hot spots, which pet owners usually do not notice because their hair covers the wounds. It is best to bring the dog with hot spots to a veterinarian for proper treatment. If treating at home, you should strictly follow the advice of your veterinarian London, ON. As a dog with hot spots experiences pain, it may become aggressive when the pet owner attempts to touch the wound. To prevent hot spots, pet owners should regularly groom their pet dogs. Click here to learn more.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Creating a good relationship with your dog

Your dog is an excellent companion and you want to make sure you are able to stay on good terms with her throughout your time together. How can you create a good relationship with your dog?

Your pet needs to be able to count on you to offer her lots of love, plenty of attention, and some focused interaction every day. This will help you get to know her while also keeping her preferences in the front of your mind. Your efforts will likely need to be geared toward meeting her needs and helping her enjoy her time in your living space, as this will help her enjoy her time in your care while also being able to relax in the knowledge that she is both safe and secure by your side in this space. Your experienced vet London ON can offer additional suggestions.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Finding the Right Pet

If you’re a first time pet owner looking for a dog or cat then it’s important to talk with your local vet first to find out what type of care is involved in caring for a pet. Your vet can also help you decide if you should adopt a pet, purchase a pet, or find a breeder to the particular type of pet you want. Of course, one of the first things you need to decide is whether you want a cat or a dog. If you decide a dog then what type of breed? If you live in an apartment then a small breed may be best. If you live in a house with a big yard then a large breed may work. Of course, if you have small children then you’ll need to make sure you look for a breed that is good with children. Talk to your vet London ON for help deciding.

Sunday 9 August 2020

Helping Your Dog Overcome Fear of Thunder

Remedies For Dogs Fear Of Thunder

Did you know that some dogs are afraid of loud noises including thunder? Is your dog one of those? If so, there are ways you can help your dog become less anxious during thunder storms. One of the first things to do is to talk with your vet about your dog’s behavior. If your dog shows extreme forms of anxiety such as pacing, panting, and sweating, please notify your vet immediately. Your dog may need some medication to help him in his anxiety. In cases where the anxiety levels aren’t high you can try a few things on your own. For instance, try distracting your dog from the source of the noise whether it’s thunder, the vacuum cleaner or a train going by. Help him focus on something else by playing a game indoors, working on his training skills, etc. Don’t coddle your dog as this could encourage the anxiety. Learn more here or call your vet London, ON.

Friday 3 July 2020

Choosing toys for your cat

You have a cat in your life who needs your help to choose options for her that will work at playtime. How can you choose appropriate toys for her to use?

Your feline friend will need you to consider what she can safely handle. This will mean taking a good look at her age, needs, and capabilities. It’s also important to take her personal preferences into account as well. Your pet will be on the lookout for new things to do and offering her toys that will cater to this can be helpful in expanding her horizons. You can also make a point to have options that will allow her to use her natural instincts, as these will be very intuitive for her to play with. Your local veterinary clinic London, ON can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Keeping a canine companion happy

A Step by Step Guide to Keeping Your Canine Companion Happy and ...
You have a dog in your life who is eager to enjoy herself day in and day out. How can you keep her as happy as she can be in your care?

Your dog needs to know that she is loved and that you consider her to be a part of your family. This will help her to better understand what activities she can take part in by your side. Offering her lots of attention will help her interact with you to get the socialization she needs as well as the care required to help her thrive in your home. Knowing that you are looking after her will help her feel secure by your side. This will allow her to not only relax, but to truly enjoy your companionship. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local pet clinic London ON.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Your dog and her bed options

Your dog needs a place to rest and relax. How can you weed through all the bed options out there to help her get what she needs?

It’s important to consider your pet’s habits as well as her preferences in order to determine what would help her rest peacefully. This allows you to look into different shapes, sizes, and materials to help your dog feel at ease in her bed. Your pet will need you to take the time to determine the ideal places to put her bed before purchasing one, as this may narrow your choices down further. Think about how durable your choices are, as you will want the bed to last a while, and make a point to choose a bed that you can easily keep clean for your little fur ball. Your local trustworthy veterinarian London ON can offer additional suggestions.

Sunday 9 June 2019

The Australian Cattle Dog

If you are seeking a highly active dogs that enjoys an outdoors and on the go lifestyle then check out the Australian Cattle dog. This breed originated in Australia in the 1800s. The breed is actually a cross between the Blue Merle Collie and the Australian Dingo. The breeds were crossed in an effort to create a dog that could drive cattle and other livestock across open plains, rocky terrain, and long distances at a time. The Australian Cattle dog can do all of that. In addition, the dog is highly intelligent, athletic, and extremely devoted to his job and loyal to his family. This particular breed does well at adapting to various environments which is also a plus. The Australian Cattle dog should get about 2 to 3 hours of exercise or activity a day to help keep in shape and burn off energy. Give your vet clinic London, ON a call to learn more.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Why your cat needs a break-away feature on her collar

Your cat needs you to offer her a collar she can wear to let others know that she has a home to call her own. Why must this include a break-away feature?

A break-away feature allows your pet to easily remove her collar if she gets it stuck on something. This may seem like a negative feature if you want your pet to keep her collar on, but it is essential in order to keep your pet safe. Because your little fur ball could get herself into tight spots and sticky situations, she may find herself unable to break free without this feature on her collar. If she happens to snag it on something and can’t back her head out of her collar, she would otherwise be stuck. A break-away feature will help her get home to you much more easily. Your local vets London, ON can offer additional suggestions.

Thursday 20 September 2018

How to Register Your Cat’s Microchip ID

It’s important to register your cat’s microchip ID in order for it to be an effective way to protect your cat from getting lost. If your cat has a microchip, make sure you know the number associated with it and then contact a registry and register the microchip along with your cat’s information and your contact information. Home again is a popular register (although it may charge). Found Animals and Free Pet Microchip Registry are also popular. Ask your vet to scan your cat and tell you the ID number. Call or log on to the website of one of the agencies mentioned, follow the directions and complete the online registration form. You will receive a confirmation and any further instructions. Now if your cat is lost and scanned for ID, the microchip will lead back to you. If you need assistance with registering, contact your vet London, ON.

Monday 23 April 2018

Exercising with your dog

Your dog is a big part of your life so it’s important to you that she stays healthy and fit. Since you want the same for yourself, you’re wondering if there is a way to tackle these tasks together. How can you exercise with your dog?

Your dog needs you to first take the time to understand her capabilities and limitations so you can safely take part in physical activity together. This will likely mean heading out for a walk, but some dogs may be up for a jog, a hike, or even a run. You can also make a point to play more actively with one another. This will mean moving about alongside your pet and engaging in ways you may not have before, like running beside her when she goes to fetch a ball. For more information, please contact your local animal hospital London ON.