Showing posts with label veterinarians london on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians london on. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Why Cats Need Taurine

During the 1980s, taurine was discovered to be a necessary amino acid in a cat's diet. Since taurine cannot be produced naturally by a cat’s body and can only be in animal-based proteins, like beef and chicken, cat foods began to include taurine as a supplement.

What kind of effects does taurine have on cats? Taurine helps cats to have better vision and digestion. It is also needed for cats’ heart muscles and immune systems to function efficiently. The amino acid can also provide benefits for the development of a fetus and a healthy pregnancy.

 A cat’s daily diet should have taurine because they tend to quickly metabolize taurine. Different kinds of cat food offer different amounts of taurine. Wet food tends to have higher levels of taurine because the manufacturing process of dry food has heat that breaks down taurine.

Do consult your veterinarians London, ON before making any changes to your pet's diet. 

Norwegian Lundehund Personality

Norwegian Lundehunds are best known as inquisitive, mischievous, and cheerful dogs. Keeping them out of any trouble takes close supervision, though. And when it comes to these pups, expect housetraining to be difficult. These dogs love to dig and bark. Be sure to consider these before bringing a flexible, entertaining Norwegian Lundehund home. Also, early socialization is necessary to keep them from becoming shy and noise-sensitive. And if you love birds, you may want to consider the original purpose of these dogs.

Norwegian Lundehunds sport rough and dense outer coats. Under this is their soft undercoat, which insulates them. They come in black-tipped fawn/reddish-brown, white-marked gray/black, or dark-marked white hairs. Norwegian Lundehunds go through heavy shedding. With this, regular brushing is a necessary part of their care routine. In brushing these dogs, it will be best to use firm bristle brushes.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinarians London, ON.

Saturday 11 February 2023

Grooming Your Basenji

The Basenji has a short, smooth coat with white feet, a white chest, and a white tail tip. Other colors include black, rich red (chestnut), multicolor (black and chestnut), and pattern (black hues on a chestnut brown background). He might also wear white on his paws, a white blaze between his eyes in the middle of his face, or even a white collar on his neck. His dominant hue will always be more noticeable than the white color. His marks are distinct and never appear muddy. 

The Basenji maintains a highly tidy appearance and grooms himself in a cat-like fashion. He should only require bathing once every quarter or so. All dogs shed, including Basenjis, but since their fur is just so thin and short it isn't as visible as the shedding of other breeds of dogs. 

To get rid of plaque growth and the germs that lie inside it, clean your Basenji's molars at minimum twice or three times every week. Even better than twice-daily brushing is the prevention of foul breath and gum disease. 

Excessive hair loss or other skin and hair coat issues should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians London, ON.

Friday 10 February 2023

What Makes Basenjis Popular Pets?

On the bright side, Basenjis enjoy playing, but if you're looking for a dog to fetch a tennis ball or Frisbee, seek elsewhere. They are tidy dogs with grooming practices that are almost feline. Basenjis shed very little, which is a benefit if you maintain a spotless environment. They are also great watchdogs. When threatened, they will protect their citizens and property. They are renowned for their bravery and will use all of their resources to defend themselves against an invader. Their size, however, prevents them from serving as true guard dogs. 

Because of their stout demeanor and eye-catching copper coat, Basenjis make excellent show dogs. They don't require intricate grooming or trimming to get them ready for the show ring. Before making a purchase, talk to your breeder about whether you desire a dog to compete in the breed ring. She may then guide you in selecting the ideal puppy. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarians London, ON.

Monday 5 April 2021

Dehydration in Pet Dogs and Cats

Dehydration is common among pet dogs and cats. It occurs when a pet’s body loses more water than it actually takes in. Dehydration also happens when a pet suffers from persistent diarrhea, severe vomiting, fever, or heatstroke. Lack of water in the body affects the various bodily processes and proper functioning of body organs. There are simple ways to know if a pet is dehydrated. First, check your pet’s skin elasticity by gently pulling your pet’s skin and see how long it returns to position. If the skin takes more than two seconds, it means your pet is dehydrated. You may also run your fingers in your pet’s gums. If the gums are dry, your pet is dehydrated. You should seek help from your veterinarian if you suspect your pet is dehydrated to prevent its health condition from worsening. Your vet clinic London ON may give intravenous fluids as treatment.

Saturday 13 February 2021

Treating Dogs For Their Allergies

Like when treating humans, in dogs, allergy symptom relief is often medicated using antihistamines, or steroids in more severe cases.  These medications can provide momentary relief from the symptoms of the allergy, but they will not address the core cause of the issue.  Meaning, if your dog is once again exposed to whatever he is allergic to, then allergies will flare-up again.
For food or flea allergies, it is best to prevent the allergy before any flare-ups occur.  It is important to have an all-year-round flea prevention routine so that these allergies do not happen.  However, if you suspect that your pet is allergic to a certain food type, identifying which food type it is can take some time and is very challenging.  The trial and error method on food your dog eats is normally used to eliminate which specific ingredient your dog is allergic to.
Have regular communication with your veterinarians London ON, and keep them involved in trying to identify what your dog is allergic to.

Friday 2 October 2020

How to find the right toys for your dog

You have a dog in your life who needs your help to determine the ideal activity options in order to help her spend her time in productive and enjoyable ways. How can you offer her toys she will get some use out of?

Your little fur ball needs you to understand that there are plenty of toy options out there and different ones will be made for different activities. This means that you will need to take the time to think about how your pet likes to play, what toys will be safe for her to utilize, and what options will be comfortable for her to interact with. Be sure to have a bit of a variety at home for her, as this will allow her to take advantage of different playtime opportunities without any difficulty. For more information, please contact your local vets London ON.

Thursday 1 October 2020

Creating a good relationship with your dog

Your dog is an excellent companion and you want to make sure you are able to stay on good terms with her throughout your time together. How can you create a good relationship with your dog?

Your pet needs to be able to count on you to offer her lots of love, plenty of attention, and some focused interaction every day. This will help you get to know her while also keeping her preferences in the front of your mind. Your efforts will likely need to be geared toward meeting her needs and helping her enjoy her time in your living space, as this will help her enjoy her time in your care while also being able to relax in the knowledge that she is both safe and secure by your side in this space. Your experienced vet London ON can offer additional suggestions.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Finding the Right Pet

If you’re a first time pet owner looking for a dog or cat then it’s important to talk with your local vet first to find out what type of care is involved in caring for a pet. Your vet can also help you decide if you should adopt a pet, purchase a pet, or find a breeder to the particular type of pet you want. Of course, one of the first things you need to decide is whether you want a cat or a dog. If you decide a dog then what type of breed? If you live in an apartment then a small breed may be best. If you live in a house with a big yard then a large breed may work. Of course, if you have small children then you’ll need to make sure you look for a breed that is good with children. Talk to your vet London ON for help deciding.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Helping a shy cat come out of her shell

You have a cat in your life who you love very much and you want her to be comfortable in your home. How can you help her come out of her shell a bit and interact with the family more often?

Your little fur ball needs you to understand that she will generally become more comfortable in your home as she gets used to it, but there are some things you can do to help move the process along. Think about your pet’s needs and make sure they are met in a timely manner and then take the time to cater to some of her preferences as well. Have some fun activities on hand and some interesting toys ready for use. Encourage her to come out and see you, but don’t force her to if she isn’t ready yet. Your local animal hospital London, ON can help you better understand your pet.

Friday 2 August 2019

Choosing a food for your dog

veterinary clinic London, ON
Your dog depends on you to give him a life he can thrive in and a big part of the care you offer him will revolve around offering him what he needs to stay healthy. This means that he will need you to find the ideal food for him to munch on in order to enjoy mealtimes to the fullest.

To choose a food for your dog, you will need to consider all the different ways that your pet depends on his food. This means that you will need to consider how he is able to enjoy his meals based on its taste and texture, what an appropriate portion size is, as well as what nutrients the food gives him in addition to how much. Finding a middle ground between what is on the market and what your pet needs will help you determine the ideal food for him. Your local veterinary clinic London, ON can offer additional advice.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Can Diabetes Occur in American Bobtails?

Sadly, feline diabetes doesn’t really care what kind of cat you are or how many lives you have left. Feline diabetes can affect cats of all ages and all breeds including the American Bobtail. The diabetes disease can happen in cats when their body isn’t producing the right amount of insulin. Insulin is a hormone in the body that’s used to regulate the body’s energy levels, blood sugar levels, etc. When insulin isn’t produced, the glucose is no longer regulated correctly through the bloodstream and into the cells of the body. When this happens the body breaks down fat and proteins instead. Cats with diabetes may lose weight suddenly, stop drinking, drink more, become lethargic, etc. If you are concerned with your cat getting diabetes, make an appointment with your veterinarians London, ON. Your vet will most likely run a urinalysis and run blood work to determine a cause and provide treatment.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

What to Do if Your Dog Escapes

The first thing to do if your dog escapes the house is to remain calm. Go in the direction you saw your dog escape and start looking for him. If you didn’t see your dog get out of the house, check the house first. Outside, check immediately within a 1 mile or 1 and a half kilometer radius around your home. Talk to your neighbors and post flyers immediately. Flyers should include a current photo of your dog, a description of your dog, and a phone number to reach you that way if someone spots your dog they know who to call. Notify area shelters, veterinarians, human societies, police and fire stations, etc. When you go out to search make sure you take a collar, leash, treats and water. Ask fellow searchers not to chase the dog but to call you and report the dog’s location. Talk with your veterinarian London, ON for more tips.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Common Health Issues That Can Cause Blindness In Dogs

Vision loss in dogs can be congenital or it can be a result of illness, trauma or acquired illness that can affect their sense of sight. Certain dog breeds have higher risks of becoming blind or suffering from eye problems. Vision problems can affect dogs of any age. In senior dogs, it could be part of the aging process as vital organ systems start to deteriorate. Cataract and glaucoma are just two of the most common problems associated with vision problems in dogs. Diabetes is a common predisposing factor of cataract formation and glaucoma. Dogs with cataract have a cloudy eye lens. Glaucoma is a painful condition because of the increased pressured inside the eye. Another important cause of blindness in dogs is progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). It is hereditary in certain breeds of dogs and is many caused by retinal degeneration. Unfortunately, there is no successful treatment for PRA. Early detection of eye problems can go a long way in improving prognosis particularly if it is not a congenital problem. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your veterinarians London, ON if you notice changes in your pet’s eyes, behavior, and/or health. 

Thursday 20 September 2018

What to do with your Cat in Emergency Situations

It’s important to plan ahead for emergencies so that when the time comes you will have a plan in place. For instance, should you get sick and need to go to the hospital for a few days, what will happen to your cat? Contact your vet or local boarding facility and ask if you can have them on an emergency contact list for emergency boarding. Ask a few friends or relatives if they would be willing to be on the emergency list to take your cat or visit your house to take care of your cat should you need them. In case of evacuation emergencies, find out before an emergency hits what the local shelters are. Call officials and ask if those shelters accept cats. If not, call around to human societies, shelters, and boarding facilities to ask if they take cats temporarily in evacuation situations. For more ideas, call your vets London, ON.

Monday 23 April 2018

Exercising with your dog

Your dog is a big part of your life so it’s important to you that she stays healthy and fit. Since you want the same for yourself, you’re wondering if there is a way to tackle these tasks together. How can you exercise with your dog?

Your dog needs you to first take the time to understand her capabilities and limitations so you can safely take part in physical activity together. This will likely mean heading out for a walk, but some dogs may be up for a jog, a hike, or even a run. You can also make a point to play more actively with one another. This will mean moving about alongside your pet and engaging in ways you may not have before, like running beside her when she goes to fetch a ball. For more information, please contact your local animal hospital London ON.

Monday 12 March 2018

How your cat can enjoy time with others

Your cat wants to be able to socialize when the mood strikes her, but she typically sticks to interacting with you since she knows you the best. How can you help her learn to enjoy time with others?

Your pet may need the time to get familiar with another individual if she is to spend time with them. Bring potential playmates around often, and let your pet observe them from afar. Make sure that the individuals are aware of your pet’s preferences and make an effort to welcome her into the area they are spending time in. Your pet should be encouraged to approach them in her own time, as forcing her to get a closer look may cause her to retreat for a longer period of time and be even more cautious. For additional information, please contact your local London, ON veterinarian.