Showing posts with label veterinarians new orleans la. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians new orleans la. Show all posts

Friday 12 August 2022

Cat Breed Profile: Egyptian Mau


Egyptian Mau cats are a unique breed that can make your life exciting and meaningful. They can be more than just your “pet” and be your lifetime companion.

These cats’ most amazing feature is their spotted fur coat that comes in varied colors, including bronze, silver, and smoke (that shows a pale-silver fur with black tips). These cats have large eyes with a gooseberry green color.

What about the behavior or attitude of these cats? Are they fun to be with? The answers are a “yes.” The Egyptian Maus are playful, active, and friendly. They love to learn new tricks and play games or outdoor activities like fetch. Though these cats enjoy being around kids, they tend to avoid toddlers that sometimes behave uncontrollably. These Maus know how to respect people who give them the same.

Another fascinating trait of this breed is being a skilled hunter. They are great at going after their prey. So, if you have small animals or pet birds at home, keep them out of reach of the Egyptian Mau.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your dog and cat hospital New Orleans, LA

Friday 7 January 2022

Keep These In Mind When Leash Walking Your Cat

You must have already known the benefits of walking your cats and are excited to try this new activity together. To make this experience the best for you and your cat, you can check and follow these helpful reminders:

      Secure a leash and harness that are specially made for cats. The body harness is recommended more by the vets for cats. The neck area is sensitive, so collars would not be that helpful in protecting it. This is not the case when using a body harness. The force will be evenly distributed across their chest area when your cat pulls on the leash.

      Keep your cat close, especially when it is your first time walking them. This helps you ensure its safety while exploring this new experience. You can observe its reactions to different stimuli such as noise, traffic, scent, etc. Some can be uncomfortable to your cat, and you need to avoid those to keep their walking experience enjoyable. That way, your cats would always look forward to walking with you.

Walking can give you and your cat a sense of fulfillment. It helps keep your heart and body healthy. Also, walking improves your mental functions. Just ensure that you follow these simple tips to keep your cat safe always.

Call your veterinary hospital New Orleans, LA to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions. Visit the website.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Are Dogs Smart Creatures?

Dogs are very sociable creatures. They can respond effectively to human messages and signals. It is feasible to point at a food container, and the dog can retain the information and acknowledge the pointing action with enough training. There is also evidence that canines can detect human speech intonations and tones. People and dogs get along very well since dogs are intelligent enough to learn from human beings and vice versa. Even if humans and canines have different languages, they can converse with each other.

Canines are incredibly conscious of their immediate physical environment. It is feasible to train a dog to navigate a complicated maze to obtain food, demonstrating a keen canine awareness of their environment. Other pets, such as cats, find vast spatial obstacles far more challenging to traverse. It is also worth noting that a new study suggests that dogs have a separate area of their brain assigned to analyzing human faces.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, call your animal hospital New Orleans, LA. 

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Tips To Reduce Allergens From Cats

If a member of your household has cat allergies, or perhaps even you are allergic to felines but still want to take care of a cat, then you may want to check with a cat breeder for the possibility of “loaning” you a cat for several days to observe for any allergy attacks.  Below are pieces of information to control cat allergen exposure:

●Daily bathing.  Giving your pet cat a daily bath can reduce any allergens that are on your cat’s hair coat.  Every now and then you can also try wiping her off with a moist tissue or towel.  Try focusing your cleaning efforts on your pet’s face as this area is where most of the allergens are.

●Weekly bedding wash.  At least about once per week, try washing your cat’s pillowcases, sheets, and bedding.  The recommendation is to set your washer on the hot cycle setting.

●Grooming regularly.  You can have a grooming service or a family member groom your pet cat.  Combining her hair coat removes dander and tangles.

Your veterinarians New Orleans LA is an important information source if you want to know more about your cat.

Sunday 25 October 2020

Raw Food Diet and Organic Pet Food

The healthy pet food trend has been making waves for a number of years, and it seems it is here to stay, at least for now. More pet owners are getting educated and becoming aware of the ingredients in the pet food products that they buy, as well as learning about the benefits of providing wholesome foods to their beloved pets. Innovative pet food manufacturers are responding to this increasing demand for healthy variants of pet food products and are regularly releasing products that are not just unique but healthy as well. More pet food products these days are comprised of healthy and organic ingredients and many are devoid of or contain a lot fewer fillers or artificial ingredients. The healthy pet food trend has also translated into more healthy and natural treats for pets. Another related trend that is growing in popularity is the use and consumption of a raw food diet.

If you have concerns about your pet’s diet or appetite, talk to your animal hospital New Orleans LA.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Hypoglycemia In Toy Breed Dogs

veterinarians New Orleans, LA

Hypoglycemia occurs when there is a dip in blood sugar, way below the normal healthy levels. Its occurrence can be associated with various situations such as:

l  Diabetes mellitus –hypoglycemia occurs when a dog receives an excess amount of insulin.
l  Too much exercise without enough intake of food. This situation is common among dogs with jobs.
l  Xylitol toxicity
l  Insulinoma
l  Hypoglycemia of small dog breeds
Hypoglycemia in toy dogs is often brought about by their small sizes. As puppies, their tiny bodies are unable to maintain a normal body temperature. Also, their teeth develop later in life compared to other breeds. This can make it hard for them to consume adequate nutrition. These are important factors that can increase their risks of developing hypoglycemia.

Puppies of toy dog breeds can also develop hypoglycemia when they have a heavy parasite infestation (external or internal) or they are suffering from bouts of diarrhea. Anything that brings their appetite down can make them more prone to hypoglycemia.

Dogs suffering from hypoglycemia appear wobbly, have body tremors, experience seizures, become unconscious, and may exhibit extreme listlessness.

Consult with your veterinarians New Orleans, LA about the best way to protect your pet from hypoglycemia.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Possible Causes Of Vomiting In Dogs

Vet clinic New Orleans LA

Vomiting in dogs is caused by a lot of issues. While some cases resolve on their own without medical intervention, there are vomiting issues that need prompt veterinary attention.  Here are some common causes of vomiting in dogs:
  • Food allergy and food intolerance are two distinct issues that can be important causes of vomiting in dogs. Food allergies occur when the dogs immune system responds to a specific ingredient in pet food. Although food intolerance tends to have similar symptoms with food allergies, the adverse reaction does not involve the immune system.
  • Bilious Vomiting Syndrome (BVS) Have you noticed your dog vomiting a yellow-green color that does not contain any undigested food? This could be due to BVS. It appears that dogs react negatively to the bile in their stomach, especially when the stomach is empty. The problem may also be caused by stomach upset caused by reflux from the intestines. The issue is usually observed before the dog has eaten anything in the morning or evening.
Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital New Orleans, LA.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Cats without Tails

Did you know that some cats are born without tails? While some owners may have their cats tails purposely docked (which can be a questionable practice), other cats are naturally born without their tails or with bobbed tails. One of the tailless breeds is the Manx. This cat originated of the coast of English in area called the Isle of Man. The Manx has a dominate tailless gene but can actually be born with a long tail, short tail, stubby tail or no tail at all. A litter of Manx kittens can include all tail types. Other tailless or bobbed tail breeds include the Japanese Bobtail and the American Bobtail. These breeds tend to carry a genetic mutation that causes the cat to be born with a bobbed or stubby tail or in some cases no tail at all. For more details, give your vet clinic New Orleans, LA a call.