Showing posts with label veterinary clinic New Orleans LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic New Orleans LA. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Grooming Needs Or Irish Wolfhounds

 Irish Wolfhounds have hard and rough coats. Their hair is long and wiry on their eyes and jaws. Some pet-quality pups of this breed may come in softer, longer coats, but they can nevertheless be excellent companions. These dogs come in brindle, black, gray, red, fawn, or white.

Irish Wolfhounds go through all-year shedding. Weekly brushing is necessary to keep their coats healthy, while bathing should only be done 1-2 times each year or when they spend time somewhere stinky.

For a neat, show-ring appearance, you may pluck your dog's excess hair from his ears (using your forefinger and thumb), neck, and feet (using stripping knives or thinning scissors). Just ensure not to remove too many hairs; remember to keep their "mane."

Strip the long hair under your puppy's belly and his tail's base. Remember to achieve a smooth and clean appearance that emphasizes your Wolfhound's graceful lines.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic New Orleans, LA. Set an appointment here :

Friday 12 August 2022

Cat Breed Profile: Egyptian Mau


Egyptian Mau cats are a unique breed that can make your life exciting and meaningful. They can be more than just your “pet” and be your lifetime companion.

These cats’ most amazing feature is their spotted fur coat that comes in varied colors, including bronze, silver, and smoke (that shows a pale-silver fur with black tips). These cats have large eyes with a gooseberry green color.

What about the behavior or attitude of these cats? Are they fun to be with? The answers are a “yes.” The Egyptian Maus are playful, active, and friendly. They love to learn new tricks and play games or outdoor activities like fetch. Though these cats enjoy being around kids, they tend to avoid toddlers that sometimes behave uncontrollably. These Maus know how to respect people who give them the same.

Another fascinating trait of this breed is being a skilled hunter. They are great at going after their prey. So, if you have small animals or pet birds at home, keep them out of reach of the Egyptian Mau.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your dog and cat hospital New Orleans, LA

Thursday 2 June 2022

Choosing A Cattery: Will Your Cat Be Safe And Secure?


Leaving your cat in a boarding cattery is not easy, especially when it is your first time being separated from your beloved feline for a few days or weeks.

Thus, it is recommended to choose a cattery where your cat will feel at home away from home. Do you know the things you should consider? If not, you are in luck because listed below are the basics you need to look for in a cattery: 

      A good cattery does not mix cats with dogs. So, choose one that has a separate place for kennels or does not allow kennels in the area.

      A good cattery allows cats to bring in with them their favorite toys and has scratching posts to satisfy your cat’s want to scratch.

      A good cattery has provisions for high places since cats enjoy climbing and roaming around.

      A good cattery comes with a routine schedule to keep your cat busy and feel secure.

Your veterinarian New Orleans, LA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday 7 January 2022

Keep These In Mind When Leash Walking Your Cat

You must have already known the benefits of walking your cats and are excited to try this new activity together. To make this experience the best for you and your cat, you can check and follow these helpful reminders:

      Secure a leash and harness that are specially made for cats. The body harness is recommended more by the vets for cats. The neck area is sensitive, so collars would not be that helpful in protecting it. This is not the case when using a body harness. The force will be evenly distributed across their chest area when your cat pulls on the leash.

      Keep your cat close, especially when it is your first time walking them. This helps you ensure its safety while exploring this new experience. You can observe its reactions to different stimuli such as noise, traffic, scent, etc. Some can be uncomfortable to your cat, and you need to avoid those to keep their walking experience enjoyable. That way, your cats would always look forward to walking with you.

Walking can give you and your cat a sense of fulfillment. It helps keep your heart and body healthy. Also, walking improves your mental functions. Just ensure that you follow these simple tips to keep your cat safe always.

Call your veterinary hospital New Orleans, LA to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions. Visit the website.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Dog Toy Safety Tips: Toy Parts


If you are looking for the appropriate toy for your pet dog, one of your considerations would be to check its material and composition. A safe pet toy should meet your dog’s preference, your criteria as owner, and detachable parts. You don’t want to give toys to your pet that might come apart.

Similarly, you might want to think twice about giving plush toys to your pet dog.  Although plush toys are great for fetching and chasing, this is not a good toy for your pet. This toy is soft, and your dog will have no problem chewing and ingesting the parts when you are not around. You might have to bring the pet to the hospital.

A safer option would be to get rubber toys. A rubber toy is a safer option because it is durable. You will not have to worry about your dog playing with it unsupervised. But don’t forget to account for the size and the dog’s fondness for biting.

Your vet New Orleans LA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Introducing A New Pet To A Multi-Pet Household

 Tips for Creating a Happy Multi-Pet Household | Canna-Pet®

Reactions to unusual things can be varying at times. May it be a new friend, new neighbors, new environment, or any other stuff that is quite unfamiliar. The need to cope up is a must. Such things can happen to our pets too. The arrival of a new pet to the household can be stressful to resident cats. Regardless of whether the newest addition is a dog or cat, there is a need for a period of transition, a time for resident pets and new pets to get used to each other’s presence so they can live harmoniously under one roof.

While some resident pets can easily adjust to the new pet with no major issues, some can have a hard time. Ideally, you should have prepared a room where the newest addition will spend time while adjusting to the new environment. The new pet’s food bowl, water bowl, blanket, litter box, toys, and other essentials should already be in the room before the arrival. The room or area should be off-limits to resident pets to reduce stress during the transition.

Your new pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital New Orleans, LA. Click here.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Attention-Seeking Behaviors In Cats

Cats are quite notorious for flashing a variety of behaviors just so they can get the coveted attention of their respective owners. If you have owned or observed a cat long enough, you would be familiar with or be able to find out the host of attention-getting behaviors of cats and differentiate them from signs or behaviors that signify anxiety or even illness.


They are several signs or behaviors shown by cats that indicate a medical problem or illness. For instance, if your beloved furry feline friend is meowing in an unusual way, or his meow sounds he's upset or alarmed, he might be experiencing a health problem or he is in pain, hungry, or thirsty.

Attention-Seeking Behaviors

Cats seem less social and friendly than dogs are, but they also love company, especially of their owners or the people in the household. If they want attention or their owner is ignoring them, they will wail or meow.

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital New Orleans LA

Thursday 24 October 2019

Possible Causes Of Vomiting In Dogs

Vet clinic New Orleans LA

Vomiting in dogs is caused by a lot of issues. While some cases resolve on their own without medical intervention, there are vomiting issues that need prompt veterinary attention.  Here are some common causes of vomiting in dogs:
  • Food allergy and food intolerance are two distinct issues that can be important causes of vomiting in dogs. Food allergies occur when the dogs immune system responds to a specific ingredient in pet food. Although food intolerance tends to have similar symptoms with food allergies, the adverse reaction does not involve the immune system.
  • Bilious Vomiting Syndrome (BVS) Have you noticed your dog vomiting a yellow-green color that does not contain any undigested food? This could be due to BVS. It appears that dogs react negatively to the bile in their stomach, especially when the stomach is empty. The problem may also be caused by stomach upset caused by reflux from the intestines. The issue is usually observed before the dog has eaten anything in the morning or evening.
Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital New Orleans, LA.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Why Dental Health Is Important In Pets

vet clinic New Orleans, LA
Tooth and gum problems are among the top health issues that affect cats and dogs. Pet owners play an important role in their pets healthcare and one of its important components is dental health. You should make a habit of checking your pets mouth regularly to spot any sign of a problem that needs to be brought to the attention of your veterinarian. Your pet can also benefit from a regular home dental regimen that includes daily tooth cleaning with a tooth brush or dental wipes.

When a cat or dog is suffering from a periodontal problem, bacteria in the mouth can enter the blood circulation when they chew. This can lead to a condition called bacteremia, which can be life-threatening as it has been identified as an important predisposing factor to bacterial endocarditis, a serious disease affecting the heart valves. Bacteria in the blood can also have an adverse effect on major organs of the body with the highest flow of blood, such as the kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and liver.   

Your pet will benefit from regular dental checks at a vet clinic New Orleans, LA.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Fruits You Should NOT Feed Dogs

veterinary clinic New Orleans, LA

There are a variety of fruits that dogs can enjoy during the summer months or any time of the year. Those include fruits like watermelon, pears, and mango. You can a find a complete list online or call your local vet. As with any food, however, there are also plenty of fruits you should not feed your dog. For instance, grapes are the number one ‘no no’ for dogs. Grapes can be toxic to dogs of any breed and age or size. Although these are one of the most common fruits found in the home, they are the most dangerous for canines. Grapes and raisins both can lead to kidney failure and should be avoided. Cherries should also be avoided as they contain cyanide and can poison dogs. If your dog has accidentally gotten into grapes or cherries, please call your veterinary clinic New Orleans, LA immediately for assistance.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Registering Your Dog Locally

Did you know that depending on where you live and what area or state/province/county/city/town, etc. you’re in that you may need to register your dog locally? Your vet should know the requirements for your area and be able to provide you with paperwork or direct you where to go to obtain paperwork to register your dog. Most towns will have you register your dog with the town clerk. This usually involves some type of fee along with proof of the dog’s vaccinations and especially rabies vaccination. In return, you may receive a collar tag or paperwork verifying your dog has been registered. Some towns have registration due annual and charge late fees for registrations or renewals that aren’t submitted in time. Some owners can be fined if their dogs aren’t registered. Again, your veterinary clinic New Orleans, LA should know most of these details so give them a call.