Thursday 11 March 2021

Introducing A New Pet To A Multi-Pet Household

 Tips for Creating a Happy Multi-Pet Household | Canna-Pet®

Reactions to unusual things can be varying at times. May it be a new friend, new neighbors, new environment, or any other stuff that is quite unfamiliar. The need to cope up is a must. Such things can happen to our pets too. The arrival of a new pet to the household can be stressful to resident cats. Regardless of whether the newest addition is a dog or cat, there is a need for a period of transition, a time for resident pets and new pets to get used to each other’s presence so they can live harmoniously under one roof.

While some resident pets can easily adjust to the new pet with no major issues, some can have a hard time. Ideally, you should have prepared a room where the newest addition will spend time while adjusting to the new environment. The new pet’s food bowl, water bowl, blanket, litter box, toys, and other essentials should already be in the room before the arrival. The room or area should be off-limits to resident pets to reduce stress during the transition.

Your new pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital New Orleans, LA. Click here.

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