When cats shake or scratch their heads, it could be a symptom of an ear issue. Problems like these can be brought about by different issues. Determining the root cause is essential so that necessary treatments can be administered. Below are several common feline ear problems:
●Ear mites
Ear mites are very small parasites that pass between cats very easily. Kittens tend to have an infestation of ear mites because of an immature immune system. A cat that is affected will seem to have a material that looks like coffee grounds in her ears.
●Otitis externa
Otitis externa refers to outer ear infections that are caused by fungi and bacteria. Infections like these can bring about pain and make the ear appear swollen and red, with a smelly ear discharge as well.
●Otitis media as
well as otitis interna
If the outer ear infections spread into the middle and inner ear, they are now known as otitis media (middle) and otitis interna (inner). These infections can also be brought about by bacteria reaching the ears through the eustachian canal or by blood circulation.
If you see your cat pawing and scratching at her ears very persistently, then it may be best to take her to your vet Bourne, MA for a more thorough examination.