Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) or osteoarthritis is a condition that presents itself in senior-aged cats and/or cats that have a high risk of developing various mobilization-related problems like hip dysplasia. However, unlike arthritis where joints become inflamed and swell, osteoarthritis causes the joints to completely disintegrate. Should you notice that your cat seems to have some trouble making it inside and then getting out of her litter box, or going up or down the stairs, or jumping up to her best spot, inform your vet as soon as possible. This doesn’t necessarily mean that arthritis or DJD has developed, but rather it means that your pet will have to undergo a full checkup from your veterinarian to make certain what the problem is. Your veterinary clinic St. Augustine, FL will be able to conduct thorough physical examinations and run tests to better make sense of what illness your cat might have and then formulate the appropriate treatment measures.