Thursday, 15 April 2021

Understanding Dog Allergies

pet clinic Eau Claire WI

When dogs get allergies, it can be an annoying experience for them. You will see them scratching their body, chewing, or biting on the affected area.

Certain allergens can trigger an allergic reaction from your dog. For instance, if your dog is sensitive to certain kinds of food, he may have an allergy attack. In other cases, exposure to pollen, molds, and flea saliva can also trigger allergies. Other dogs may also have an allergic reaction to certain medications and strong odors.

Your dog could be going through an allergic reaction if he vomits or has diarrhea. He may also become itchy or have an ear infection. Other symptoms could be runny eyes and nose.

Bring your pet to a pet clinic Eau Claire, WI if you see it showing any allergic reactions. The vet will also need to know the cause of the allergy to prevent it from happening again.

Keeping Your Dog Cool


Summer can be pretty hard on our canine companions. Dogs can only cool themselves by panting: they don't sweat the way we do. On sweltering days, your canine friend can get really hot in a very short time. This can be extremely dangerous for your four-legged friend.

The biggest thing is to make sure that your canine companion always has plenty of fresh water. Always bring water with you when you are taking your pup to a park or trail. Brushing Fido regularly will also help him stay cooler. You may want to look into getting Fido a cooling vest. As the name suggests, these help keep pups cool. For a simpler hack, pour water onto a bandana and tie that around your pet's neck.

Of course, it's best just to protect your four-legged pal from scorching temperatures in the first place. When it's really hot out, keep Fido safe and sound indoors, in rooms cooled by fans and/or air conditioners.

Your pet clinic Kerrville, TX can give you more information on keeping your pet safe and comfortable in the heat. Or visit this site.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Training Your Dog


Did you know that dogs can learn over 100 different phrases and commands? While not every pooch needs that large of a vocabulary, your pet should at least know some basic commands. The most important ones are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. Leave it, Down, and Drop It are also very helpful.

You'll want to start with the command to Sit. This is the easiest to teach Fido. It's also a great foundation to build on. Hold a treat over your pet's head. Move it backwards, over his spine. Your pup will naturally want to keep his eyes on the prize, so he will likely automatically sit. When he does, say 'Sit' out loud. Then, immediately reward him with praise and a treat.

Work on one thing at a time, and don't move on until you know that your dog has mastered each one. Your veterinary clinic Fredericksburg, TX can give you more information about teaching your furry friend.

Keeping A Pet Short-Tailed Opossum As A Pet

 Blossom the Short Tailed Opossum | Pets, Cute animals, Small pets

The monodelphis domestica or short-tailed opossum is unlike other marsupials because it doesn’t have a pouch.  The pouch is where marsupial babies remain until they grow into a full term.  This animal’s babies instead latch onto their mother’s nipple and stay there latched until they can wean themselves off the milk.  Opossums are nocturnal, meaning their peak activity in the nighttime while their days are spent sleeping.  If you handle an opossum while it is still young, it will make it able to tolerate interaction with humans.  And since they can get into squabbles easily with other opossums, it is ideal to house them separately.

 A fifteen to twenty-gallon tank is ideal for use to house an opossum.  Shavings made of corn cob are an ideal bedding material for odor and moisture absorption.  Other cage furnishings you can include are an exercise wheel, a nesting box, and some tree branches in order to give your opossum opportunities to behave naturally.

If you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet’s needs, contact your vet Castle Hills TX.

What Happens If Your Dog Lacks Zinc ?


Zinc is an essential mineral, and it should be part of the dog’s diet. This mineral promotes the normal functioning of the body. If your dog is not getting enough zinc, he can develop excessive shedding or skin problems. 

The lack of zinc is also known as zinc responsive dermatosis. When there is not enough zinc in the body, the skin, metabolic and immune function are affected. Zinc deficiency occurs when the dog is taking too much calcium. The body cannot absorb zinc because calcium binds with it.

Dog breeds like Alaskan malamute or Siberian husky are predisposed to developing zinc deficiency. Their genetic makeup hinders them from absorbing zinc properly.

Improper diet also prevents the dog’s body from absorbing zinc. One example is the lack of essential fatty acids and fat. Another example is too much fiber in the diet since it contains a substance that prevents zinc absorption.

A dog suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is also unable to absorb zinc.

If you noticed that your pet is ill, bring him to a veterinarians Frisco TX sooner rather than later.

How To Deal With A Rabbit’s Ear Discharge

veterinarian Fayetteville NC

Even if your rabbit produces more ear wax than usual, there are times when too much ear wax is an indication of an infection.

Another way to tell if your pet rabbit has an ear infection is when it persists in scratching its ears. Your rabbit will also appear uncomfortable and will tend to scratch and shake their heads to lessen the discomfort. If you check the ears, you might see that the ears are red and swollen. Finally, the ear discharge and strong odor also show infection.

When you bring your pet for an inspection, the vet might order laboratory tests to properly identify the cause of infection. Treatment would probably involve medication and antifungal treatment. The medication has antibiotic content, while the antifungal treatment has corticosteroids. There is also an anti-inflammatory component to help lessen the pain and swelling of the ears.

Your veterinarian Fayetteville, NC might also ask you to clean your pet’s ears regularly to remove any blockage. A debris-free ear will help the medicine to work well.

Lice In Pet Mice

 Problems with Rat Teeth

If your mouse happens to be infested with lice, it will suffer from extensive scratching and itching.  Fortunately, lice infestations are quite simple to treat.  As soon as you find lice infesting your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately.  Using anti-lice medication for people is not ideal for use with your pet.  Products like these are not formulated with mice in mind therefore could have ingredients toxic to them.  While your mouse is undergoing lice treatment, you will need to clean its enclosure and the furnishing thoroughly with mild soap and water.  Dispose of the leftover food and bedding material properly.  If the weather outside is freezing, you can put these items outside overnight to destroy the lice.

Work with your pet clinic San Antonio TX in creating a parasite preventive program that will protect your pet from internal and external parasites throughout the year.