Monday, 19 April 2021

Do Cats Like the American Shorthair Need Sunscreen ?


Did you know that you should be cautious of the amount of time your cat spends in the sun? Not only can she overheat, but the sun could also damage her skin or cause sunburn. Most cats are pretty smart about staying in the shade when they are warm or feel their skin starting to burn. However, if you’re concerned about your American Shorthair getting sunburn talk to your vet and find out what you can do. American Shorthairs with white ears or white paws are prone to sunburn more than others. Your vet may recommend rubbing cat safe sunscreen or sun-block on these areas of your American Shorthair. Sunscreen may also need to be applied to other shorthair or hairless surface area on your cat. If you’re not sure or you need assistance, call your vets New Orleans, LA for more details. It never hurts to ask.

Dog Wheelchairs and Carts for Dogs Like the Pointer

Large breed of canines like the Pointer and other various canine breeds have been known to develop mobility issues especially in the backend or hind quarters as they age. Talk with your vet to learn about possibly mobility issues that could affect your Pointer. One such disease is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), which can cause the loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. If your pup has been diagnosed with a condition that affects his mobility, ask your vet about a specialized dog cart or wheelchair for your dog. Wheelchairs and carts have been created to give your dog back some of his mobility. For instance, some carts are designed to essentially be used like walkers. The cart allows the dog to take his regular stride with the front legs while the cart rolls along carrying the backend. Consult with your animal hospital New Orleans LA to find out if this might be something for your canine.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Human Products that Should Not Be Used on Pet Dogs


Pet owners should never use human products on dogs. It may be safe for humans but not for pets. Human shampoos and soaps strip away natural oils, causing dryness, flaky skin, and itchiness in dogs. They also contain harmful chemicals that remain in the fur even after washing. Dogs lick their skin and may ingest remnants of the chemicals, which can poison them. Humans are also fond of using tea tree oil products because of their soothing and healing properties. Tea tree oil helps in preventing oily and itchy skin and healing infections and wounds. However, it causes toxicity to pets, and exposure to it can cause tremors and coma. For itchiness, pet owners may use aloe vera or oatmeal soaps for relief. However, it is best to consult a veterinarian Murrieta, CA to determine the cause of the itch. Medications may be necessary depending on the veterinarian’s diagnosis. Schedule an appointment today!

Perching Is Part Of A Cat's Natural instincts


A cat will look for vertical spaces by nature because on instinct, she knows that this is a good spot to watch over what happens around her. This instinct has been passed down to the domestic cat from their early ancestors who needed elevated vantage points to be on the lookout for possible threats and potential prey. Being domesticated did not remove it from the animal’s survival instincts.

Your cat will also want to exercise her jumping skills using your home furniture. This behavior has been the bane of cat owners for causing damage to precious items such as photo frames up on shelves or perhaps even heirloom china. But jumping and pouncing are innate feline behaviors therefore as a cat owner, you will have to foster an environment that provides opportunities for your cat, especially if she is an indoor-exclusive cat, to be able to flex her natural cat behaviors all the while motivating her mentally and physically.

Should you have concerns regarding your pet’s habits, it is a good idea to have your pet checked by a vets Temecula, CA.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Paper Shavings Make Excellent Beddings For Pets

Animal enclosures usually have bedding that is placed on the floor. The bedding material is used to absorb moisture in the enclosure. The same material also removes any odors that the pet produces.

Paper shavings have emerged as a favorite choice for bedding. These are the reasons for its popularity:

       Paper shavings absorb moisture effectively

       Paper shavings are cheaper compared with other available materials

       Paper shavings do not produce clouds of dust

       Paper shavings absorb odor inside the enclosure 

Recycled papers are the most effective bedding. But don’t choose materials made from recycled newspapers because the quality of paper is not par with others. The ink coming from the paper can also get messy. In the past, paper shavings were mostly used in horses' stables. Nowadays, paper shaving is used in the household as bedding material for small domesticated pets. Paper shavings are space savers because these only expand when taken out of the package. The price is also easy on the pocket.

Make an appointment with your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD if you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Friday, 16 April 2021

How To Give Medications To Pet Reptiles


Most pet owners find it difficult to give any medicine to their pet reptile. If the pet refuses to eat, then it is another challenge.

If you are unfamiliar with the process, here is a guide to help you give medications to your pet:

       Reptiles can easily develop an adverse reaction with medicines because they have a different blood circulation than mammals.

       Blood coming from the rear part of a reptile has to pass through the kidney and liver before these can proceed to the rest of the body.

       Most medicines would have been eliminated before it takes effect.

       Veterinarians recommend that the injection site should be in front of the kidneys. If the medicine is injected into the rear part of the reptile, there is a bigger chance that the medicine will be excreted before it does its job.


Now that you know how reptiles take their medicine, you will understand why they react differently than mammals. If you have to give medicines to your pet at home, you can ask your veterinarian Lexington, KY to show you how.

Challenges of Having a Pet Monkey

 7 Pet Monkey Breeds Worth Considering | LoveToKnow

If you are planning to have a pet monkey, think again.  A monkey lives up to 20 to 40 years, so you should be prepared to take care of it throughout its lifetime. You should also have adequate funds to meet your pet monkey’s needs, as their requirements are expensive to maintain. In terms of behavior, monkeys require a tremendous amount of social interaction. Otherwise, they display aggressive and mischievous behaviors when they are alone and bored. They do not take anything new positively, such as changes in daily routine, additional family members, or relocation to a new house. Unfamiliar events can have a severe psychological and emotional impact on pet monkeys. It will also be challenging for a monkey to transfer to a new pet owner, should you decide to give it up later. In terms of housetraining, monkeys are difficult to potty train.   Taking care of a monkey takes a lot of commitment. Should you decide to have one, prepare for the challenges ahead and be ready to invest physically, emotionally, and financially. 

Your local pet clinic Thorold ON is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and behavior.