Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Do Pregnant Canines Need Prenatal Vitamins or Supplements?


If you’re caring for a pregnant canine like the Basset Hound, be sure you take her to the vet for a pre-natal visit. Not only can your vet verify your Basset’s pregnancy, but he can also give her a general wellness exam to ensure she is healthy. In addition, your vet can recommend any kind of vitamins or supplements that you may need to add to your Basset’s diet. In most cases, pregnant dogs just need extra care and routine vet check-ups. You can also make sure your Basset is comfortable throughout her pregnancy. Allow her to rest as much as she needs. Ask your vet about increasing her food. Be sure she is drinking plenty of water. You may also want to assist her when jumping on or off furniture. Visit this site for additional information and assistance or give your vets Portland, OR a call.

Plants for Your Black Lab to Avoid


If you have a Black Lab or other canine companion in your family then you’re probably familiar with how your pup loves to play in the yard, trot through flower gardens, and stop and literally smell or eat the roses. There are some plants that your Black Labrador and other canine friends should avoid. In fact, according to the ASPCA, there are nearly 700 types of plants that may be harmful to pets if ingested. Some of these include lilies, bulbs of tulips, azaleas, elephant ears, a variety of ferns, and even the aloe plant just to name a few. If ingested, these plants may cause intense gastrointestinal irritation, drooling, loss of appetite, seizures, vomiting, damage to the central nervous system and cardiac abnormalities. If for any reason you believe your pet may have ingested a toxic plant, call your vet right away. Contact your vet Portland, OR for a complete list of both toxic and non-toxic plants.

What Is The Best Dog Food For Shih Tzus?


The Shih Tzu is a dog breed that will benefit from good nutrition. Since these dogs need to have solid health and also avoid a lot of inherited issues, offering a Shih Tzu healthy food will bolster his defenses and potentially avoid the usual canine issues. Balanced nutrition of the freshest food will ensure your pet’s longevity and good health.

On the other side of the fence, there are some dog food options to avoid if you value your pet’s health and happiness. A Shih Tzu can be a finicky eater, a remnant perhaps of their once position of royalty. Therefore, ensuring that no artificial components, low-quality protein, or grains are used is an ideal method of maintaining your pet’s happiness and health.

The ideal Shih Tzu food items should help in:

  • Protecting the dog from illnesses
  • Avoiding finicky eating
  • Supports a long lifespan
  • Nourishing their hair coats
  • Preventing tear stains

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Valley Center, KS.

Who Is The Best Human For A Boxer ?

Boxers are very energetic. They love leaping and running around. This strong trait originates from the boxers' famous German ancestors, the Bullenbeissers. The Bullen beissers were known as companions in big-game hunting, where they help hunt large animals such as wild boars and bears. Along with their dynamic nature, boxers are also protective, making them a popular choice as a family pet and even guard dogs after some proper training.

Early training is crucial for boxers. Training these dogs properly while they are still puppies can help establish control and discipline early on. Boxer dogs are known for their strength and stamina. They need constant socialization and various exercises to keep them stimulated. The boxers also have minimal grooming requirements. If you plan to get a dog for your home, keep in mind that the boxers' active disposition may be too much for small children and the elderly.  

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet hospital Cornelius, NC. Click here to know more about their services.

What’s To Love About Pet Gerbils


Gerbils, unlike their cousin mouse or hamster, are mostly seen sitting on their hind legs. Some of their species are not nocturnal, but they still seem to be at nighttime. A gerbil can sleep several times a day.

Watching a pet gerbil can be fun and relaxing. This pet can be curious at times and would like to explore to fulfill its curiosity.

Gerbils are used to living as a colony with their fellow gerbils. Thus, they will not survive if they live alone. You can put two gerbils of the same sex in one enclosure. Gerbils from the same litter will also get along well with one another. How ever, an observation about the gerbil age difference shows that the older one might not get along well with the younger gerbil.

Gerbils are social creatures. They will be easier to care for once they are comfortable with other people. Learn to hold a gerbil properly so it will be tamer.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your local veterinary hospital Fort Myers, FL for proper medical attention.

Recommended Ways To Give Fruits To Your Dog


When you have the go-signal to give fruits to your pet, your usual serving would be to freeze it or give it fresh. But be sure to remove the seeds and skin and cut them into small pieces.

You can also find more ways to give fruits to your pet. When you can think of creative ways to serve fruit, your pet will surely enjoy eating it.

You can create fruit popsicles why using an ice tray. Mix some fruit slices with water or yogurt and freeze. Get one piece of Popsicle every time you want your pet to feel cold.

Prepare a batch of smoothies for your pet. Start by preparing the broth base by using yogurt, water, or broth soup. You can also add more seasoning to the smoothie but don’t add any problem ingredients like onion or garlic. When you have an extra batch, you can freeze it.

Let your dog enjoy his food. Instead of giving toys as a reward, give small bits to your dog instead. Not only will your dog get some physical exercise, but he will also have some mental calisthenics.  Add a little bit of fruit to your dog’s meal. The pooch will surely enjoy the added taste from the fruit bits. If you and your pup are up to it, you can give him lettuce too.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Michigan City, IN.

How Often Should You Bathe Your Ferret?


Bathing pet ferrets is a hotly debated topic.  Some people seem to be very sensitive to a ferret’s natural musky odor, thus advised or tempted to often give their pet ferrets a bath, frequently backfiring.  A ferret’s odor is due partially to the animal’s natural oils coming from its skin.  Giving your ferret a bath could reduce this musky odor, but only temporarily.  Since the bath will strip the ferret’s fur and skin of these body oils, that bath you gave your pet may actually just stimulate skin oil production even more.  Because of this production increase, that musky odor might end up being stronger for several days after giving your pet a bath.  Keep your ferret’s litter and cage clean to aid in maintaining your pet’s fresh smell.

Bathing your pet ferret tends to the animal’s coat and skin to dry out, so at the most, baths are recommended to be given once every month. Unless the animal gets into something which needs washing off, one bath every two or three months should be enough.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your professional vet clinic Cy-Fair.