Showing posts with label pet clinic Cornelius NC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Cornelius NC. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Why Is It Bad for Cats to Be Overweight?


If your cat is overweight, you may be wondering if it's bad for her.
The answer is yes—being overweight can cause serious health problems in cats.
Obesity in cats is caused by a combination of factors: genetics, lack of exercise,

and overeating. The first two are out of your control, but the third one is not!
There are many ways to prevent your cat from becoming overweight,

including feeding them smaller portions and increasing their exercise routine.

Some of the health issues associated with being overweight include:

  • Diabetes  

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol levels

  • Kidney disease

  • Liver disease

Signs Your Cat Is Overweight

  • Your cat is sluggish and lethargic

  • Your cat has difficulty grooming itself or maintaining its coat

  • You are having trouble seeing your cat's ribs because the fat covering them is so thick

  • Your cat has trouble jumping onto furniture or climbing stairs

  • Your cat has difficulty breathing 

  • Your cat has a potbelly 

  • Fur missing from your cat's back, sides, or tail 

If you have more questions or wish to schedule Fluffy for a wellness checkup, please don't hesitate to call us, your local pet clinic Cornelius, NC, anytime!

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Who Is The Best Human For A Boxer ?

Boxers are very energetic. They love leaping and running around. This strong trait originates from the boxers' famous German ancestors, the Bullenbeissers. The Bullen beissers were known as companions in big-game hunting, where they help hunt large animals such as wild boars and bears. Along with their dynamic nature, boxers are also protective, making them a popular choice as a family pet and even guard dogs after some proper training.

Early training is crucial for boxers. Training these dogs properly while they are still puppies can help establish control and discipline early on. Boxer dogs are known for their strength and stamina. They need constant socialization and various exercises to keep them stimulated. The boxers also have minimal grooming requirements. If you plan to get a dog for your home, keep in mind that the boxers' active disposition may be too much for small children and the elderly.  

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet hospital Cornelius, NC. Click here to know more about their services.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Dehydration in Dogs and Cats


Are you aware that water is also a significant part of our pet's bodies, just like humans? In fact, a pet's body is made up of over 60 percent of water. It is therefore also important for pets to consume a considerable amount of water to keep this balance inside the body. The sad thing is many pets, particularly dogs and cats, experience some chronic, low-grade form of dehydration (caused by drinking not enough water on a daily basis). Dehydration can also be brought about by instances when a pet experienced diarrhea or severe vomiting.

How can you determine if your beloved pet is dehydrated? You can check for dehydration using one of two very simple tests that you can do right at your own home. These simple tests are the saliva test and the elasticity test. For the skin elasticity test, you need to pull the skin behind your pet's neck; he's well-hydrated if the skin returns to its position in a matter of 2 seconds. Meanwhile, your pet's well-hydrated if his gums are wet and moist (saliva test).

 If your pet is showing signs of dehydration, you should seek immediate medical attention at your nearest veterinary clinic Cornelius NC.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Cats and Milk

It has been thought by some that cats and milk go together like horses and hay, but that’s no always the case. Contrary to popular belief, cats should not drink milk all that much if at all. Why? As kittens, cats have the digestive enzymes needed to process dairy especially milk. As the kittens grow older and mature into adult cats they start to lose this digestive enzyme making it hard to digest milk. Cats cannot digest milk all that well because they are lactose intolerant. In fact, the lactose in milk will begin to ferment in a cat’s stomach causing diarrhea or in worse cases vomiting. Symptoms of lactose intolerance usually occur within 8 to 12 hours. If your cat has had milk or other dairy and is starting to show similar symptoms, animal hospital Cornelius NC a call for treatment assistance.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Signs of Heartworm Disease in Cats

Are you familiar with heartworm disease? Heartworm disease is very serious in cats and can even be fatal without treatment. Heartworms are capable of invading the bloodstream of cats most often through mosquito bites or other insect bites. The heartworms can travel through the bloodstream and attack the heart, lungs, etc. You should make sure your cat is tested annual for heartworms and keep your cat on a monthly prevention medication. Signs of possible heartworm infection may include coughing, asthma, vomiting, decreased appetite and weight loss. Some cats may experience difficulty walking, fainting, seizures, or even build up of fluid in the abdomen. Notify your vet immediately of these symptoms. Heartworm disease can cause heart failure and even respiratory conditions such as HARD. The best way to protect your cat from heartworms is to prevent them. Please talk to your vet Cornelius NC to learn more.