Showing posts with label vet Cornelius NC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Cornelius NC. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 July 2022

The Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers were made more than 100 years ago, and since then, they've been a well-known breed. Originally made to fight, Boston Terriers are now generally affectionate and gentle. They have this tuxedo-like mark on their coat, giving them the name "American Gentlemen."

These super affectionate dogs tend to become friends with every family member. They do well in all types of homes, including apartments. These playful dogs need a lot of exercises, though. Boston Terriers are loyal and adoring, given enough love and activities.

Boston Terriers are now far from the pit fighters they were originally bred for. Popularly called "American Gentlemen" in the 1800s, they became more of a lover than a fighter. Male Boston Terriers, though, still show some of their ancestor's personalities, displaying a posture whenever they think another dog is trying to invade their territory.

Consult your vet Cornelius, NC about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Thursday 12 May 2022

Airedales Are Like Other Terriers


As with all Terriers, Airedales tend to dig, chase, and bark all the time. They're highly energetic, making them a great jogging companion. Their favorite activities include walks and playtimes in the yard.

Airedales are famous for their independent nature. They're highly intelligent and less likely to wait for your direction. So if you prefer dogs that will heed your commands, Airedales are not the best choices. But if you like to take on the challenge, Airedales can suit you.

Airedale Terriers don't take harsh treatment lightly; they will hold a grudge if you ever mistreat them. They also tend to be aggressive to fellow dogs or other animals— plus, their tendency to prey on other animals can be hard to handle. People often say that Airedales never start a fight but rather finishes it. So to sum it up, taking care of Airedales requires consistent obedience training and a well-fenced yard.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Cornelius, NC.

Friday 29 April 2022

Hairballs in Cats


Cats bring many wonderful things into our homes and lives … and a few that aren’t so wonderful. Most people with cats have had to deal with hairballs on occasion. These are mostly thought of as an unsightly inconvenience. However, they can be very dangerous.

Sometimes cats are unable to expel hairballs in the usual manner. This can lead to intestinal obstructions, which can become life-threatening. Therefore, it's important to help your kitty out with her grooming. Brushing her regularly can greatly reduce the amount of hairballs she gets, as you'll be capturing that dead fur with a brush before she swallows it.

Keeping your cat indoors can also help. Inside pets are protected from the seasonal weather cycles that trigger hairballs: if your pet doesn't grow that thick winter coat, she won't be shedding it in spring.

If your pet is extremely prone to hairballs, reach out to your veterinary clinic Cornelius, NC. Hairball preventatives may help. Learn more here.

Friday 9 April 2021

Siamese Cats and Bad Breath


vet clinic Cornelius NC

If your cat has bad breath then it could be related to a health condition and should be checked out by your vet. In fact, bad breath is a health condition referred to as halitosis. You should give your vet a call and schedule a routine wellness exam. In many cases, your Siamese cat’s bad breath could be caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria can be the result of plaque and tartar build-up or it could be due to dental or gum disease. In less frequent instances, bad breath could signal a more serious issue going on in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver or even the kidneys. Symptoms may include extensive brown tartar, drooling, lack of appetite, yellow corneas or gums, and pawing at the mouth. In any case, call your vet clinic Cornelius, NC to set up a dental exam. 

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Protecting Your Dog From Dog Bites

animal hospital Cornelius NC

It is not really possible to predict if a dog will attack or bite you.  Feeling clueless and helpless when a biting incident happens can be avoided if you take a more proactive approach in avoiding scenarios like these.  Below are some helpful advice items to steer your pet away from unfortunate events like these:

If you have a pet that has a shy and nervous temperament but tends to become aggressive when situations involve his toys or food, or perhaps just simply friendly and outgoing, consider putting on a wearable like muzzles, leashes, collars, and dog vests that are color-coded.

When two dogs are introduced to each other, take the proactive approach and ask the owner of the other dog if the pet is friendly and also complete with vaccinations.  Make sure to do these prior to letting each dog approach one another.

Be on the lookout for stray animals that wander into your neighborhood.  Promptly inform local animal control if you do see a strange animal wandering about without its owner’s supervision.  The stray could get into fights with your pet dog, or that stray could also play with your dog’s toys or eat his food, triggering your pet’s territorial nature.

Ensure that your pet dog has the latest vaccinations to safeguard against possible bites from other animals.  If you see any bite marks or wounds on your pet from a possible fight involving another animal, take your dog to your animal hospital Cornelius, NC immediately.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Signs of Heartworm Disease in Cats

Are you familiar with heartworm disease? Heartworm disease is very serious in cats and can even be fatal without treatment. Heartworms are capable of invading the bloodstream of cats most often through mosquito bites or other insect bites. The heartworms can travel through the bloodstream and attack the heart, lungs, etc. You should make sure your cat is tested annual for heartworms and keep your cat on a monthly prevention medication. Signs of possible heartworm infection may include coughing, asthma, vomiting, decreased appetite and weight loss. Some cats may experience difficulty walking, fainting, seizures, or even build up of fluid in the abdomen. Notify your vet immediately of these symptoms. Heartworm disease can cause heart failure and even respiratory conditions such as HARD. The best way to protect your cat from heartworms is to prevent them. Please talk to your vet Cornelius NC to learn more.