Monday, 24 May 2021

Changes In Your Pet's Behavior Can Be A Subtle Sign Of Cancer


Changes in your pet’s behavior, like a total lack of or reduced interest or energy when trying to do their usual favorite activities, pacing, changes in sleeping habits, increased aggressive tendencies, or other sudden behavioral changes, can all indicate cancer pain or brain cancer in a subtle manner.

Tremors or seizures could also indicate brain cancer, and until you actually see them, seizures could be missed by the pet owners. There are some signs indicating a pet might have had a seizure, like temporary blindness, excessive drooling, twitching, and loss of the animal’s balance.

Cancer could also cause cats and dogs to have a cough, therefore any cat or dog with a cough that does not seem to go away needs a visit to the vet. Persistent coughing could be a possible sign of tumor growths pressing on the animal’s airway or also fluid inside the lungs.

A cough that does not want to go away could also indicate other health problems, therefore, should your pet be suffering from this, the best thing to do is to visit an animal hospital Wake Forest, NC sooner rather than later. Visit this website Tuscan Ridge Animal Hospital for more information.

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Cornish Rex Cats and Feal and Tick Prevention

Cats like the Cornish Rex can get fleas and ticks just like canines, If your Cornish Rex spends a lot of time outdoors then he may be more prone to picking up fleas and ticks. A great way to prevent this is to place your cat on a flea and tick prevention program. If you’re not sure if your cat is already on such a program, give your vet a call to find out. There are a variety of options available including topical or injectable monthly treatments, monthly oral treatments, and flea and tick collars. Most indoor cats only require basic treatment plans while outdoor cats require a more aggressive plan. If your cat already has fleas or ticks, call your vet and find out how to rid your pet and home of the fleas as well. Ask your veterinary clinic Ellicott City MD about a placing your cat on a prevention program.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Lifespan of a Bernese Mountain Dog

Did you know that the Bernese Mountain Dog is of the large dog breeds and is a member of the Greater Swiss Mountain dog breeds? Due to his size, the Bernese faces a variety of health concerns. Most Bernese Mountain dogs live around 8 years depending on their health. If you’re looking to bring a Bernese into your family then you should check with a local breeder in order to find a puppy that is free of more serious genetic health condition such as Osteochondritis. Many Bernese Mountain dogs are prone to developing Osteochondritis, which is a severe condition that causes cartilage around the joints to completely deteriorate. This can cause permanent lameness, arthritis and pain. Other health concerns include hip dysplasia, arthritis, canine bloat and various cancers. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help in making your decision to adopt. For more information consult your animal hospital Columbia MD.

Do Owls Make Great Pets?


Movies and books, most especially Harry Potter, have popularized keeping owls as pets.  But the fact of the matter is that an owl does not make good pets.  The challenges brought about by the proper care of owls are one major reason why these birds are best left alone in their natural habitats, no matter how captivating and beautiful these animals may be.

To begin with, an owl cannot just be kept in your standard parrot cage.  Owls have to be kept in huge aviaries with both outdoor and indoor access.  They should also be offered a clean bath pan.  Owls regularly bathe so that they can meticulously maintain their feathers’ cleanliness.  Owls are silent fliers but if their feathers are not clean, they will generate noise.  And this noise has a negative impact as they hunt.  Also, if an owl is physically able, it must be allowed to fly as much as it can. 

Your local veterinarian Louisville, CO is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Water Access for Pets Like the American Chinchilla Rabbit


animal hospital Mesa, AZ

Did you know that’s it’s important to ensure that American Chinchilla rabbit has access to fresh water throughout the day? Most five-pound rabbits can drink as much as a 25-pound dog. Because of this, it’s critical to ensure your rabbit not only has access to water but that he is also drinking his water. One way to judge the amount of water your rabbit drinks is to provide water in a bottle with a sipper tube. Measure or make a line where the water is when you refill it. Check throughout the day to see if the water level has changed. If your American Chinchilla rabbit isn’t drinking very much you may want to give your vet a call. Rabbits can become fatally ill if they are deprived of water or go without drinking their water for more than 24 hours. Call your animal hospital Mesa, AZ if your notice a change in your rabbit’s water consumption.

Impacted Fecal Matter May Cause Leopard Geckos To Lose Their Appetite


A pet leopard gecko may refuse to eat for a number of different reasons.  Many of them can be fixed with proper care or going to your vet.  There are some, however, that are more challenging to face.

Should your pet leopard gecko stop pooping recently, it could be impacted with feces.  This impaction may be because of a recently ingested big or particularly hard meal that your pet ate, like super worms maybe, or perhaps even from the material used as bedding swallowed accidentally.  A urate plug could also be the reason for a fecal block.  If your pet is having problems like these, try a twice-daily soak in warm water.  keep the water deep enough that it covers the animal’s hips.  While the gecko is soaking, you should then massage the belly gently.  If this still does not aid your pet in pooping properly, then go and bring your gecko over to the veterinarian.  The vet might need to perform an enema on your pet or they may find intestinal parasites, or perhaps there could be other medical reasons.

 A sudden change in your pet's elimination habits should be brought to the attention of your vet Marion, IA area.

How To Find A Place For Your Litter Of Kittens


veterinarian Chesapeake, VA

You are probably anxious about transferring the mother cat and her newborn to a safer place. This is especially true when the cat did not choose a better location for giving birth.

There are so many possibilities on where you can transfer the cat family. but the main consideration would be whether the new location has enough space and security.

First, you don’t want the mother cat to remove the litter in another location. Next, the place should be big enough for the mother cat to move around, eat, and drink without disturbing the rest of the occupants.

Third, you want a noise-free area so that the mother and litter will not hear the sounds from the TV and other appliances. Next, the new location should not be too hot or too cold.

Most experts recommend that you place the mother cat and litter in an empty closet. An empty room will also be a good choice. If these recommendations are not possible, you can also secure a small corner in the laundry area or basement.

Your veterinarian Chesapeake, VA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.