Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Night Driving Glasses


Do you have trouble driving at night? If so, you may want to consider getting some night driving glasses. You don't need a prescription for these: you can buy them in many drugstores, or order them online. Night driving glasses are typically tinted yellow, though some look more amber.

These reduce glare by filtering out blue light. Blue light has the shortest wavelength and the most energy of all the colors on the spectrum. It's also often the culprit in causing glare.

Night glasses are nothing new. They were in fact initially designed to help hunters tracking game against blue skies. However, the jury is still out on how effective they are. Many people claim that they can see better wearing them. Tests have not backed up that claim, however. In fact, one study suggested that they may actually be detrimental.

If you have questions about night glasses or any other type of eyewear, contact your optometry Los Angeles, CA.

Exercise Caution When Using Anti-Flea Products For Cats


Anti-flea products are effective in eliminating fleas in our pets. However, some of the components of these products may contain harmful ingredients for our pets.  The ingredients can cause irritation or poisoning.

This means that we need to be mindful when applying the products to the eyes, ears, and genitalia of the cat. Also, you should bring out the cat when you spray the anti-flea product around the house. You can bring out your pet again when the poison’s effect has lapsed.  You can check the label to see how long you should wait before it is safe to return to normal.

It is also safer to remove the cat’s food and water bowls, and other essentials when using the anti-flea product. In the same manner, you need to air-dry the bowls to keep the food safe. It will also help to let the window open to let the fresh air in. Check the cat’s behavior after using the anti-flea product. You want to know whether your pet will develop an adverse reaction afterward.

Ask your vet Tampa, FL for a flea product that is safe and effective for your pet. Schedule an appointment today!

Scooting in Dogs


You are sitting in your living room with a few visitors when your dog suddenly begins scooting their bottom on the floor in front of everyone. Anything that causes itching, soreness or a dirty bum can make your dog scoot. The other reasons for scooting include anal sac inflammation, food allergies and a low-fiber diet.

A dog has two anal sacs beneath the skin, immediately below the anus. Anal sacs are spherical, pea-sized pouches in small pets and grape-sized pouches in larger canines. The sacs secrete a thin, yellow-to-brown, foul-smelling substance that drips onto the dog's feces automatically as it defecates. Dogs also make use of this substance to communicate with other animals.

When the anal glands get impacted, the dog usually experiences discomfort. Manual draining of the anal sacs may be necessary for these dogs. Ask your veterinarians Tampa FL, or groomer how to manually drain if your pet dog repeatedly suffers from anal sac impaction.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Conditions LASIK Can Correct


Have you ever wondered if you're a good candidate for LASIK? LASIK—which is short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileus--has been performed on over 10 million Americans. About 700,000 have the procedure done each year.

LASIK is actually quite versatile. One of its most common uses is to treat hyperopia, or farsightedness. This is when people can see things better far away than they can up close. Laser surgery can also work on the opposite issue, myopia, which is when people see things at close distances than ones that are far off. This is quite common, affecting about a quarter of the population. The procedure is also beneficial for correcting astigmatism.

Astigmatism is another condition that laser eye surgery can correct. Astigmatism happens when the shape of the eye is irregular, and interferes with the eye's ability to focus.

If you have any of these issues, ask your Los Angeles, CA eye doctor if laser surgery may be right for you.

Myths About Shelter Pets You Shouldn’t Believe


Probably because of the nature of the work they do, animal shelters sometimes get a bad rap. So do the pets housed in them. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear when it comes to shelter pets! Let’s set the record straight:

       Myth: Shelter pets are dirty. This isn’t true. Shelter pets are clean and healthy. Even if they arrive dirty or with health problems, that’s taken care of before they’re available for adoption.

       Myth: Shelter pets are poorly behaved. Think pets are dropped off at shelters because of poor behavior? Think again. Issues like abandonment and overbreeding are much more common.

       Myth: Shelter pets are mutts. Many pets in shelters are mutts, yes. But there are also unique breeds and purebred animals, too. It all depends on what animals happen to be at your local rescue.

Set up an appointment at your animal hospital Norwalk, CA to get your new pet an examination. We’re here to help! Click here to know more.

Why Diabetic Cats Urinate Frequently

Diabetes is a severe condition in pet cats. Diabetic cats have blood glucose levels that are more than usual. As blood glucose levels rise, the cat's body urges the kidneys to excrete the extra glucose via urine. The cat with diabetes will have increased thirst, hence will consume lots of water, causing it to pee frequently to remove the excess glucose in the body. Urinating more implies being thirstier and drinking more as the kidneys strive to release extra glucose. Polydipsia refers to excessive drinking, whereas polyuria refers to excessive urination.

Your veterinarian may have told you that "your pet is leaking glucose." The doctor means that glucose has been discovered in your cat's urine, indicating that its body is attempting to eliminate excess glucose in the blood.

Diabetic cats need close health monitoring. Do not hesitate to contact your experienced vet clinic Scottsdale AZ if you have any questions or concerns regarding your diabetic cat's treatment plan.

Causes Of Eye Styes


Have you ever had an eye stye? These curious maladies are actually caused by staphylococcal bacteria, which is found in the nose. If you rub your nose, and then rub your eye, you could give yourself a stye.

The bacteria can make your eyelash follicles inflamed or infected, which will in turn clog their oil ducts. When that duct is blocked, oil backs up inside the gland, which then begins to swell.

There are some things you can do to avoid getting styes. Try not to touch or rub your eyes. If you wear makeup, be careful not to use anything that is dirty, expired, or potentially contaminated. Be sure to remove your eye makeup nightly. You'll be at higher risk if you 've had styes before, or if you have certain medical conditions, such as ocular rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, or diabetes.

If you constantly get styes, contact your Koreatown, CA optometry to set an appointment. You may benefit from prescription eye drops or other treatments.