Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Why Cat Treats Should Be Given In Moderation

Giving your cat treats can start building friendship and works well, especially on training your cat. However, it can be hard to regulate the quantity and timing. If you want the best for your cat,  moderation is key. Here are some reasons why you should take note of treats moderation. 

∙ Cat treats aren’t healthy enough for your cat to give in a large amount. 
∙ Cat treats only add up more calories to your cat. When cat treats should only make up to  10% of their total calories. Its remaining 90% should come from nutritional cat food. 
∙ Cat treats include food scraps from your table. Keep bites from the table small. 
∙ Too much treat can interfere with your cat’s appetite. It will only contribute to nutritional imbalance. 

Although you can never give too much affection to your cat, giving these little rewards without thinking about the number of calories. Too many treats significantly cause becoming overweight and obese. Obesity is a condition that harmfully hits your cat’s main organs like the heart and kidney. To prevent any health problems, you can alternatively make your treats - natural and organic treats. Making smart choices for your cat is another great way of showing your love.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your animal hospital Seminole FL.

Adjusting To Progressive Lenses


Have you recently started wearing progressive lenses? These are in a way the next generation of the bifocal and trifocal, which can adjust for farsightedness, nearsightedness and more. The prescription

changes gradually from the top part of the lens to the bottom. This allows the same vision correction as bifocals and trifocals without the annoying line or social stigma.

It's important to realize that there may be a bit of an adjustment period to these lenses, especially the first time you get some.

Here are a few tips on making the transition go smoothly:

  • Practice looking at objects at different distances
  • Try reading a book and watching TV at the same time. This will help your eyes get used to going between near and far focus
  • Instead of moving your eyes to see things at different distances, try moving your head.
  • Keep wearing your new lenses, no matter how annoying they are. Don't go back to your old ones!

Ask your Marysville, WA eye center for more tips on getting used to progressive lenses. Click this Company Page to learn more.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Why Do Dogs Love To Chase Their Tails ?

Dogs are simply playful. One of the classic stuff they play is going in circles, chasing their tail.  You may see it funny looking at your dog twirling around, but there are numerous reasons for tail-chasing. The most common reasons are as follows: 

∙ Boredom. Your dog chases its tail maybe because it doesn't get enough physical stimulation. Increase your dog's daily activity and look for games to engage its mind, as well. 

∙ Puppy playfulness. You might have a puppy thinking of its tail as a toy to chase. It will grow out. 

∙ Fleas and ticks. When your dog chases its tail and tries to bite it, you need to check it for infestation. It is better to remove it. 

∙ Attention seeking. Dogs are naturally sociable. If they are getting enough attention, they will surely pull out for you to notice them. Your dog needs plenty of attention. ∙ Medical conditions. Obsessive tail-chasing from your dog can be due to an underlying health condition. Visit your veterinarian for an examination and find the cause of the problem. 

∙ Anxiety. One of the symptoms of anxiety is tail-chasing. If your dog has, repetitive behavior can be a source of comfort and serves as a stress reliever. 

If your dog keeps frequently chasing its tail or injury occurs, consult your veterinarian. They can identify any medical or behavioral problems and address them accordingly. It is better to act up before it becomes uncontrollable.

Your veterinarian Kerrville TX, the Compassionate Care Veterinary Hospital is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

3 Things That Are Bad For Your Eyes


You only get one set of eyes! It's important to take good care of them. There are certain things that are beneficial to your eyes, such as staying active, eating well, and visiting your eye doctor regularly. There are also some things that are detrimental to your eye health.

Here are some of the main ones:


Smoking is horrible for pretty much every organ in your body … including your eyes. It has been associated with many eye problems, such as AMD and cataracts, as well as other health issues that can affect the eyes, such as diabetes.

Eye Strain

Spending a long day at the computer won't cause immediate damage. However, screen time does strain your eyes, and can lead to dry eye and other issues. Make sure your workplace has a proper, ergonomic setup. Taking regular breaks will also help.

Skipping Sunglasses

UV light is extremely damaging to your eyes. Wearing sunglasses any time you are outdoors is a simple and effective way to protect your eyes. Pick a pair that offers 100% UV protection.

Call your Marysville, WA optometry clinic for more information on how to keep your eyes healthy.

Encouraging Your Pet Cat To Drink Enough Water

Cats don’t drink a lot of water by nature. Their drinking habits trace back to ancient days as desert felines that can withstand drought quite well. You might notice this from your cat as well. To encourage your cat to increase its water intake, here are some tips: 

• Place water bowls EVERYWHERE! The location of the bowls matters in places accessible to your cat. You may also offer varieties of your bowls and glasses to see what your cat likes.  • Keep the bowls and water clean. You may clean the bowls every other day. Change and keep the water fresh. Placing ice cubes in their water bowl can help as cats don’t like warm water. • Add flavor to your cat’s water.  

• Use drinking fountains. It is a fun way to encourage your cat to drink water. 
In addition, you may consider giving wet food to your cat. It can be a great way to introduce more liquid to your cat. Your cat needs to consume enough water to prevent dehydration that could lead to more serious conditions like kidney problems. Drinking water is essential for your cat to remain healthy and happy.

A sudden change in your pet’s drinking and/or urinating habits should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Kerrville TX. To learn more visit their profile.

Has Your Cat Developed A Negative Litter Box Association?


Your cat may have been using its litter box dutifully for years until it started urinating on your bedroom carpet or bathroom sink. There are numerous reasons why a cat may stop using the box unexpectedly, including unappealing litter box conditions, underlying medical problems, and environmental concerns.

If a cat has had a traumatic or unpleasant experience when using the box, it may link that experience with the box and keep away from using it in the future. Your cat may be hesitant to use its box due to some upsetting events, such as being trapped inside, a loud noise, or witnessing anything frightening or surprising can all stress your cat when it is eliminating. If your pet is scared to use the box, you may observe it hastily entering and exiting the box, sometimes before it has completed eliminating. Your pet may also defecate in other spaces but not in the box.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary clinic Webster, NY to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue.

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Burmese Cats And Their Glossy Coats

If you are thinking of adopting a pet cat with a glossy hair coat, you may want to check out the Burmese breed of cats.  They have short, smooth, and glossy coats.  Burmese cats also come in various colors.  While they are kittens, they usually have some darker shading around their body points.  But as they grow older, that shading will probably go away.  At that point, the rich colors will start to appear.  This breed has a lot of accepted colors.  The colors previously were only a few, but a lot more were accepted during recent years.  That said, the sable or dark brown color variation is most common among Burmese cat colors.

The CFA accepts four colors in Burmese cats: pale gray and fawn undertones, medium grayish or blue and fawn, rich dark brown or sable, and warm beige or champagne.  If any of the mentioned colors interest you, you might have to search a while in order to locate the exact kind of pet Burmese cat you want.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your vet clinic Kerrville TX.