Showing posts with label animal hospital Seminole FL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Seminole FL. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Ball Python Make Ideal Pets For Beginner Snake Keepers

The ball python is also once called the “royal python” due to being worn as jewelry by ancient royalty at a point in time.  They hail from central and west Africa, but they have now become common pets kept in Western countries.  These snakes can grow between 3 and 6 feet long.  They can be fed mice around once weekly, are active in the evenings, have a life expectancy of 30 to 45 years when in captivity, and are non-venomous.

These snakes are so named because of how they naturally behave when being defensive.  Ball pythons will curl up like a ball, keeping their heads in the center whenever they feel a threat.  If socialized properly, ball pythons can be handled easily and are quite docile when compared to most snakes.

Ball pythons are quite popular among breeders and hobbyists.  These snakes come in various “morphs” and also in various patterns and colors.  Naturally, keepers tend to not stop with having one or even two as it is quite easy to get enthralled and be carried away.  Ball pythons do not need much of your attention or time, they look stunning, and are among the simplest reptiles one can care for.  As such, they are much beloved.

Your veterinarian Seminole, FL  is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Why Cat Treats Should Be Given In Moderation

Giving your cat treats can start building friendship and works well, especially on training your cat. However, it can be hard to regulate the quantity and timing. If you want the best for your cat,  moderation is key. Here are some reasons why you should take note of treats moderation. 

∙ Cat treats aren’t healthy enough for your cat to give in a large amount. 
∙ Cat treats only add up more calories to your cat. When cat treats should only make up to  10% of their total calories. Its remaining 90% should come from nutritional cat food. 
∙ Cat treats include food scraps from your table. Keep bites from the table small. 
∙ Too much treat can interfere with your cat’s appetite. It will only contribute to nutritional imbalance. 

Although you can never give too much affection to your cat, giving these little rewards without thinking about the number of calories. Too many treats significantly cause becoming overweight and obese. Obesity is a condition that harmfully hits your cat’s main organs like the heart and kidney. To prevent any health problems, you can alternatively make your treats - natural and organic treats. Making smart choices for your cat is another great way of showing your love.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your animal hospital Seminole FL.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Three Reasons To Have Your Pet Dog Get Heartworm Testing


vet clinic Seminole FL

Heartworm disease is a serious matter. Once a dog has it, treatment should be given immediately to prevent the parasite soon as s for invading further. If you are still undecided about heartworm testing, here are some reasons to help you decide to get your dog tested annually. Your dog will have a greater chance of survival if he is given treatment earlier. The vet can give the most effective treatment if the type of heartworm is identified

Your dog can undergo the monthly heartworm prevention medication. This medication is also available in vaccine form. Its effect can last for a year

If these reasons are not enough, keep in mind that heartworm disease is dangerous. It can also spread fast because the worms go through the bloodstream. Your pet dog’s heart and lungs are at risk if the heartworm disease is not treated soon.

Consult with your vet clinic Seminole, FL about the best way to protect your pet against heartworms not only during mosquito season but throughout the year.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Dog Owners Should Assume The Pack Leadership Alpha Role

animal hospital Seminole FL

As the owner, you are the alpha leader of your dog’s pack, therefore you must be consistent in behaving that way if you wish to keep your dog’s trust and always obey you.  Canines have the natural instinct to desire order and structure in their pack.  Back in the wild, only the most dominant and the strongest-willed individual would assume the alpha role and is accountable for keeping order within their pack. 

If your dog senses that your determination and strength aren’t enough for the role, he will not hesitate to take over that leadership role.  Pet dogs in homes will take over the leadership role from another dog or a human, and whichever the case, it will not matter.  A dog who thinks that he is the stronger individual will attempt a takeover so that the pack's social order is to be maintained.

Other dog members in the pack assume submissive behavior towards the leader, but it does not entail that the dog will forget his natural instinctive behaviors.  A follower dog will recognize their human owners as their leader and will display their submission by obeying, listening, and respecting their alpha’s commands.

Your animal hospital Seminole, FL can tell you more about handling your pet’s behavior issues.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Be Used For Dog Ear Infections?

Dogs brought to a veterinary clinic because of an ear infection is relatively common. Dog owners can easily spot or notice signs of an ear infection. However, treating ear infections can prove to be difficult to ensure that there wouldn’t be a recurrence. Outer ear infections can be identified when a dog begins to persistently shake its head and scratch its ears. Dog owners may also note a foul-smelling discharge escaping the dog’s ear, as well as, swelling and redness of the ear. 

Myth: Apple cider vinegar can be used as a remedy for ear infections.

Fact: Apple cider vinegar can be mixed with other ingredients to create an ear-cleaning solution for your pet. The problem with DIY solutions, however, these are not recommended by veterinarians because this may lead to an increased incidence of infection and possible damage to the sensitive ear tissues.

Any sign of an ear problem exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary clinic Seminole, FL

Monday 26 October 2020

What Are Unsuitable Enclosures For Pet Mice ?

Choosing the perfect enclosure for your pet mice can be tricky but, wire cages and aquariums are understandably the stand-out prime choices. Familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of your preliminary choices for the enclosure type you’d want for your pet mice. Be meticulous about the specifications of the wire cages and if it’s suitable for your pet mice. Do not impulsively purchase an enclosure just because it’s tagged as “specifically-designed for pet mice”.

Shoebox Cages

Shoebox cages are usually plastic-based and are way too small. Cage furniture won’t be able to fit inside for such a small space. Not only that, because it also won’t give your pet a well-ventilated space. You’re better off crossing this out from your list of options.

Habitat Cages

If you’ve heard of habitat cages, these are cages made entirely of plastic with several in-cage obstacles such as tunnels, tubes, and the likes. These habitat cages are absolute head-turners and can easily attract your attention. But these can be hard to maintain and clean. Like shoebox cages, they are poorly ventilated as well. Mice would also gnaw away on the plastic habitat cage.

Your pet housing needs and inquiries can be addressed by your veterinarian. Visit an vet Seminole FL to know more.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

What to Feed Your Cat When it’s cold

Our cats can be very finicky when it comes to food. During colder months, you’ll notice that they’ll be more inclined to eat food that is warm. Probably the first thing that pops into our heads is milk, but cats shouldn’t be drinking warm milk or any dairy product. Most cats are born lactose intolerant, which means that they can’t readily digest milk and may end up with an upset stomach. Give her a warmed-up chicken or tuna instead. This will fill her up and satisfy her cravings. Soaking cat food in hot water until it softens is also a great idea. If your cat likes soupy foods you can warm these up in the microwave and she’ll love it. Be careful though, avoid giving her foods that are too hot. Let it cool for a bit before giving it to your cat so she doesn’t burn her tongue. You can call your pet clinic Seminole FL for more information about your cat’s meals.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Helping your ferret get plenty of exercise

Your ferret is a wonderful part of your life and you want to make sure you are there with her every step of the way to help her stay fit and strong. How can you help her get the exercise her body needs?

Your pet needs you to be aware of all the different activities that she enjoys so you can offer them to her in ways that will encourage movement. Your little furball needs plenty of opportunities to spend time outside of her enclosure so she can move without any interference. This will help her take part in new and different activities while also enjoying the company of someone who is close to her and encourages healthy habits. She will be drawn to games that allow her to use her natural hunting instincts, so keep these in mind when choosing toys and activities. Your local vets Seminole, FL can offer additional suggestions.

Monday 18 November 2019

Tips To Keep Your Pet’s Immune System Healthy

The immune system plays a very important role in protecting your pet from illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens, and other pathogens. While there is no magic pill to keep the immune system integrity and function at their optimum, there are certain lifestyle choices that you can make to help keep your pet’s immune system healthy. These include:

Regular physical activity
Exercise is an excellent immunity booster. It can do wonders to your pet’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Also, exercise helps reduce inflammation.

Healthy diet
Feed your pet on a premium quality diet for the lifestage he is in. Quality pet food meets AAFCO standards and ensures a complete and balanced diet for pets.

Healthy weight
A pet that is overweight or obese have higher risks of developing serious health issues. Excess weight increases the body’s susceptibility to inflammation.

Dogs with allergies benefit from being bathed regularly, every 2-4 weeks or so.

Vaccination, preventatives, worming, etc.
These are important components of preventive health and can help the immune system fight off potential pathogens and illnesses. Talk to your veterinarian Seminole, FL about the best way to protect your pet against diseases.

Friday 25 October 2019

Ensuring Your Guinea Pig Gets Enough Exercise

To keep your guinea pig’s bones and muscles healthy and prevent obesity, he needs to exercise. He spends most of his time in his enclosure so give him fun and active things to play with there. Your guinea pig may enjoy playing with balls and other toys. And climbing apparatus encourage movement. Plan for exercise and socialization time outside the enclosure daily. Use this time constructively so your guinea pig participates in active play and exploration. He will have fun running through PVC or cardboard tunnels and ramps get him climbing. Your guinea pig will enjoy climbing over and on you. Be careful that he doesn’t fall off you. Supervise your guinea pig whenever he is outside his enclosure. Keep small children and pets from injuring him. Protect him from hazards such as falls, electrocution from electric cords, and choking or poisoning from eating unsafe things. For more information, contact your animal hospital Seminole, FL.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Understanding Your Cat’s Hyperthyroidism

animal hospital Seminole, FL

Hyperthyroidism can occur at any age but it is common in older cats. If your cat has hyperthyroidism, she may lose weight even with an increased appetite. She may also experience excessive thirst and trouble normalizing her body temperature. She may also shed excessively and look unkempt. Once diagnosed with hyperthyroidism your cat will need daily medication to manage this condition. She may need oral medication, or a transdermal cream rubbed into the inside of the ear. Be careful as you handle your cat’s hyperthyroid medication. You may dose yourself while medicating your cat so wash your hands thoroughly after giving her this medication. More extreme cases may be considered if medications don’t work. Your cat may need surgical removal of the thyroid or radioactive iodine therapy. These options are more invasive and can be expensive. Contact your animal hospital Seminole, FL to learn more.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Guinea Pig Training

You can’t train your guinea pig like a dog but you can train him to do a few things for fun and mental stimulation. You need to use food to lure your guinea pig to follow a simple command. As an example, your guinea pig will come to you on with a command and a food treat. Hold out food for your guinea pig and say his name and the COME command. As you practice, increase the distance as your guinea pig becomes more reliably. Always give your pig the food when he comes to you. By holding food over your guinea pig’s head, he will see that he needs to stand up on his hind legs to reach it. Say your pig’s name and the UP command. He will appear to stand up and beg. Be patient and never punish your guinea pig. Have fun with your guinea pig. For more information, contact your veterinarians Seminole, FL.