Showing posts with label vet seminole fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet seminole fl. Show all posts

Thursday 1 September 2022

Snakes And Scorpions As Pets


If you are fascinated with exotic creatures, then you can have snakes or scorpions for pets. Those who consider taking them in as pets are not after cuddliness, but rather because they are cool and interesting. Here are some things you need to know in case a snake or a scorpion appeals to you:


  • An escape-proof aquarium is essential to prevent any harm.
  • You may research or ask your vet to ensure the proper temperature depending on the breed of your snake.
  • Bedding can be paper, indoor or outdoor carpet, artificial turf, or aspen chips. 
  • A snake’s diet may be insects, rodents, rabbits, or birds. 


  • They are cold-blooded so they will need a heat source such as a heat mat or heat lamp. 
  • They also require humidity so that they don’t dry out. You may put a wet sponge in the enclosure to address this. 
  • They are very clean animals and are low-maintenance. 
  • A small to medium-size terrarium will be good enough to house your scorpion/s.
  • A scorpion’s diet may consist of crickets, wood roaches, or silkworms.

Your vet Seminole, FL can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Ball Python Make Ideal Pets For Beginner Snake Keepers

The ball python is also once called the “royal python” due to being worn as jewelry by ancient royalty at a point in time.  They hail from central and west Africa, but they have now become common pets kept in Western countries.  These snakes can grow between 3 and 6 feet long.  They can be fed mice around once weekly, are active in the evenings, have a life expectancy of 30 to 45 years when in captivity, and are non-venomous.

These snakes are so named because of how they naturally behave when being defensive.  Ball pythons will curl up like a ball, keeping their heads in the center whenever they feel a threat.  If socialized properly, ball pythons can be handled easily and are quite docile when compared to most snakes.

Ball pythons are quite popular among breeders and hobbyists.  These snakes come in various “morphs” and also in various patterns and colors.  Naturally, keepers tend to not stop with having one or even two as it is quite easy to get enthralled and be carried away.  Ball pythons do not need much of your attention or time, they look stunning, and are among the simplest reptiles one can care for.  As such, they are much beloved.

Your veterinarian Seminole, FL  is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Dog Owners Should Assume The Pack Leadership Alpha Role

animal hospital Seminole FL

As the owner, you are the alpha leader of your dog’s pack, therefore you must be consistent in behaving that way if you wish to keep your dog’s trust and always obey you.  Canines have the natural instinct to desire order and structure in their pack.  Back in the wild, only the most dominant and the strongest-willed individual would assume the alpha role and is accountable for keeping order within their pack. 

If your dog senses that your determination and strength aren’t enough for the role, he will not hesitate to take over that leadership role.  Pet dogs in homes will take over the leadership role from another dog or a human, and whichever the case, it will not matter.  A dog who thinks that he is the stronger individual will attempt a takeover so that the pack's social order is to be maintained.

Other dog members in the pack assume submissive behavior towards the leader, but it does not entail that the dog will forget his natural instinctive behaviors.  A follower dog will recognize their human owners as their leader and will display their submission by obeying, listening, and respecting their alpha’s commands.

Your animal hospital Seminole, FL can tell you more about handling your pet’s behavior issues.

Monday 4 January 2021

Keeping Your Dog’s Skin Healthy


Maintaining your dog’s skin is essential in keeping your pet healthy. There are simple ways on how to take care of your pet’s skin. First, your pet should have regular grooming sessions to maintain its body’s cleanliness and to check for any presence of infections. You may take your pet to a professional groomer periodically. At home, you should regularly bathe and comb your pet’s fur as part of your dog’s routine. Second, always give your pet premium-quality dog food. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are best in keeping your dog’s coat healthy. Third, regularly bring your pet to the doctor for a health and wellness checkup. Veterinarians usually prescribe a year-round parasite control plan to prevent flea and tick infestations. Lastly, always maintain cleanliness in your home environment. If you notice any symptoms of skin infection in your pet, let your vet clinic Seminole FL know.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

What to Feed Your Cat When it’s cold

Our cats can be very finicky when it comes to food. During colder months, you’ll notice that they’ll be more inclined to eat food that is warm. Probably the first thing that pops into our heads is milk, but cats shouldn’t be drinking warm milk or any dairy product. Most cats are born lactose intolerant, which means that they can’t readily digest milk and may end up with an upset stomach. Give her a warmed-up chicken or tuna instead. This will fill her up and satisfy her cravings. Soaking cat food in hot water until it softens is also a great idea. If your cat likes soupy foods you can warm these up in the microwave and she’ll love it. Be careful though, avoid giving her foods that are too hot. Let it cool for a bit before giving it to your cat so she doesn’t burn her tongue. You can call your pet clinic Seminole FL for more information about your cat’s meals.

Monday 4 May 2020

Are Dogs Naturally Color Blind?

Some dog owners thing that their dog is naturally color blind. However, some scientists have discovered that is not quite right. Dogs aren’t necessarily color blind, but they definitely do not see color the way people do. For example, dogs do not recognize grass as green nor do they see the sky and think of it as blue. Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not see just gray. Some scientists conducted enough research to prove that a dog’s typical point of view when looking around the world is not gray. Dogs have a sense of color but it is usually focused more on the blue zone of the color spectrum. Dogs tend to see shades of color but not specific colors like people do. So, are dogs naturally color blind? No. Do dogs see colors like people? No. However, dogs do see colors. Ask your vet clinic Seminole FL  what his/her verdict is.

Friday 25 October 2019

Ensuring Your Guinea Pig Gets Enough Exercise

To keep your guinea pig’s bones and muscles healthy and prevent obesity, he needs to exercise. He spends most of his time in his enclosure so give him fun and active things to play with there. Your guinea pig may enjoy playing with balls and other toys. And climbing apparatus encourage movement. Plan for exercise and socialization time outside the enclosure daily. Use this time constructively so your guinea pig participates in active play and exploration. He will have fun running through PVC or cardboard tunnels and ramps get him climbing. Your guinea pig will enjoy climbing over and on you. Be careful that he doesn’t fall off you. Supervise your guinea pig whenever he is outside his enclosure. Keep small children and pets from injuring him. Protect him from hazards such as falls, electrocution from electric cords, and choking or poisoning from eating unsafe things. For more information, contact your animal hospital Seminole, FL.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Understanding Your Cat’s Hyperthyroidism

animal hospital Seminole, FL

Hyperthyroidism can occur at any age but it is common in older cats. If your cat has hyperthyroidism, she may lose weight even with an increased appetite. She may also experience excessive thirst and trouble normalizing her body temperature. She may also shed excessively and look unkempt. Once diagnosed with hyperthyroidism your cat will need daily medication to manage this condition. She may need oral medication, or a transdermal cream rubbed into the inside of the ear. Be careful as you handle your cat’s hyperthyroid medication. You may dose yourself while medicating your cat so wash your hands thoroughly after giving her this medication. More extreme cases may be considered if medications don’t work. Your cat may need surgical removal of the thyroid or radioactive iodine therapy. These options are more invasive and can be expensive. Contact your animal hospital Seminole, FL to learn more.