Showing posts with label Veterinarian Seminole FL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarian Seminole FL. Show all posts

Thursday 1 September 2022

Snakes And Scorpions As Pets


If you are fascinated with exotic creatures, then you can have snakes or scorpions for pets. Those who consider taking them in as pets are not after cuddliness, but rather because they are cool and interesting. Here are some things you need to know in case a snake or a scorpion appeals to you:


  • An escape-proof aquarium is essential to prevent any harm.
  • You may research or ask your vet to ensure the proper temperature depending on the breed of your snake.
  • Bedding can be paper, indoor or outdoor carpet, artificial turf, or aspen chips. 
  • A snake’s diet may be insects, rodents, rabbits, or birds. 


  • They are cold-blooded so they will need a heat source such as a heat mat or heat lamp. 
  • They also require humidity so that they don’t dry out. You may put a wet sponge in the enclosure to address this. 
  • They are very clean animals and are low-maintenance. 
  • A small to medium-size terrarium will be good enough to house your scorpion/s.
  • A scorpion’s diet may consist of crickets, wood roaches, or silkworms.

Your vet Seminole, FL can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Thursday 17 February 2022

Tips When Switching Pet Foods

It’s vital to provide high-quality food in your pet’s diet that is suitable to the current life stage that he is in. In every life stage, there are specific nutritional and caloric requirements that must be sufficiently met to maintain overall good health and well-being.

When your pet turns at least nine months until a year old, the majority of the puppies’ diet will include adult formula. For those pups of big breeds, they have to continue consuming growth formulas for longer when compared to other breeds. When it comes to mature dogs (who turn around seven years of age), their diet is swapped for specially formulated senior rations. Puppies, who are being fed with growth formula for longer periods, are more susceptible to gaining a lot of weight and may eventually develop obesity. 

Do consult your veterinarian Seminole, FL  before making any changes to your pet's diet.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Tips on Cat Crate Training

Cat crate has a lot of advantages when you are always on the go. This is convenient not just for you but also for your cats. You can easily transport them during a day outside or a vet visit. 

For you and your cat to successfully use the crate, you have to train them. Cats should feel safe and comfortable inside. To do this, you need to introduce it to them at an early age. Place some of their favorite toys and treats in the crate to coax them into coming inside.

You can also place their crate somewhere near their favorite sport. After developing a sense of familiarity with the cat crate, they could still feel secure even if you aren’t home. 

Your veterinarian Seminole FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Care Tips For Pet Rabbits


Taking care of your bunny involves feeding them excellent food, providing a secure environment, and spending lots of time with them. All of these improve the quality of life for your bunny, which will mold them to be friendly and loving companions. 

Caring for bunnies is pretty straightforward. Give them quality hay, clean water, an area for them to live and play, and heaps of attention and love. Furthermore, they also have their unique behaviors and other quirks that are different from dogs or cats. You must do your due diligence to research the correct and proper care for your bunny. 

Rabbits require high-quality food or hay, water, space, love, and attention. Moreover, they must have a litter box. If they're litter trained, they can be allowed to roam around the home. For baby bunnies with no mother rabbit with them, you should provide a kitten milk replacement as their food. 

Consult your veterinarian Seminole, FL about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Why Labrador Retrievers Are All-Time Favorite Pets

There are a lot of people wanting to have large-sized dogs.  The AKC (American Kennel Club) says that Labrador Retrievers are ranked as the top most popular breed of pet dogs.  This might be open to some interpretation because a lot of people classify Labrador Retrievers as large-sized dog breeds.  But technically, some shorter ones could count as medium-sized breeds.  This is because large-sized dogs have to stand 24 inches high at least, and male Labrador Retrievers can range between 22.5 to 24.5 inches.

Labrador Retrievers may not take the crown as the world’s tallest dogs, but they still rank as among the more popular breeds due to various reasons.  They are among the friendliest of the dog breeds ever.  They are quite gentle, enthusiastic, and loyal.  Because of these traits, Labrador Retrievers are ideal for families even if they are relatively heavier and bigger.

As was mentioned earlier, some Labrador Retrievers could technically be classified as medium-sized instead of being large-sized.  But since the breed can reach the full twenty-four inches tall, most would consider them to be large-sized dogs.

Make an appointment at your veterinarian Seminole FL for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Be Used For Dog Ear Infections?

Dogs brought to a veterinary clinic because of an ear infection is relatively common. Dog owners can easily spot or notice signs of an ear infection. However, treating ear infections can prove to be difficult to ensure that there wouldn’t be a recurrence. Outer ear infections can be identified when a dog begins to persistently shake its head and scratch its ears. Dog owners may also note a foul-smelling discharge escaping the dog’s ear, as well as, swelling and redness of the ear. 

Myth: Apple cider vinegar can be used as a remedy for ear infections.

Fact: Apple cider vinegar can be mixed with other ingredients to create an ear-cleaning solution for your pet. The problem with DIY solutions, however, these are not recommended by veterinarians because this may lead to an increased incidence of infection and possible damage to the sensitive ear tissues.

Any sign of an ear problem exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary clinic Seminole, FL

Monday 26 October 2020

What Are Unsuitable Enclosures For Pet Mice ?

Choosing the perfect enclosure for your pet mice can be tricky but, wire cages and aquariums are understandably the stand-out prime choices. Familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of your preliminary choices for the enclosure type you’d want for your pet mice. Be meticulous about the specifications of the wire cages and if it’s suitable for your pet mice. Do not impulsively purchase an enclosure just because it’s tagged as “specifically-designed for pet mice”.

Shoebox Cages

Shoebox cages are usually plastic-based and are way too small. Cage furniture won’t be able to fit inside for such a small space. Not only that, because it also won’t give your pet a well-ventilated space. You’re better off crossing this out from your list of options.

Habitat Cages

If you’ve heard of habitat cages, these are cages made entirely of plastic with several in-cage obstacles such as tunnels, tubes, and the likes. These habitat cages are absolute head-turners and can easily attract your attention. But these can be hard to maintain and clean. Like shoebox cages, they are poorly ventilated as well. Mice would also gnaw away on the plastic habitat cage.

Your pet housing needs and inquiries can be addressed by your veterinarian. Visit an vet Seminole FL to know more.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Helping your cat get the exercise she needs each day

Your cat needs to be able to get up and move each and every day in order to keep her body strong and you know that she may need some help in order to make this happen. What can you do to help her get the exercise she needs?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to spend her time on fun activities that will help her stay active without her even realizing it. She will be drawn to playtime activities that mimic hunting and allow her to socialize with family members. She will also want to get up and moving when she realizes just how good it can feel to be active, so be sure to have toys available to help facilitate this type of movement when you are unavailable for a play session. For more information, please contact your local vet Seminole FL.