Tuesday 28 September 2021

Why Labrador Retrievers Are All-Time Favorite Pets

There are a lot of people wanting to have large-sized dogs.  The AKC (American Kennel Club) says that Labrador Retrievers are ranked as the top most popular breed of pet dogs.  This might be open to some interpretation because a lot of people classify Labrador Retrievers as large-sized dog breeds.  But technically, some shorter ones could count as medium-sized breeds.  This is because large-sized dogs have to stand 24 inches high at least, and male Labrador Retrievers can range between 22.5 to 24.5 inches.

Labrador Retrievers may not take the crown as the world’s tallest dogs, but they still rank as among the more popular breeds due to various reasons.  They are among the friendliest of the dog breeds ever.  They are quite gentle, enthusiastic, and loyal.  Because of these traits, Labrador Retrievers are ideal for families even if they are relatively heavier and bigger.

As was mentioned earlier, some Labrador Retrievers could technically be classified as medium-sized instead of being large-sized.  But since the breed can reach the full twenty-four inches tall, most would consider them to be large-sized dogs.

Make an appointment at your veterinarian Seminole FL for your pet’s health and dental checks.

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