Monday, 18 April 2022

Tips For Hassle-Free Visits To The Veterinarian With Your Cat


We all know how hard it is to keep our cats at ease when it's time for another check-up. But it's not just the physical aspects of a check-up that stress them out -- it's also the dread they have to contend with during the drive to the clinic or hospital. If you've ever had to wait in line to do something you didn't look forward to doing, like getting an injection, then you know the feeling.

In addition, your cat may be prone to carsickness, which adds even more to the anxiety. The best way to counter this is through training. You can start taking your kitten out for short drives at two months old. Increase the duration and distance gradually to avoid overwhelming your feline friend.

Choose a carrier of comfortable size but not too big that the medical staff would have a hard time taking the cat out. It should be able to adjust its position while inside, and there should be soft bedding to make the little guy feel comfortable while in transit. It won't change your cat's attitude toward vets overnight, but at least it can relax before and after the appointment.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Washington DC. 

Keeping Your Pet Rat Safe Outside The Cage


You should not keep your pets inside their enclosures all the time. These creatures need to go out of the cage and stretch their legs every once in a while. Such endeavor also provides the pets opportunities for physical and mental stimulation as well as interactions.

 If your let is a rat, be careful when bringing him out. Keep in mind that rats love to chew anything and/or everything. So, ensure that your home is rat-proofed to prevent any misfortunate events.

What can you do? Consider the following methods:

  • Keep all valuable things out of reach by your pet rat. In addition, dangerous or toxic objects should be placed in areas that your rat cannot find.
  • Secure loose carpet corners.
  • Enclose your electrical cables in a casing. You wouldn’t want your rat to chew on those. Right?
  • Give your rat chew toys to prevent picking on things that are dangerous or valuable.

Consult your veterinarian Louisville, KY about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Do Chilean Rose Hair Tarantulas Make Ideal Pets ?

Are you planning to own a unique pet? If it is your first time caring for an animal, consider bringing home a Chilean rose tarantula. These creatures possess one-of-a-kind characteristics or traits that make them unusual yet wonderful pets.

Here are more pieces of information about these species to help you decide if they are best for you:

  • Chilean rose tarantula is also known as Chilean fire or rose hair tarantula.
  • These creatures originally come from South America, and they grow at around 3 to 4 inches big.
  • They reside in the deserts and scrub areas.
  • These spiders are easy to feed since they enjoy having small lizards, insects, worms, and other small mammals.
  • The lifespan of female rose tarantulas reaches up to 20 years, which is longer than that of their male counterparts that die months after they have mated with their female partners.
  • These tarantulas are ideal for first-time owners like you because of their calm and submissive behavior. But, do not handle them very often because they may get aggressive.
  • Chilean rose tarantulas raise their front legs when they are about to bite you. They also release spin-like hair that contains a gentle venom when threatened. You may get skin rashes when hit by the hair.

Do you think you’d enjoy bonding with these tarantulas? Why not? You may adopt one from a pet store since they are common among hobbyists.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Wichita, KS.

Cats Get Dandruff, Too!


There is a long list of possible causes of cat dandruff. Some are not nearly as threatening as the others, like when a cat can't groom certain body parts because it's too fat. And then there are more bothersome reasons, like bug infestation problems, which you can fix by using anti-flea shampoos.

But the one thing that warrants caution is the possibility that your cat has cancer. Arrange for an appointment with the vet if you think your cat's dandruff is out of control. Cutaneous lymphoma is a medical emergency that requires professional help to address.

It could also be a matter of diet, in which case you should take a second look at what you've been feeding your cat. If its meals consist of salty food, your pet's dandruff could have resulted from an ongoing kidney problem. A situation for which a vet can prescribe medicine.

Other indicators of a severe underlying condition include vomiting, dry and cracked skin, a gloomy disposition, and refusal to eat.

If you notice any signs of infection, parasites, and other skin and hair coat problems, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your animal hospital Gresham, OR so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup.

Helping Your Cat Have A Positive Transition After The Pandemic

Many of us experienced depression when the lockdowns happened during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. But we weren't the only ones whose lives changed. Our cats had to make adjustments, too.

Now that governments are lifting the restrictions one by one, people are also going back to their old habits of leaving their homes in the morning and coming home hours later. The thing is, our pets have become used to us staying at home most of the time. And suddenly, they have to be alone in the house for hours at a time.

Before nationwide quarantines became a thing, our pets had a certain level of understanding regarding our daily schedule. But then, remote working became the new normal for us, and they grew accustomed to the extra attention we were suddenly able to give them. The adjustment wasn't too hard for them because it was a welcome change.

But you disappearing for hours each day is not a welcome change. Your cat may interpret it as abandonment which can lead to restlessness. But there's a way to remedy this. If your boss has informed you that they will start requiring your physical presence at work two weeks from now, start training your cat.

Leave your cat for one hour on the first day. Make that two hours on the second day, add another on the next, and so on, until your cat stops caring where you go. If that doesn't address its separation anxiety, nothing will.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your local animal hospital Portland, OR

Friday, 15 April 2022

Are You Thinking About Getting A Crested Gecko For A Pet?

Have you always dreamed of owning a unique pet? It may not have crossed your mind to have a pet gecko, but why not consider it? You may bring home a Crested Gecko also called the “eyelash gecko.”

This adorable species of geckos originally lives in the south part of New Caledonia. These creatures were introduced to the public by Alphone Guichenot, a French zoologist, in 1866. People assumed that these animals were extinct until Robert Seipp discovered them again in 1994.

These geckos have a transparent spectacle or scale that serves as their eyelids and keeps their eyes hydrated. Crested geckos possess webbed legs.

These Cresties can become stressed and lose their tails in the process. These tails do not grow back. The Crested geckos without tails are known as “frog butts.” Interesting characteristics, right? So, do not think twice about adopting a Crested Gecko.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Derby. Click here to know more.

Cold Weather Care Tips For Dogs

We all know it's tempting to wrap your dog in layers of blankets and cuddle together while waiting out the winter. But believe it or not, they still need to go outside on cold days, if only for a few minutes. As a pet owner, it falls on you to ensure the safety of your fur baby while you humor the little bugger.

Ahead of the start of the winter, it is common practice to take your dog to your trusted vet for a check-up. Doing so will allow you to address any underlying condition that the cold might make worse. It's okay to use medicine to help mitigate symptoms, especially the extreme ones, but try to limit it to what the vet recommended.

If your pet is still young enough to be called a puppy, the little guy will likely have more challenges dealing with the cold. An adult dog is needy enough, so it's a safe bet that a puppy would require more care. If you like dressing up your pet, this is the perfect opportunity as the added layers will help keep them warm.

If your pet is showing signs of hypothermia, contact your veterinary health center Derby immediately.