Showing posts with label veterinarian Gresham OR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian Gresham OR. Show all posts

Saturday 16 April 2022

Cats Get Dandruff, Too!


There is a long list of possible causes of cat dandruff. Some are not nearly as threatening as the others, like when a cat can't groom certain body parts because it's too fat. And then there are more bothersome reasons, like bug infestation problems, which you can fix by using anti-flea shampoos.

But the one thing that warrants caution is the possibility that your cat has cancer. Arrange for an appointment with the vet if you think your cat's dandruff is out of control. Cutaneous lymphoma is a medical emergency that requires professional help to address.

It could also be a matter of diet, in which case you should take a second look at what you've been feeding your cat. If its meals consist of salty food, your pet's dandruff could have resulted from an ongoing kidney problem. A situation for which a vet can prescribe medicine.

Other indicators of a severe underlying condition include vomiting, dry and cracked skin, a gloomy disposition, and refusal to eat.

If you notice any signs of infection, parasites, and other skin and hair coat problems, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your animal hospital Gresham, OR so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Do Cats Need Omega Supplements?


Who said that cats do not need supplements or added vitamins and minerals? They do, especially as they age because they experience more issues with their health. One food supplement you can give your cats is omega. 

Omega offers several health benefits for your furry felines as your health is improved by consuming omega-3 and omega-6.

Cats can benefit from three omega-3 fatty acids. What are these, and what exactly can they do?

DHA - This acid serves as the foundational part of the brain. DHA helps promote vision development and improvement of the central nervous system.

EPA - This acid improves joint health and reduces inflammation in the different parts of the body. EPA helps prevent chronic, long-term illnesses due to mild inflammation.

ALA - This acid stands for alpha-linolenic acid. In most cases, cats have to convert ALA into either EPA or DHA, so it can be useful.

Do consult your vets Gresham OR before starting your pet on any supplement. 

Monday 28 March 2022

Will Spaying Have Adverse Effects On My Cat?


With most cats, ovariohysterectomy or spaying has no ill effects.  With certain cats, particularly Siamese breed cats, the new fur growth on the area where the surgery happened might be somewhat darker, possibly because of a change in the temperature of the skin.  That darkened patch will typically grow out when the cat next sheds, replacing her fur naturally.  There are a lot of beliefs and myths surrounding spaying which are not substantiated by research or facts.  Be sure that you consult your veterinarian for any concerns or questions before the surgery.

Would spaying cause your pet cat to become overweight? 

Spaying cats does slow down their metabolism, which might lead to the animal being more sedentary.  In turn, this lifestyle could make your pet gain weight.  But if you regularly monitor your pet’s condition and adjust her activities and diet accordingly, excessive weight gain can be mitigated.

Your animal hospital Gresham OR can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Saturday 31 July 2021

Can Adult Cats Become Bonded Pairs ?

Sociable older cats that get placed in one home could become quite close with each other.  It does take longer for an adult cat to form bonds if it forms at all.  Generally speaking, she will have to figure out the hierarchy, sort through emotional baggage, and draw some boundaries.  Cats are individualistic as they have personalities that might not mesh nicely with others.  But it does happen sometimes.  For instance, a shy cat will typically become attached to submissive yet confident cats but might become quite overwhelmed by dominant and confident ones.

And then there are the unexpected instances. Interesting bonds can be formed in animal shelters as well.  Two quite independent cats will suddenly form a pair and get attached to each other after being brought to a shelter even if they come from totally different backgrounds.

A distinctive progression of their bonding can usually be observed.  One of the cats will follow the other around, even pretending to get bothered because of the constant intrusion.  Gradually, that other cat will give in and accept the follower, like a choreographed dance.  The takeaway here is that after the bond gets formed, it becomes as tight as other bonds, requiring the cats to be taken in together.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian Gresham OR if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

When Kittens Eight To Twelve Weeks Old Explore Their Environment


As soon as a new kitten becomes weaned off the mother and her littermates, she is then at the right time to form the emotional link together with her new owner.  Her new owner must be prepared to bear the responsibility of being the kitten’s mother, that is, providing emotional security, a comfortable living area, water, and food.

When the kitten is moved to a new family, she must be allowed to go about and explore her new surroundings and acclimate to the new scents, sights, and sounds.  It is experiences like these that will become vital to the mental and physical growth of your new pet.  But be sure that you are there to supervise these exploratory ventures.

If your young kitten is not allowed to go exploring, she will eventually grow up into adulthood with a fear of things unfamiliar to her when she encounters them later on.  She will be nervous when brought to a new environment and might also become unfriendly to strange humans or other animals.

Check with your veterinarian Gresham, OR regarding ways of meeting your pet’s necessities.  Check this website to know more about these needs.

Monday 15 February 2021

Newborn Kitten Care

Two essential elements of taking care of a newborn kitty are litter box training and grooming. 

The litter box should be shallow and located in a safe and uncrowded area. Make the litter box visible to your pet. As for the litter, there are many options to choose and sticking to a particular litter will depend on your pet’s preference. Allow your cat to examine the box and get familiar with it. One technique that may stimulate your pet to eliminate is to gently wipe your kitten’s genital area with a warm cotton ball or clean cloth. When you see your kitten about to go, put it in the litter box. In this way, your kitten will be able to know the purpose of the litter box.

Start a grooming routine early by regularly brushing your kitten’s hair to remove loose hairs and reduce hairballs. Clip its nails as well to reduce the possibility of claw snag. You may start with one or two nails first in one sitting until you finish the rest in the next sessions.

Your veterinary clinic Gresham OR is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s needs and well-being.

Thursday 24 December 2020

Ticks Can Carry Illnesses


Not all ticks are capable of transmitting diseases to other animals but some that are well-known to infect dogs are carriers of a disease that can, unfortunately, be transmitted to humans. And this is one of the major reasons why tick infestation should be addressed immediately. 

The most common symptoms of diseases caused by ticks are fever, swelling of the joints, anemia, and lameness. But some species of ticks can cause you to suffer from paralysis albeit temporarily. Proper treatment will help you alleviate these symptoms. 

If you are staying in a place where ticks proliferate, you should make it a habit to check your dogs for any signs of tick infestation. It is also best if you can learn how to remove the ticks carefully from your dogs but much better if you consult your vet Gresham OR to devise a plan to eradicate ticks from your dogs.