Showing posts with label pet clinic Gresham OR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Gresham OR. Show all posts

Monday 28 March 2022

Will Spaying Have Adverse Effects On My Cat?


With most cats, ovariohysterectomy or spaying has no ill effects.  With certain cats, particularly Siamese breed cats, the new fur growth on the area where the surgery happened might be somewhat darker, possibly because of a change in the temperature of the skin.  That darkened patch will typically grow out when the cat next sheds, replacing her fur naturally.  There are a lot of beliefs and myths surrounding spaying which are not substantiated by research or facts.  Be sure that you consult your veterinarian for any concerns or questions before the surgery.

Would spaying cause your pet cat to become overweight? 

Spaying cats does slow down their metabolism, which might lead to the animal being more sedentary.  In turn, this lifestyle could make your pet gain weight.  But if you regularly monitor your pet’s condition and adjust her activities and diet accordingly, excessive weight gain can be mitigated.

Your animal hospital Gresham OR can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

How Long do Golden Retrievers Live?

Should you be thinking about adopting a pet Golden Retriever or perhaps already own one, it may be useful to know the breed’s life expectancy.  Most pet lovers get a dog, then treat him as a full family member.  Thus, losing a pet, whatever age you may be, could be quite difficult.

Unfortunately, Golden Retrievers are highly likely to develop bone cancer, blood cancer, and lymphoma when compared to other dog breeds.  Even while they are young, these dogs could develop cancer.  Nothing has been found yet that links to the Golden Retriever breed’s increased cancer risk.  Should you be thinking about welcoming a pet Golden Retriever home, remember that mentioned cancer risk.  This, however, does not mean Golden Retrievers do not make ideal pets, because they do.  You just need to remember that possibility.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, call your pet hospital Gresham, OR. Read more here.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

What to expect at your cat’s first vet visit


You have a cat in your life who needs you to be aware of her needs time and time again. This means making sure you are able to offer her not only some care at home, but also when she needs it to come from someone outside of the family. This makes you wonder – what should you expect at her first visit to the vet?

Your pet needs you to be aware of her needs in order to understand when it’s time to bring her in to see a veterinarian. Luckily, the initial visit to the vet will be to establish your pet’s care and see what she may need for future attention. She will be examined and you will be asked questions about her health, lifestyle, and background so her vet can get a better understanding of what she needs. For additional information, please contact your local experienced animal hospital Gresham OR.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

NSAIDs for Dogs

Vet Gresham, OR

Did you know that NSAIDs stands for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs? The drugs can be prescribed to people and animals for various reasons. For instance, if your dog has been prescribed an NSAID then it is due to some inflammation or pain that your dog is having. Make sure you talk to your vet to find out the exact reason for the prescription and what kind of outcome or result you should see after the treatment is given. NSAIDs can help reduce swelling, stiffness and joint pain that is associated with arthritis and recent surgery. It’s important that you only give your NSAIDs prescribed for your dog to your dog. Do not give your dog people NSAIDs as these are not the same. When giving your dog the medication make sure to watch for side effects like changes in behavior, skin issues, vomiting, etc. You can learn more here or call your vet Gresham, OR for more details.